Group RP DBP: Character Sheets

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Group RP DBP: Character Sheets


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The Four Clans

Black Rose (East)
Leader - Taken (happydeath)
Second-In-Command - Taken (Vytra)
Members - Unlimited

Bloody Moon (North)
Leader - Taken (Sanity43217)
Second-In-Command - Open
Members - Unlimited

Ravinca (West)
Leader - Taken (Saiga)
Second-In-Command - Taken (Abroxis)
Members - Unlimited

Serpent's Kiss (South)
Leader - Taken (Ai-in Ayan)
Second-In-Command - Open
Members - Unlimited

Ash Wolves

Leader - Open
Second-In-Command - Open
Operatives - (Unlimited)



Feel Free to use any sort of coding you wish for your Character Sheet.

{Appearance. Picture or Description is acceptable. Demon characters also provide a picture of demon form.}


Age: (Demons; add your normal appearance age. Your demonic age is to multiply your normal age by 100. Meaning if your character is 15, their demonic age will be 1500.)


Race: (Human or Demon. No hybrids please.)

Clan: (Only for demons.)

Rank: (Leader, Second in command, Member/Operator)

Role: (For humans and demons who are new to Haven; Huntsmen, Explorer, etc.)

Weapons: (THREE for humans. ONE for demons.)

Passive Abilities: (Passive abilities such as Super Strength, Speed, Endurance, etc. Are not considered an ability and are allowed as many as you wish as long as they are manageable.)

Active Abilities: (Only for demons. FOUR MAX. Note: Clan leaders must have one ability that is a 'clan ability' that fits the name of their respective clan. Clan ability for Leaders are not considered ONE of your FOUR abilities, it is simply because you will not be using it often. ASK if you need help. Ash Wolves who have demonic 'enhancements' may have ONE ability.)





Extra: (Demon characters, add where your brand of which clan you are is on. Also anything else you might want to add. Humans add whatever other information you wish to add here.)

Theme (Optional. What music best describes your character?)​
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Demon Form
Avaddon De'Angulis



Abyssal Demon

Black Rose


A large scythe that is imbued with his father's energy that allows it to split into two seperate sickles. It is also capable of being called forth or summoned at the hands of Avaddon.

Passive Abilities
Demonic Attributes<

Just like other demons, Avaddon's strength, endurance, and speed are greatly enhanced compared to that of a human's. Although similar to other demons, he can also control just how much strength he uses as well as when he uses it.

>Adaptive Fighting<
No matter how dangerous the situation might be due to the environment or how powerful his opponent might be. While Avaddon fights, he will mentally and physically adapt to his opponents' fighting style as well as his surroundings to allow him to fight more fluidly.

>Eagle's Vision<
As long as the sky is clear whether it be night or day, if Avaddon closes a single eye he is capable of seeing the entire city at a bird's eye view in real time. However if a cloud were to cover up the Moon or Sun, he is unable to see anything until it passes over.

Active Abilities
Plant Generation<

As long as he stands on solid ground and not elevated due to being on another floor in a building. Avaddon is able to grow stems, trees, or any kind of plant depending on how fertile the ground is; out of the ground. These plants, depending on how large he wishes to grow them can bend and twist in any direction to coil around or strangle his opponents.

>Vibration Manipulation<
Requiring him to make full physical contact with an object or person, he can send vibration waves through the target and depending on how much he sends through their body or the object it can cause the entire skeleton or structure of the building to collapse in itself. If he were to do so to the ground it would cause an earthquake.

>Thermal Control<
Whether it be to increase the temperature to the point that nearly anything is set ablaze or lower the temperature till things begin to freeze over; Avaddon is able to control the flames as well as ice to his own will however he is unable to control anything that is between those two types of elements such as the water, or steam.

Depending on the ability and for how long he watches the user of said ability using the ability, eventually Avaddon is capable of copying the same power of nearly anyone. While this is limited depending on how powerful the ability is, he can only copy smaller abilities such as simple manipulations of water, spitting poison, or running faster. He is unable to go as far as to summon the undead, cause severe harm to someone with any overwhelming power or create constructs that are about the size of buildings.

>Clan Ability -- Eden's Fall<
Avaddon's true power that keeps him the rank of Leader over the entire Black Rose clan is known as Eden's Fall. Capable of summoning giant trees and plants all throughout the city that would cover nearly half of the city till all the buildings would be ruins leaving everything to appear as though it were a giant forest. While the trees and all plants within the forest are abnormally large in size compared to any other plant or tree on the planet, Avaddon has complete control of every plant in the forest as though they are him. However damage to the plants or trees within the forest takes strain upon his body and if he is unable to keep the ability going, all the plants and trees die out before fading away.

✓ Tea
✓ Haven
✓ Peace
✓ Meditation
✓ Cooking
✓ Sparring

✗ Bitter Food
✗ Excessive Blood
✗ Senseless Fighting
✗ Liars
✗ Wasting Time
✗ Arrogance
✗ Cockiness

Avaddon is very friendly while also stern at the sametime. He enjoys making sure people are happy around him and comfortable when they are new to Haven. Though when it comes to a serious matter, he will not hold back on what needs to be said and only speaks about what is best for all the people of Haven as well as the entire city. When it comes to those who commit crimes, he shows no remorse when it comes to punishing them for their crimes.

Avaddon was born into the De'Angulis family also known to be the family of the Founders of the Black Rose clan. During his time within the family, he was constantly and strictly taught day and night on how to defend himself with the use of his powers as well as learning to use one weapon after another till he finally found the weapon that best suited him.

Of course, due to his young age Avaddon showed no care for what he had to do and only did it because it was expected of him by his parents. Also, because he was young he never really understood the whole thing about how the Founders had to constantly meet one another and even when he went to the meeting with his family one day, it was still confusing to him about everything they spoke of.

Most days or nights when his family had to go to their meetings, he would constantly sneak his way into the Neutral Zone and make his way into the restricted areas of the Neutral Zone just to see how feral demons acted. Although he knew it was dangerous, Avaddon enjoyed the thrill and would either run or hide when he knew he was at risk at getting caught by the creatures. It wasn't until one day that he made a wrong decision on where he decided to hide that he was caught by a large group of feral demons. Right before they could tear him apart, he was quickly rescued by his father who came crashing down upon the ferals just to take Avaddon away from the area and return home.

There, he was scolded by both his parents about his recklessness and was no longer allowed to leave the manor without proper escort aside from when he was doing further training.

Centuries passed as the fateful day came to pass as an unknown figure came to Haven demanding to see the Founders. Calling out upon the Founders, Avaddon could only watch from the safety of his home on the television as news reporters and camera crews filmed everything since it was a random stranger who called for the Founders out in the open while calling the city a useless piece of trash along with the Founders being weak.
Even when the stranger was told to leave without any avail, it wasn't until the sight of the monstrous creature arriving did the entire city shake and Avaddon became terrified.

All he could remember was passing out and absolute darkness over all of the city and his home for several hours before a rescue team had arrived from the Black Rose clan to help him out from the rubble of what was the remains of the Black Rose manor. Finding out that his family was dead along with the other Founders as well, it took him several years to adjust to the fact his only family had now perished. With this knowledge, soon enough Avaddon began to put much more effort into his training and eventually found himself with the Oathbreaker his father and mother had planned to give him since they knew his best weapon was the Scythe after-all.

Finally, years passed and he was selected to become the new Leader of the Black Rose clan and to this day, he has made sure never to fail again on letting anyone else suffer a fate as the Founders did.

Avaddon's Black Rose symbol resides on his right shoulder.
He wears a necklace that has a ruby on it that he has never seen without that was given to him as a gift by his family.
He drives a motorcycle when he is not walking from place to place.
When not taking care of his duties as a Leader, Avaddon disguises himself and goes by the name Axel while working for a cafe.

Lauren Aquilina - King
c416a4c5fc45f1ba22647a265a22764f.jpg Demon Form
Name: Glumisun Palma Cristi

Meaning of Name:
Glumisun [pronounced as 'gloomy sun'] is a wordplay based from the song Gloomy Sunday. It is also known as the Hungarian Suicide Song. It is said that those who listen to the song would actually commit suicide.

Palma Christi, also known as Castor plant, is known to be the most poisonous plant according to Guinness World Records. This plant also has the ability to heal.

Age: 2869

Gender: Female

Race: Sirenical Demon

Clan: Serpent's Kiss

Rank: Leader

Weapon: Chaos' Song

To those who do not know of Glumisun's abilities, a musical instrument is not considered as a weapon. Chaos' Song, as she has affectionately named it, is a Tuvshuur with four spikes [all points of the triangular body and the head] and a sharpened blade on the lower side of its body.
Serpent's Kiss is a clan known for their alluring auras and water magic. Instead of chanting the spell out or creating the appropriate sigils/actions, Glumisun does the spell through music. Chaos' Song amplifies the sound and affects even those who could not hear within a certain area.
The down side of Chaos' Song is that it is a double-edged sword. It requires the blood of powerful beings to be effective against the opponents. Glumisun has to wipe the strings with her blood to awaken the weapon's potential.
The longer it is played, the bloodier and more numb the hands would be, the more powerful the spells are released. That is why she uses the instrument sparsely for her fingers are important to her. When the battle is over, Glumisun has to be left in her devices to try and get her bearing again. Her sense of balance, as well as direction, is distorted by the loud sounds the instrument could get.
If an enemy closes in, Glumisun could the spikes and the sharpened part of the instrument and turn it into a battle ax. This feature is only used as a means of self defense. Once the damage had been inflicted, she usually tried to get distance and finish them off with her spells or that she flee from the battle.

Passive Abilities:
  • Pheromone Secretion - all of the member born to the clan has this ability. How much they actually 'secrete' depends on how willing the demon is or how much they are affected by their emotions. Pheromones is like an invisible miasma where the demon creates a distinct smell that triggers a social response to those around them. The closer one is to the demon, the more interested one is to the demon. Glumisun uses this to her advantage by secretly secreting it inside the room in the middle of meetings.
  • Siren's Call - like the name suggests, Glumisun entices her targets by music. She would lure them with her songs before finishing them by drowning them.
  • Magic Haywire - Basing from her strong emotions, she would bring forth natural destruction from water. Examples would be rain, hail, fog, snow, freezing of an area.
  • Demonic Attributes - though she lacks strength and speed, she makes it up with her agility and fast reactions. She has sensitive hearing and a sharp sight. Her sight on land is the same as her sight under water.

Active Abilities:
Poison of the Sirens - Clan Ability
All of the people who hears this song would be attracted to Glumisun. She would gather them in a place before crushing them with water pressure. This ability takes both her mastery on spell casting and water manipulation. The amount of water she has to manipulate for her to create a crushing pressure is immense. Advantage of this is that the intended victims would surely be render unfit for battle. Disadvantage is that is takes time to actually prepare and that Glumisun is defenseless during her performance. It also takes too much magic/ mana to perform. Glumisun would barely be on her feet for days.
Water manipulation - Glumisun, like the people born in the clan, are masters of the waters.
Music Magic - Like said previously, Glumisun relies on her music to create spells. She is faster this way than chanting or creating the symbols on the air.
Blood Rain - A killing ability. Could only be used during the night where the moon is at its most powerful. The user would drain the blood of someone through the victim's pores, bursting some of the skin and parts.
Healing Pools - infuses the water with magic to help in healing her fellow demons. Since most of the more powerful demons could heal themselves quickly, this ability is somehow useless. What it does to them then is to remove the fatigue and helps the body rest. It eases the mind as well as replenishes the magic pool of the one taking a bath. The maximum Glumisun could infuse is an Olympic size swimming pool.

  • Music
  • Coffee
  • Research
  • Spell creation
  • Sweets [Though she dislikes anything coffee-flavored]
  • Red Mallows
  • The cold season

  • Leaf Water [Tea]
  • Her own status in Haven
  • Her demon form
  • The corruption or tinting of the healing springs
  • Talking smack to her clan
  • Weapons especially long-handled weapons i.e. spears, halberds, lochaber axes


As a member of the sirenical demons, Glumisun's flirtatious nature had been embedded into her very core. Adopting to the person's nature and luring them to see her side has been second nature to her. The irony of this was that the current leader of Serpent's Kiss wears her heart on her sleeves. Her loyalty to her clan, as well as Haven, is well known. She will do anything in her power to make sure that the members are not just surviving. She wants them to live. The magic she does backs up this fact; healing pools, calming music, diagnostic spells, etc.
Though she is not a fighter class, she revels in the sight of blood. This triggers the more violent side of hers where her words are unfiltered and her spells turn destructive.

Growing up under one of the most powerful families in Haven, Glumisun was stripped off of her freedom to decide. Those taking care of her would just give her what they thought was best. This turned her to a living doll, a pretty thing to be shown to the public. Her father, the founder of Serpent's Kiss, was shocked. He tried to correct what was already ingrained into her system.
"So, what do you want to do?" That question had shocked the female. Never in her life was she given this type of choice. Her father sighed and gently told her that she would start living in a temple not far from the family's compound. Off course, Glumisun nodded.
She was welcomed by the monks and healers and treated her like their own, on equal grounds. Slowly, she learned how to feel. She was guided in learning the healing arts and how to play music.
During her rounds [she became a healer], she stumbled upon a stranger playing the peculiar instrument. She asked what it was and requested to be taught how to play. The stranger warned that his instrument was cursed. She did not care. He tried to persuade her to drop the idea. She persisted on her idea by visiting every day and mimicking his movements. Finally relenting, the stranger offered the instrument.
The first thing she did was to have her palm cut when she slid it across the strings. The stranger, her tutor now, tensed. When nothing happened, her tutor gave a smile of affection. For years, she was under this person's care. She had learned from him how to create spells using any instruments. As her final 'exam', she was to create an original composition.
Like promised, she composed the song. "Would you let me hear what you have?" her father gently asked. Glumisun knew of that he was trying to get closer to her. She knew, even though very busy, he would come by the temple and watch her perform her everyday task from the shadows. He did care for her but was too afraid to openly show it. With a shy smile, she played the song. Her father was impressed until he identified the instrument. He ordered the execution of her tutor. She pleaded for him but was cut off when her father was being summoned into the heart of Haven. He patted her head and excused himself.
This was a problem for Glumisun. She could not overwrite her father's command. What he ordered was absolute. She dashed to the temple only to enter a scene that would scar her for a lifetime. Her tutor was turned into a weapon's rack; long-handled weapons were driven into his body. Her grief was short lived when one of the officers came into the room and dragged her away stating that Haven was being attacked. She was placed in a protection barrier with a few officers that would make sure she was safe. The day ended; the monster was sealed. Glumisun was too shocked to even react.
Devastated that both her father and her tutor died, she shut herself from everyone. Who came in and dragged her back to civilization was the same person who rescued her from being minced meat at the temple. She was forced into leadership and was taught to fight like her father. Her trauma with weapons was further stirred when her hands [most important part of her as a healer and musician] started having blisters and callouses. There was a time in her training where she finally snapped. She disregarded the spear and went to take her instrument. Without thinking, she unleashed a series of spells that had most of her fellow demons injured [nobody died]. This was when she discovered her sadistic side. She continued torturing her comrades until some of the officers pinned her down and grabbed the instrument from her.
After that incident, she apologized to her victims and announced that she was not her father. She never was. The officers and survivors then realized that their new leader was trying to carve her own path. Since she never dreamed of commanding a small unit [much less the entirety of her clan], her decision making for the betterment of her clan needs improvement. Thus, she started calling forth those with experience in every front of the political world to help her. Centuries of trial and error until the current system for the clan was established. She tried and failed to give the reigns to someone else. "If you want me to be the leader, I ask of you to guide me then."

  • The insignia of her clan is located at her nape.
  • If one is to look for her, she is usually found mingling with the scholars and 'commoners'
  • She wears a pair of thin gloves to hide the fact that her hands are covered with wounds.
  • Though she could not fight as good as the other warriors, Glumisun is a master in the art of running away.
  • Usually disappears three days per the turning of the moon. She disguises herself as a plain civilian and just visits other parts of Haven.
  • She has a crush on a cafe worker named Axel.
  • Rarely drinks but is a heavy weight.
  • She tends to mix up her native dialect and the common language used by Haven

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1591423799543.png Name: Marcus Vassenius Caprarius

Age: 3246

Gender: Male

Race: Demon

Clan: Bloody Moon

Rank: Leader

A pair of short machetes. Designed for slashing and chopping attacks. Enchanted for use with Elemental Energies. Using them as focuses for elemental attacks and magic, similar to the way one would use a wand.

Passive Abilities:
Anti-Psychic Presence - Marcus projects a presence that weakens psychic power, shutting down psychic powers and abilities, absorbing the energy behind them. Suppressing the underpinning elements of psychic powers themselves.
Demonic Aura - Marcus surrounds himself in wretched demonic energy.
Supernatural Condition - Marcus is strong enough to lift construction vehicles and destroy thick steel, fast enough to easily move at supersonic speeds, and durable enough to withstand most explosions.

Active Abilities:
Biomorphing- Marcus can shift his shape. A shapeshifter if you will. Able to warp his physical structure into nearly any form.
Metallic Magic - Marcus is able to perform a legendary form of magic that allows the user to cast magical spells feats through metal.
Aura Magic - Marcus can manipulate his Aura for various purposes. Predominantly using it for Aura Combat.
Elemental Recomposition - Channeling Elemental Energies into his blades, he can create elemental effects. Basing off the five Wu Xing element system. Fire, Water, Earth, Metal, wood. He can even split the energies across the blades, using a different element in each blade, to create new elements.
(CLAN) Howl of the Bloody Moon - Letting out a primal howl, Marcus releases what could only be described as a virus around him. Upon activation, Marcus takes on a much more bestial form and infects those around him. Those infected also take on a bestial form and go a bit feral. Members of the Blood Moon Clan become stronger and faster, and all those infected become more disposed to obey his orders. It has been likened to making Demons temporarily Feral. Although the effects are not permanent. The effects could last as long as an hour, to as little as a minute, depending on the demon-infested. Humans that become infected remain under the influence as long as a week. With lingering effects similar to Lycanthropy.

  • Beer
  • The Fighting Pitts
  • Nighttime
  • Full Moon
  • Metal (Music)
  • Having a Bath
  • Parties
  • Day Time
  • Peace
  • Tea
  • Humans
  • The quiet
Personality: Marcus treats his position with a morbid sense of humour. Treating it like a never-ending party. Every night, he hosts a party in the Bloody Moon headquarters. A man who treasures his past. He has a fairly good relationship with the other leaders, but won't hesitate to laugh at their troubles, and expects them to do the same. Having spent some time in the Fighting Pitts when he was younger. He revels at the sight of blood. The feel of flash under his fists as he beats his foes into submission. He holds no mercy for those that threaten his rule.
Marcus Vassenius Caprarius sometimes makes his way into the Neutral Zone, just to go to a run-down bar and get drunk without the overbearing politics of the four clans.

Bio: Marcus was raised training to understand the true implications of what their clan ability truly meant. Learning to control the beast within so that he could use it without having to give up his own consciousness. He wasn't a fan of this during his younger years. So, he started frequenting the Fighting Pitts. Taking his anger out by beating other lesser demons into a pulp.
When his father found out, he was ostracized from the family. Cut off for many years.
Marcus Vassenius Caprarius continued in his path. His father had confined him to the neutral zone, and he found himself fighting in underground fight clubs. Often being paired against ferals, as they were the ones who could keep up with his savage animosity. Strengthening his aura, and moulding it into a weapon.
Marcus started becoming well known in the underground fight scene and even started going up against normal demons, but he managed to use his abilities to keep up with more esoteric foes.
While the underground fight clubs were technically illegal, they were generally left alone by law enforcement. As long as the Feral didn't escape, it was generally seen as a way to pacify the less fortunate, while slowly culling the Ferals. Hell, if Demons wanted to kill each other, it as better to have it contained, and why not make a few dollars selling tickets to watch the fight?
Which is why Marcus's father commissioned The Lost Soul Amphitheater. It was technically legal, and much more controlled and regulated than the dingy underground arenas Marcus was used to fighting in, but a talent scout saw one of his fights. Without recognising him as the Son of the Founder of the Bloody Moon Clan, the talent scout offered Marcus a place in the big leagues.
The first thing that he needed was weapons. He couldn't fight bare-fisted as he had done for so many years. He was given Overwhelm and Overpower, Blood Blades of the Elements.
Marcus Vassenius Caprarius was armoured up and sent in the arena. Under the view of most of the Bloody Moon Clan. Including his father. Given he was wearing a mask at the time, it wasn't surprising that no one recognised him. It was the first time Marcus had faced off against a professional fighter. The battle was hard. Though as it drew out, Marcus's after started finding something about one of the fighter's abilities oddly familiar. As Marcus was kicked solidly in the chest, the steel breastplate shattered revealing the large brand on his chest. Signifying he was a member of the Bloody Moon Clan. While few recognised the significance, the Founder of the Bloody Moon Clan recognised the placement as that of his son. Realising that one of the fighters was his Son, he watched on in trepidation. On the verge of calling off the fight. However, Marcus turned it around. Raining a flurry of blows onto his opponent, he ended up dismembering them. With the fight over, the crowd was cheering and Marcus was releasing the attention.
It was all going good for Marcus until his father came down into the Ring and scolded him. Saying he shouldn't be doing this. That it was dangerous. Marcus responded by saying that if he really cared, he wouldn't have sent Marcus away. At that moment, the Founder of the Bloody Moon Clan was called away to meet with a stranger. Saying they would talk about it later. Marcus was sent to their Estate. He was there when the creature attacked. Marcus fought his way past the guards at the estate just in time to see his father and other founder sacrifice themselves. Furious, he went back to the Estate to try and come up with a retaliation plan. It soon became apparent there wasn't anything to attack, so he went back to the Lost Soul Amphitheater and requested they bring in all the ferals they could. He spent the next three days slaughtering Ferals to vent his anger. After three days, his advisors refused to bring in more Ferals. He was staggered and exhausted. Bringing in more Ferals would have been suicide, but at the time, it was what Marcus wanted.
So, he just kneeled in the centre of the arena, surrounded by the mangled corpses of the Ferals and wept. Until the man who had trained him during childhood came over and helped him back to the estate. What followed were many years of mediation and training, helping him past the trauma and unlocking and enhancing his abilities.
It was been centuries since Marcus had moved on, and become the party animal he pretends to be. A front he keeps up to make sure the other Clans underestimate the Bloody Moon.
He has repaired the Lost Soul Amphitheater and often holds fight nights for the entertainment of his people. Sometimes still staring in them. Though considerably less now,.

Extra: The brand is large and on his chest. Nearly taking up the whole front of his torso.
He wears the Aura Channelling Coat of his father, letting him channel his aura into destructive blasts, or conceal it for more diplomatic occasions.
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(5'2' tall. His right hand has a skeletal appearance with blackened bones. Covered in scars.)
Name: Gal'Straagla

Age: 4300

Gender: Male

Race: Implish Scav'Demon

Clan: Ravinca

Rank: "Best leader. Best survivor."

Weapons: Pointy Lizard Tenders
A long time ago, Straggla was taking himself a nice stroll along side the cliff side edges of Ravinca, the water crashing against the rock sides below. Suddenly, a Goldine Iguana challenged him to battle. It was a close call, but Straggla came out victorious. To celebrate his win, he hacked off the lizard's hands with a sharpened rock, cored out the insides, and kidnapped a wizard to have him bless the hallow claws to forge them into the perfect weapon. It was a success, but the wizard tricked him! The claws were bound to him. At rest, they had the appearance of twin golden rings to either middle fingers. When summoned, the rings became the claws that would fuse to his own hands until the battle was done.
At least that's what he told his brethren. The truth is that he tried to steal from a human that he didn't know was a powerful enchanter. He slipped on the golden rings that he managed to snatch from the angry man, and immediately they singed his flesh, and fused to his middle fingers, giving him the claws he is able to summon now. He cannot take off the rings. Even when he stayed "dead", and his right hand began to rot, the ring had embedded itself to his blackened bones.

Passive Abilities:
  • I Faster That You - Unlike the other leaders of Haven, Straggla lacks enhanced strength. but because of that, his speed, and endurance is rivaled by no other.
  • Iron Gut - Straggla can eat anything. Meat, rocks, metal, paper. His stomach is filled with powerful acid that can burn through anything if vomited in high concentrations.

Active Abilities:
  • Spit Fire (Clan Ability) - Straggla is able to produce foul gas from his mouth that he can ignite at will with his fire heart. This ability comes often, accidentally when he is upset. He can also cough up balls of flammable sludge after he's eaten a meal. This combined with his tunneling, and quick speed can form to make flamming cannon balls fall from the sky as he runs beneath his foes, and shoots the flaming balls from beneath their feet.
  • I Cannot Be Heard - Straggla is able to bring his breathing, and heartbeat to a complete stop, ceasing all sounds that his body is able to make. He can remain "dead" for about an hour before the ability takes its toll, and his body will begin to decay.
  • Therefore I Cannot Be Seen - Cloaking himself in powerful illusion magic, he can magic himself virtual invisible to an untrained onlooker. However, he cannot cloak his eyes, so he must blind himself in order to become fully invisible.
  • Oh So Sensitive - He is able to kick his senses into high gear when he is unable to use his eyes, or when he sees it is necessary. He can hear an ant crawling through cotton miles away, he can spot a finger in a field of toes, he can smell a batch of cream rolls across a field, he can taste the tracks of an animal that has passed weeks ago, and he can feel the ribs of a woman with the thickest breasts in the land- if he chooses..
  • Mole Hole - Straggla can dig himself a nice hole with his powerful claws. He can burrow in almost any ground mineral, and tunnel to the ends of the earth.

  • Women
  • Hunting
  • Eating
  • Sleeping
  • Fighting
  • Biting
  • Scratching
  • Licking
  • Sex
  • Seafood - Lakefood - Riverfood
  • Drinking
  • Shiny Objects
  • Money
  • Jewelry
  • Boobs
  • Butts ("Men butt too? Eh.. butt butt..")
  • Thick.. Thick.. Thick..

  • Water.. Water.. Water.. ("Drink fine though..")
  • Cold Weather
  • Competition
  • Rivals
  • Baths
  • Loose clothing
  • Any clothing that restricts his hands and/or feet

Gal'Straagla is the angry, feral, violent, vulgar, sex driven leader of the Ravinca sands. With his claws, and dirty tactics, he has gained the fear, and respect of his impish brethren, and in turn they follow him as he steals from the human villages. Their women, food, mead, and money are not save. NO matter where they store their treasures, he finds them, and takes them for his own. Despite their plentiful gatherings, Ravinca remains a desolate ashen land, as Straggla is too greety to put the money to proper use. Despite this, his people are still happy, as he shares his wealth with them all.

"Straggla came.. Straggla fucked.. Straggla consumed.. Straggla rules.."
From an early age, Straggla was taught that if he wanted to survive, he needed to kill, and consume. Being the runt of 4 combined litters (11 babies counting him), he was always the odd one out, and the least assuming. This gave him the perfect chance to creep through the night, and slit the throats of his sisters, and brothers. His parents would fine their beds empty, and a little Straggla with a full belly.
Straggla has no story to be told. Wild animals only live to survive, therefore they cannot enjoy a full life of enjoyment, and love. Straggla lives to survive, and kill. Straggla is an animal, and he'll do what it takes to come out on top, and live another day.
Straggla's band resides behind his ear, and runs down his shoulder, though this spot is prone to his footy itches.
He cannot fly in his demon form because he doesn't take the time to learn, therefore he had his wings removed to move along the ground more efficiently.
When not raiding villages, or rough housing with other imps, Straggla can often be found napping atop a rock beneath the Ravian sun.
He finds sand the easiest, and most familiar material to bury through, and work with as his land is mostly made up of sand.
He often bites at strong gusts of wind, as he is challenging them to a fight. They never accept.
The only thing that could get him into any body of water, is the sight of swimming/crawling creatures below the surface.

Theme: Stripped - Fraunhoffer
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Appearance: Image will be created later for both forms, most likely in a few days

Syalain Iviras



Demon; winged

Black Rose

Second in command

Weapon: "Silver Ichor"- Photo and Thorn
A set of two black silk hand fans, the edge of each fan lined in razor-sharp silver. Both have the power to send gusts of cool wind, tinged by the scent of roses. Using both in unison is much stronger than their separate counterparts. They could be attached to each other into one large fan: "Silver Ichor".
Photo: The back of the fan is coated in a reflective material. When opened swiftly, it releases a flash of blinding light; which can stun enemies as a diversion and the light is known to accelerate plant growth. The brightness and duration of the light is dependent on how fast it is flung open; slower for a duller, but longer lasting light, and quicker for a brighter, shorter light.
Thorn: Each of the eight spokes on the fan itself is a thin, silver blade, useful for slashing and stabbing. The blades can be shot from the fan in a flinging motion and fly with accurate precision. However, the blades themselves must grow back like thorns on their own and cannot be replaced manually. (Insert picture of Syalain furiously opening and closing her other fan to make the blades grow back faster)

Passive Abilities:
Being "lucky" in having two sets of wings, a large and small pair. She has great maneuverability for most occasions. The smaller wings are for small movements, such as needing to jump to a higher point, or hovering. The larger wings are for broad distances and gliding. Using them both at the same time does absolutely nothing, as the smaller ones are easily overpowered by the larger ones; at most they can be used interchangeably to adjust herself mid flight.

By keeping still for an extended period of time, at least 5 minutes, she could be able to hear the slightest of sounds. Same goes for identifying weak points and minute details. The longer she stays still, the more acute the senses are. This also helps her remember anything as long as she consciously puts it to memory; anything else can be easily forgotten.

Adaptive Resistance:
If subjected to an injury, such as slicing her hand on a blade, her skin will scale up within minutes, similar to the texture of her wings, creating a sort of bandage. This condition goes down after no other trauma has affected the area for at least an hour. She is resistant to temperatures between 10-110°F after 10 minutes of exposure.

Active Abilities:
Lets Syalain walk and travel quietly and quickly so long as there is a shadow to step into. She can step from one shadow to another as long as she can see it. However, she cannot move this way if there is a solid object that's in the way. (Iron gate between two shadows=yes, sheet of clear glass=no)

A healing like ability that removes poisons and stitches up wounds if they have been introduced into the body in the past 24 hours. Being healed from this ability feels similar to trying to slide your hand down a vine of thorns.


A group of crows can be summoned, such as for a diversion. They can be commanded to attack, scout, or gather things. The crows can either be called from the surrounding area, or be created from shadow. Birds created from shadow disappear in daylight.

Has moderate skill at manipulating wind. Examples such as creating breezes, making small puffs of wind to knock things over, and making sounds with the wind. This skill is refined and more powerful with the use of her weapon; in their separated form for precise uses and combined form for power. She can manipulate wind without her weapon, it's just not as accurate

Sweets, particularly white chocolate and caramel
Warm blankets
Tactics, in every sense of the word
Soup (Lobster Bisque is her favorite)
Subtly showing off her skills and smarts
Laying in the grass


Dark Chocolate
Laying on her back (small wings get in the way)
Unnatural colors
Gatherings of more than 20 people

Syalain is very much a "if you need something done, do it yourself" type of girl; more in the sense of she's always the one to get the job done.. When it comes to her work, she's to the point, not wanting to do anything but take the most effective action, unless she is told otherwise by her higher up. She takes her work very seriously, so she can have more time to herself later. Even though she isn't one for large crowds, she does enjoy spending time with her acquaintances and those of the clan, as long as they don't give in the way of her work.

Her birth itself was uneventful. No sudden event, no prophecy, just a child with both a mother and father.

The moment of interest was when her wings started growing in. Both of her parents were winged, and it was expected that their only child would be too. They grew in fast, being quite large from a young age. However, when the second set started to grow in, that's when things proceeded to become different. Her parents were ecstatic at such a feat, thinking she was destined for greatness despite the young demon often being teased for it outside of home by others. But to her parents, it was no laughing matter. In hopes of their daughter becoming something great, they let her pick up a bunch of different hobbies, just to see what stuck and to let her grow unrestricted, fostering success any way possible.
Eventually, after many, many different things, she stumbled across a pair of old fans in their home. Her mother was knowledgeable in fans as an art form, so she decided to teach Syalain. However, as time went on, she found other uses for this interest, and that was to combine the grace and precision of fan dancing with the strength of practiced combat. From there, her skills began to flourish more, her powers following suit.

"Silver Ichor" was less of a coincidence, but more of a lifetime investment for Syalain. It originally came in the form of a rumor; a mere string of gossip that went around as nothing more than a story. Turns out it did in fact exist, but it was already in possession of someone else; a trader in fact. Desperate to have such an item, she showed the holder that she had the skill to be worthy of the weapon. However, the trader had intended to trade it for a large sum of money; if she wanted it, she'd have to work for it, or for him, in particular. So she did, years and years of her life working odd jobs for him, ranging from errands to other dubious services.

She would have had more than a decade left of work if it wasn't for Haven being attacked. When everyone was being attacked, her and her family hid away for days, but in the end all making it out alive. Her "boss" wasn't so lucky. In his death, she unapologetically took what she thought was rightfully hers; the dead didn't need money anyway. At the very least, she didn't pocket it. Instead, she gave it to her parents in hopes of them moving somewhere safer, where she decided she would be the one not only to protect them, but the rest of the city.

She never intended to be the "Second in Command". It just sort of happened. Ever since the incident, she realized that she needed to use her skills for those of her clan. She offered her strength, growing in skill and power, to not just better herself, but the rest of the people. Soon after, she began going up the ranks, proving herself more and more by the day, and becoming more in tune with her blades. When she was chosen to take the position of "Second in Command" years later, she was honored, yet a bit surprised, but took the position without hesitation.

Nowadays, she works by the side of the leader of the clan, eager to be of use. She still keeps in touch with her parents, but rarely due to wanting to keep them safe and away from her troubles.

-Brand is on the back of her right hand, usually hides it with lace gloves that match her fans.
-Truesight/hearing is uncontrollable, to the point where she has to pace sometimes to avoid sitting still. She has to sleep in a quiet room to avoid another sleepless night from her overactive ability.
-For some reason, when going into human form, there is a chance for her small wings to not disappear. It either takes her a few tries or she wears a hoodie for the day. She has no problems with her larger set.
-Despite the hassle they give her, she enjoys both pair of wings, even if finding suitable attire for them is a chore.
-She volunteers at the library in her human form to get away from stress sometimes. On breaks, she goes to the local cafe to people watch, ordering the elusive third option of a hot chocolate since she doesn't like caffeine.

Name: Nelyvia Pellere

Age: 1900
normal appearance age: 19

Gender: Female

Race: Demon (Tiefling)

Clan: Ravinca

Rank: Member

Role: Explorer

Weapons: "PhantomBlow"
Nordic Bow, Tomasz Cygan.jpg
Passive Abilities:
°Resistant against Fire: Due to her skin, she developed a mere resistance to fire. It "tingles" her, if she is attacked by a fire ability, which increases her weakness to water and earth attacks.
°Demonic Speed: Due to her body, she is swift and fast. Which explains her good reaction time.

Active Abilities:
°Shadow Fire: Nel is able to manipulate her aura and body heat in order to perform and erupt a blackish fire from the shadows.
It takes about 2 degrees and cools her down. If she does not eat enough it may damage her in the process.

°Earth Whistle: She can use her aura, on a high set focus, to perform a tiny earthquake in a radius of ten to twenty meters. Mostly it is only to rattle the earth and make her opponents fall, no further damage is made
°DarkArrow: Due to the fact her bow was specially made (see the bio), her arrows remake themselves and "listen" to her commands. Such as, if she says "strike beside" it misses the target even though she aimed perfectly.
It doesn't always work and for the regeneration of her arrows, she takes half of her energy, mostly.

-Midnight walks
-Elder tea
-Writing poems
-Listening to Storytellers
-To Party

-Loud noises
-Messy rooms
-too large clusters of people

She loves to manipulate others- at least those she dislikes. Nel is an honest, sincere, and patient Female. Yet her Rudeness pesters a load of people, as much as she set her name in red on many lists. She is daring, too, brave, and even at desperate times heroic. Don't underestimate her, though. Nelyvia is mostly known for her Unmercifulness. She truly enjoys dominating others and teases them from time to time.
But if you look closely under her coat, there is far more than you can expect. For example, her Ambitiousness. If Nel wants something, beware, because she won't back down.
And don't ever expect from her to take your orders well, if she even accepts them. She loves her freedom and expects overs to keep the leash long.

Nelyvia was born in a poor family, farmers to be specific. But not only the money was missed, the love and caretaking of her oh so perfect parents and siblings, too. Her ken against her, a single friend- that was simply her childhood.
And soon enough she turned to be 10- if she thought it never could get any worse, then this was a sheer fool's hope.
Her Mother- Mithwure- faded into an abusive shape. Those endless scars on her back are painful memories- no, reminders of who had made her to a monster.
Her father- Casakas- occurred her to hunt, to do the grocery shopping, and earn any money she could get. They had never bothered to ask about her injuries from the streetfights or cared if she returned in the long nights.
With twelve, though, she discovered an old man. His name had been long ago forgotten, so did his facials. But his voice never vamoosed from her mind. He had sawn, noted, and cared about her miseries, about her cold Kens and he told her so many stories, so many wise things. Eventually, he thought her to fight. Eventually, she had been the best protégé he had ever crossed paths with.
With 14 Nelyvia left the house she had been born and beaten up in, had left the dog, the horse, and little flower-garden in their yard.
Just to move in with her old Master. Just to move into a rotten wrought aside of the slums from the city. Even though society had improved such technology, her master taught her the good, old ways. Nelyvia never had touched those strange things, never dared to even think about it.
One day, as she returned from her midnight walk, the wrought had been oddly still, but the lights- they had flickered to welcome her. How often had she called the forgotten name? How often?
Until she turned to the oven, to the burnt head of her old master.
Then! Just as she plopped to her back quarters, black flames erupted from all of the shadows. Erupted and demolished her home to faint ashes, even the body of her master.
Nothing remained, except for this Bow- this wooden damned bow. Her tears salted her cheeks as she wobbled over to it. there it laid, covered in a dim gleaming and soot. Aside from it... one, two, three... eight! Eight and a half-finished arrow. Nothing she had ever seen or experienced. He had... had made it for her and lost his life.
He paid her the Weapon with his life.
He had made PhantomBlow

Extra: The brand is on her back, covers her childhood scars.
She usually wears a coat and hood in patterns of black-brown.

Your place to buy and sell all things handmade.jpg
Demon Form:
Megan's demon form; shorter tail_horns [Dream Evil by _anndr on deviantART].jpg
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