Appearance: Image will be created later for both forms, most likely in a few days
Syalain Iviras
Demon; winged
Black Rose
Second in command
Weapon: "Silver Ichor"- Photo and Thorn
A set of two black silk hand fans, the edge of each fan lined in razor-sharp silver. Both have the power to send gusts of cool wind, tinged by the scent of roses. Using both in unison is much stronger than their separate counterparts. They could be attached to each other into one large fan: "Silver Ichor".
Photo: The back of the fan is coated in a reflective material. When opened swiftly, it releases a flash of blinding light; which can stun enemies as a diversion and the light is known to accelerate plant growth. The brightness and duration of the light is dependent on how fast it is flung open; slower for a duller, but longer lasting light, and quicker for a brighter, shorter light.
Thorn: Each of the eight spokes on the fan itself is a thin, silver blade, useful for slashing and stabbing. The blades can be shot from the fan in a flinging motion and fly with accurate precision. However, the blades themselves must grow back like thorns on their own and cannot be replaced manually. (Insert picture of Syalain furiously opening and closing her other fan to make the blades grow back faster)
Passive Abilities:
Being "lucky" in having two sets of wings, a large and small pair. She has great maneuverability for most occasions. The smaller wings are for small movements, such as needing to jump to a higher point, or hovering. The larger wings are for broad distances and gliding. Using them both at the same time does absolutely nothing, as the smaller ones are easily overpowered by the larger ones; at most they can be used interchangeably to adjust herself mid flight.
By keeping still for an extended period of time, at least 5 minutes, she could be able to hear the slightest of sounds. Same goes for identifying weak points and minute details. The longer she stays still, the more acute the senses are. This also helps her remember anything as long as she consciously puts it to memory; anything else can be easily forgotten.
Adaptive Resistance:
If subjected to an injury, such as slicing her hand on a blade, her skin will scale up within minutes, similar to the texture of her wings, creating a sort of bandage. This condition goes down after no other trauma has affected the area for at least an hour. She is resistant to temperatures between 10-110°F after 10 minutes of exposure.
Active Abilities:
Lets Syalain walk and travel quietly and quickly so long as there is a shadow to step into. She can step from one shadow to another as long as she can see it. However, she cannot move this way if there is a solid object that's in the way. (Iron gate between two shadows=yes, sheet of clear glass=no)
A healing like ability that removes poisons and stitches up wounds if they have been introduced into the body in the past 24 hours. Being healed from this ability feels similar to trying to slide your hand down a vine of thorns.
A group of crows can be summoned, such as for a diversion. They can be commanded to attack, scout, or gather things. The crows can either be called from the surrounding area, or be created from shadow. Birds created from shadow disappear in daylight.
Has moderate skill at manipulating wind. Examples such as creating breezes, making small puffs of wind to knock things over, and making sounds with the wind. This skill is refined and more powerful with the use of her weapon; in their separated form for precise uses and combined form for power. She can manipulate wind without her weapon, it's just not as accurate
Sweets, particularly white chocolate and caramel
Warm blankets
Tactics, in every sense of the word
Soup (Lobster Bisque is her favorite)
Subtly showing off her skills and smarts
Laying in the grass
Dark Chocolate
Laying on her back (small wings get in the way)
Unnatural colors
Gatherings of more than 20 people
Syalain is very much a "if you need something done, do it yourself" type of girl; more in the sense of she's always the one to get the job done.. When it comes to her work, she's to the point, not wanting to do anything but take the most effective action, unless she is told otherwise by her higher up. She takes her work very seriously, so she can have more time to herself later. Even though she isn't one for large crowds, she does enjoy spending time with her acquaintances and those of the clan, as long as they don't give in the way of her work.
Her birth itself was uneventful. No sudden event, no prophecy, just a child with both a mother and father.
The moment of interest was when her wings started growing in. Both of her parents were winged, and it was expected that their only child would be too. They grew in fast, being quite large from a young age. However, when the second set started to grow in, that's when things proceeded to become different. Her parents were ecstatic at such a feat, thinking she was destined for greatness despite the young demon often being teased for it outside of home by others. But to her parents, it was no laughing matter. In hopes of their daughter becoming something great, they let her pick up a bunch of different hobbies, just to see what stuck and to let her grow unrestricted, fostering success any way possible.
Eventually, after many, many different things, she stumbled across a pair of old fans in their home. Her mother was knowledgeable in fans as an art form, so she decided to teach Syalain. However, as time went on, she found other uses for this interest, and that was to combine the grace and precision of fan dancing with the strength of practiced combat. From there, her skills began to flourish more, her powers following suit.
"Silver Ichor" was less of a coincidence, but more of a lifetime investment for Syalain. It originally came in the form of a rumor; a mere string of gossip that went around as nothing more than a story. Turns out it did in fact exist, but it was already in possession of someone else; a trader in fact. Desperate to have such an item, she showed the holder that she had the skill to be worthy of the weapon. However, the trader had intended to trade it for a large sum of money; if she wanted it, she'd have to work for it, or for him, in particular. So she did, years and years of her life working odd jobs for him, ranging from errands to other dubious services.
She would have had more than a decade left of work if it wasn't for Haven being attacked. When everyone was being attacked, her and her family hid away for days, but in the end all making it out alive. Her "boss" wasn't so lucky. In his death, she unapologetically took what she thought was rightfully hers; the dead didn't need money anyway. At the very least, she didn't pocket it. Instead, she gave it to her parents in hopes of them moving somewhere safer, where she decided she would be the one not only to protect them, but the rest of the city.
She never intended to be the "Second in Command". It just sort of happened. Ever since the incident, she realized that she needed to use her skills for those of her clan. She offered her strength, growing in skill and power, to not just better herself, but the rest of the people. Soon after, she began going up the ranks, proving herself more and more by the day, and becoming more in tune with her blades. When she was chosen to take the position of "Second in Command" years later, she was honored, yet a bit surprised, but took the position without hesitation.
Nowadays, she works by the side of the leader of the clan, eager to be of use. She still keeps in touch with her parents, but rarely due to wanting to keep them safe and away from her troubles.
-Brand is on the back of her right hand, usually hides it with lace gloves that match her fans.
-Truesight/hearing is uncontrollable, to the point where she has to pace sometimes to avoid sitting still. She has to sleep in a quiet room to avoid another sleepless night from her overactive ability.
-For some reason, when going into human form, there is a chance for her small wings to not disappear. It either takes her a few tries or she wears a hoodie for the day. She has no problems with her larger set.
-Despite the hassle they give her, she enjoys both pair of wings, even if finding suitable attire for them is a chore.
-She volunteers at the library in her human form to get away from stress sometimes. On breaks, she goes to the local cafe to people watch, ordering the elusive third option of a hot chocolate since she doesn't like caffeine.