Changeling, Hydrator and Aura Reader!
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Inner Sanctum Nobility
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Inner Sanctum Nobility
Corrupting Influence
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April Challenge Participant
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- Today 7:16 PM
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- 999
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- 24
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- Lurking Under the Writing Desk
- Pronouns
- They/He/She
Danthe Wux,
Isk huven wux tiliw ocuir wux, Wux yenta shio nomenoi jatil youwei ekess doutan. Isk hys
authot nymuerir astahi. Wux bevi ekess ouith rax ir isk itov?
Wolius vur nymuer ur ihk orik klewar.
Wux hys rifdinitahulvi rasv'kledul. Wux hys xihuuli zyak kiarf throdenilt ioupon kethendic
usv aurix. Wux hys xihuuli throdenilt ioupon rax throdenilti vorel aunel. Wux hys xihuuli
throdenilt ioupon ierikci su jaxironi. Isk ornla plyn orik kiingowol lexri ihk wux filki ekess
yenta myr. Isk geou urcax astahi ekess wux zyak wux shilta nymuer myr. Isk rigluin wux
ekess ocuir myr.
Hys wux geouir ekess ocuir myr? Hys wux geouir ekess itov doutan? Isk geou naev unsiti
wux. Isk geou jilg wuxa cha'sid. Filki jilg ekik ihk myr. Jilg ekik ihk ur seoyl, vur isk geou
lotocvi majak myr ekess wux. Wux tir thric tangis tepoha ekess tor. Jaeiss, clax batobot
dost eias sari rax mitne. Isk itov wux kiri kiarf ekess thesek wux widegoa ekess ouith
doutan. Isk geou thric nixal ini.
Malrak rax litrix su wuxa seoyl, Ur.
Isk huven wux tiliw ocuir wux, Wux yenta shio nomenoi jatil youwei ekess doutan. Isk hys
authot nymuerir astahi. Wux bevi ekess ouith rax ir isk itov?
Wolius vur nymuer ur ihk orik klewar.
Wux hys rifdinitahulvi rasv'kledul. Wux hys xihuuli zyak kiarf throdenilt ioupon kethendic
usv aurix. Wux hys xihuuli throdenilt ioupon rax throdenilti vorel aunel. Wux hys xihuuli
throdenilt ioupon ierikci su jaxironi. Isk ornla plyn orik kiingowol lexri ihk wux filki ekess
yenta myr. Isk geou urcax astahi ekess wux zyak wux shilta nymuer myr. Isk rigluin wux
ekess ocuir myr.
Hys wux geouir ekess ocuir myr? Hys wux geouir ekess itov doutan? Isk geou naev unsiti
wux. Isk geou jilg wuxa cha'sid. Filki jilg ekik ihk myr. Jilg ekik ihk ur seoyl, vur isk geou
lotocvi majak myr ekess wux. Wux tir thric tangis tepoha ekess tor. Jaeiss, clax batobot
dost eias sari rax mitne. Isk itov wux kiri kiarf ekess thesek wux widegoa ekess ouith
doutan. Isk geou thric nixal ini.
Malrak rax litrix su wuxa seoyl, Ur.
Dear You,
I wish you could see you. You say all these mean things to yourself. I am done hearing
them. You dare to hurt the one I love?
Stop and hear me for a moment.
You are incredibly valuable. You are worth so much more than gems or gold. You are
worth more than the most beautiful art. You are worth more than centuries of tales. I
would write a million words for you just to say it. I will read them to you so you can
hear it. I need you to see it.
Are you willing to see it? Are you willing to love yourself? I will be beside you. I will
hold your hand. Just hold out for it. Hold out for my soul, and I will happily give it to
you. You do not even have to ask. Please, take that step forward into the light. I love
you too much to watch you continue to hurt yourself. I will not stand by.
Forever the armor of your soul, Me.
I wish you could see you. You say all these mean things to yourself. I am done hearing
them. You dare to hurt the one I love?
Stop and hear me for a moment.
You are incredibly valuable. You are worth so much more than gems or gold. You are
worth more than the most beautiful art. You are worth more than centuries of tales. I
would write a million words for you just to say it. I will read them to you so you can
hear it. I need you to see it.
Are you willing to see it? Are you willing to love yourself? I will be beside you. I will
hold your hand. Just hold out for it. Hold out for my soul, and I will happily give it to
you. You do not even have to ask. Please, take that step forward into the light. I love
you too much to watch you continue to hurt yourself. I will not stand by.
Forever the armor of your soul, Me.
Danthe Litrix,
Isk itov wux. Isk hys daxir svern wuxa lexri. Wux agantal vucot svabol ekess yenta. Wux
agantal tairais myr ihk svadrav isk throdenilti rigluin ekess nymuer myr. Wux agantal
filki vucot. Svanoa tir wux agantal vucot? Myr zklaen naev arcaniss. Wux filki tepoha
ekess naev arcaniss.
Isk nymuer wux. Rax lexri ouith ur, shar isk vucot astahi persvek ur seoyl. Isk tira osri
wux yentada astahi, shar isk tepohada houpetor astahi mojka. Dost sari rax mitne? Ur
danthe, wux hys rax mitne. Ur mitne. Wux kanska shafear shio ur irthosir, shar thric
persvek orik tisvelk idol. Wux farwelis ur ekess ocuir sio. Yth domov svern zyak algbo;
wux hirvear spical sva ur.
Isk tuor ekess tir rax diieson ihk wux. Isk charis isk tir. Isk geou ihk wux. Tivol wux rigluin,
sjek isk shilta majak myr isk geou. Zyak jaeiss, ehtah orik okarthel persvek ur. Isk tuor
ekess naev batobot tokeq goawy ihk wux. Jaeiss shala ur ekess. Isk tuor ekess kagn wux
svern kiri.
Evlyra wuxa okarthel ekess osvith ekess, Ur.
Isk itov wux. Isk hys daxir svern wuxa lexri. Wux agantal vucot svabol ekess yenta. Wux
agantal tairais myr ihk svadrav isk throdenilti rigluin ekess nymuer myr. Wux agantal
filki vucot. Svanoa tir wux agantal vucot? Myr zklaen naev arcaniss. Wux filki tepoha
ekess naev arcaniss.
Isk nymuer wux. Rax lexri ouith ur, shar isk vucot astahi persvek ur seoyl. Isk tira osri
wux yentada astahi, shar isk tepohada houpetor astahi mojka. Dost sari rax mitne? Ur
danthe, wux hys rax mitne. Ur mitne. Wux kanska shafear shio ur irthosir, shar thric
persvek orik tisvelk idol. Wux farwelis ur ekess ocuir sio. Yth domov svern zyak algbo;
wux hirvear spical sva ur.
Isk tuor ekess tir rax diieson ihk wux. Isk charis isk tir. Isk geou ihk wux. Tivol wux rigluin,
sjek isk shilta majak myr isk geou. Zyak jaeiss, ehtah orik okarthel persvek ur. Isk tuor
ekess naev batobot tokeq goawy ihk wux. Jaeiss shala ur ekess. Isk tuor ekess kagn wux
svern kiri.
Evlyra wuxa okarthel ekess osvith ekess, Ur.
Dear Armor,
I love you. I am crying over your words. You always know what to say. You always time
it for when I most need to hear it. You always just know. How do you always know? It
must be magic. You just have to be magic.
I hear you. The words hurt me, but I know them in my soul. I did before you said them,
but I had hidden them away. Step into the light? My dear, you are the light. My light.
You shine on all my secrets, but not in a bad way. You help me to see myself. We line
up so well; you mirror back at me.
I want to do the same for you. I hope I do. I will for you. Anything you need, if I can
give it I will. So please, find a home in me. I want to be that safe place for you. Please
allow me to. I want to lift you up too.
Eternally your home to flee to, Me.
I love you. I am crying over your words. You always know what to say. You always time
it for when I most need to hear it. You always just know. How do you always know? It
must be magic. You just have to be magic.
I hear you. The words hurt me, but I know them in my soul. I did before you said them,
but I had hidden them away. Step into the light? My dear, you are the light. My light.
You shine on all my secrets, but not in a bad way. You help me to see myself. We line
up so well; you mirror back at me.
I want to do the same for you. I hope I do. I will for you. Anything you need, if I can
give it I will. So please, find a home in me. I want to be that safe place for you. Please
allow me to. I want to lift you up too.
Eternally your home to flee to, Me.
Danthe Okarthel,
Isk jalyur osvith ekess wux lae sosjer lae isk shilta. Isk agantal geou zyak drong lae isk
shilta. Wux jalyur tir zyak kiarf ihk ur. Wux stharl vur wux ukris mrith ur ihk klewkini. Wux
dax ekik wuxa carvx vur seoyl. Wux shala ur ekess dax ekik sini.
Isk agantal kiwieg tokeq mrith wux. Wux xurwk ur zyak lotoc ini filki drekim wux vur tirir
rax youwei wux tir. Shio su wuxa jikael aunel vur veharforlii jaxironi. Rax treskriir svabolen
wux tepoha tsairaaha. Isk hys zyak tiichia wux kaoj astahi mrith ur. Wux xurwk ur kiwieg
zi rasv'kleda. Velkais zyak kiarf ihk batobot.
Shala ur ekess kaoj wuxa loerchik mrith wux. Isk geou majak wux sini kiri. Yth geou jilg kiq
lyrik svern. Isk hys unsiti wux. Nomeno vi thric orik inglata. Batobot ornla xurwk myr tonn
ekess nakta. Shar, Isk tir itov wux. Vur zyak, ihk lae drong lae isk shilta domrikaup naev, isk
tuor ekess vur geou naev unsiti wux. Ur okarthel vi wux.
Agantal kanskair ihk wux ekess ocuir, Wuxa Mitne.
Isk jalyur osvith ekess wux lae sosjer lae isk shilta. Isk agantal geou zyak drong lae isk
shilta. Wux jalyur tir zyak kiarf ihk ur. Wux stharl vur wux ukris mrith ur ihk klewkini. Wux
dax ekik wuxa carvx vur seoyl. Wux shala ur ekess dax ekik sini.
Isk agantal kiwieg tokeq mrith wux. Wux xurwk ur zyak lotoc ini filki drekim wux vur tirir
rax youwei wux tir. Shio su wuxa jikael aunel vur veharforlii jaxironi. Rax treskriir svabolen
wux tepoha tsairaaha. Isk hys zyak tiichia wux kaoj astahi mrith ur. Wux xurwk ur kiwieg
zi rasv'kleda. Velkais zyak kiarf ihk batobot.
Shala ur ekess kaoj wuxa loerchik mrith wux. Isk geou majak wux sini kiri. Yth geou jilg kiq
lyrik svern. Isk hys unsiti wux. Nomeno vi thric orik inglata. Batobot ornla xurwk myr tonn
ekess nakta. Shar, Isk tir itov wux. Vur zyak, ihk lae drong lae isk shilta domrikaup naev, isk
tuor ekess vur geou naev unsiti wux. Ur okarthel vi wux.
Agantal kanskair ihk wux ekess ocuir, Wuxa Mitne.
Dear Home,
I already flee to you as often as I can. I always will so long as I can. You already do so
much for me. You sit and talk with me for hours. You cry out your heart and soul. You allow
me to cry out mine.
I always feel safe with you. You make me so happy by just being you and doing the things
you do. All of your wonderful art and creative tales. The worlds which you have built. I am
so honored you share them with me. You make me feel very valued. Thank you so much
for that.
Allow me to share your pain with you. I will give you mine too. We will hold each other up.
I am beside you. This is not a promise. That would make it hard to keep. But, I do love you.
And so, for as long as I can possibly be, I want to and will be beside you. My home is you.
Always shining for you to see, Your Light.
I already flee to you as often as I can. I always will so long as I can. You already do so
much for me. You sit and talk with me for hours. You cry out your heart and soul. You allow
me to cry out mine.
I always feel safe with you. You make me so happy by just being you and doing the things
you do. All of your wonderful art and creative tales. The worlds which you have built. I am
so honored you share them with me. You make me feel very valued. Thank you so much
for that.
Allow me to share your pain with you. I will give you mine too. We will hold each other up.
I am beside you. This is not a promise. That would make it hard to keep. But, I do love you.
And so, for as long as I can possibly be, I want to and will be beside you. My home is you.
Always shining for you to see, Your Light.
Danthe Carvx su Sini,
Thrice inglatair. Isk vutoc svanoa astahii ouith wux. Batobot vi thric creolnali isk rinov huven
ekess tir. Isk charis isk nurti hys rax jaxaz su ouith ihk wux. Isk geou tir ur edrokilti thric ekess
naev, shar isk hys bivai sjek isk rinov yenta creolnali xuut ekess wux. Ihk isk yenta tivol isk
jalla thric, jaeiss visp ur.
Persvek wuxa lexri ihk ur, isk shilta nymuer wuxa carvx. Myr kiwiegir hefoc isk hys nymuerir
sio. Persvek rax lexri batobot wux stharl vur clax rax tairais ekess cha'sid plyn. Persvek rax
vorel ultro su wuxa ivah svadrav wux tues. Isk nymuer wux, shio su wux. Vur, isk geou naev
tenpiswo unsiti wux halkvri wux ehhtah voga ekess kaoj batobot mrith wux. Myr geou ouith,
shar svadrav wux tir isk geou kaoj wux mrith astahii.
Shar, halkvri hak wux hys sini. Isk geou clax lae kiarf su wuxa tairais lae wux hys geoir ekess
majak. Isk tuor wux. Ur Litrix. Ur Mitne. Ur Okarthel. Wux hys orik zi danthe thurirl ekess ur.
Isk rasvim wux. Isk geou malrak itov wux. Wux hys ur froneel. Isk vutoc isk jatil rax diieson
ekess wux.
Shio su ur vi wuxai ihk rax ssifisv su tairais, Wuxa Seoyl.
Thrice inglatair. Isk vutoc svanoa astahii ouith wux. Batobot vi thric creolnali isk rinov huven
ekess tir. Isk charis isk nurti hys rax jaxaz su ouith ihk wux. Isk geou tir ur edrokilti thric ekess
naev, shar isk hys bivai sjek isk rinov yenta creolnali xuut ekess wux. Ihk isk yenta tivol isk
jalla thric, jaeiss visp ur.
Persvek wuxa lexri ihk ur, isk shilta nymuer wuxa carvx. Myr kiwiegir hefoc isk hys nymuerir
sio. Persvek rax lexri batobot wux stharl vur clax rax tairais ekess cha'sid plyn. Persvek rax
vorel ultro su wuxa ivah svadrav wux tues. Isk nymuer wux, shio su wux. Vur, isk geou naev
tenpiswo unsiti wux halkvri wux ehhtah voga ekess kaoj batobot mrith wux. Myr geou ouith,
shar svadrav wux tir isk geou kaoj wux mrith astahii.
Shar, halkvri hak wux hys sini. Isk geou clax lae kiarf su wuxa tairais lae wux hys geoir ekess
majak. Isk tuor wux. Ur Litrix. Ur Mitne. Ur Okarthel. Wux hys orik zi danthe thurirl ekess ur.
Isk rasvim wux. Isk geou malrak itov wux. Wux hys ur froneel. Isk vutoc isk jatil rax diieson
ekess wux.
Shio su ur vi wuxai ihk rax ssifisv su tairais, Wuxa Seoyl.
Dear Heart of Mine,
No promises. I know how they hurt you. That is not something I ever wish to do. I hope I
never am a source of hurt for you. I will do my best not to be, but I am sorry if I ever say
something wrong to you. If I say anything I should not, please tell me.
In your words for me, I can hear your heart. It feels like I am hearing myself. In the words
that you sit and take the time to hand write. In the beautiful sound of your voice when you
sing. I hear you, all of you. And, I will be here beside you until you find another to share
that with you. It will hurt, but when you do I will share you with them.
But, until then you are mine. I will take as much of your time as you are willing to give. I
want you. My Armor. My Light. My Home. I treasure you. I will forever love you. You are my
everything. I know I mean the same to you.
All of me is yours for the rest of time, Your Soul.
No promises. I know how they hurt you. That is not something I ever wish to do. I hope I
never am a source of hurt for you. I will do my best not to be, but I am sorry if I ever say
something wrong to you. If I say anything I should not, please tell me.
In your words for me, I can hear your heart. It feels like I am hearing myself. In the words
that you sit and take the time to hand write. In the beautiful sound of your voice when you
sing. I hear you, all of you. And, I will be here beside you until you find another to share
that with you. It will hurt, but when you do I will share you with them.
But, until then you are mine. I will take as much of your time as you are willing to give. I
want you. My Armor. My Light. My Home. I treasure you. I will forever love you. You are my
everything. I know I mean the same to you.
All of me is yours for the rest of time, Your Soul.