Deceptive Help Characters & Lore(ZAlcyoneus X DarkMoon)

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Deceptive Help Characters & Lore(ZAlcyoneus X DarkMoon)


Dame of the Moon's Darkness
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Main RP Thread

Experiment Types
Mathews' scientists gain 5 separate special strands of DNA from their celestial. Labeling them, S, B, R, G, P due to the color of each DNA strand

This strand seems to be the easiest one to break down and make copies of. There have already been a few tests on humans and animals with it.

This strand is very faint, and they almost didn't notice it. It seems rather shifty and is hard to get a grasp on.

This strand can multiply at alarming rates, seeming to be the fastest-spreading one. But that also makes it hard to control and break down before infusing it into a living being.

This strand is strong, but also easier to handle than the others.

This strand of DNA has actually tried infusing itself with a person working with it. It had been labeled as the highest potential strand. The most promising one to obtain super soldiers with.

Characters Sheet






Type of Experiment(if one):





Vex Corporation

CEO: Matthew Ashwood


Doctor/Scientist: Elizabeth River
Doctor/Scientist: Sarah Mitchells

Scientist: Jasmine Saitou
Scientist: Edgar Winston

Celestial: Elexia

Test Subject:
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Name: Jasmine Saitou

Age: 25 (D.O.B. January 15th 1998)

History: Losing her parents at a young age, she grew up with her cousin Iroh and her uncle Sable Saitou who was a single father himself, his wife having died in a car crash when Iroh was six years old. When Sable passed away when the cousins were in elementary school, Jasmine being in third grade and Iroh being in fifth, they were eventually taken in by someone with ties to Vex Corp and, to repay that kindness, Jasmine decided to work for them when she got old enough though neither knew this right away. It was by pure accident they overheard their foster father speaking of Vex Corp and it intrigued Jasmine. Iroh had no such desire to do so but the cousins continued their education, at least until Iroh was kicked out as a teen. Jasmine continued living with her foster father until she graduated high school, going into Biochemistry and Biophysics with two year degree in Engineering Technology with her major focusing in Neuroscience with a minor in Botany at Oregon State University. After graduating college, she would find herself being introduced to Vex Corp by her foster father and began working there. Even when she discovered exactly what Vex Corporation was doing, this didn't cause her to turn away and run like Iroh.

Instead, this intrigued her and she eagerly worked with other scientists and doctors on the experiments. She never went to graduate school for a master degree but did see Iroh again when she was in her junior year of college and again when she graduated, her cousin telling her not to get involved in anything shady with their foster father. She refused to see reason and he left, thus she only knows he is alive due to seeing him when searching for medical equipment on a supply run for one of the doctors of Vex Corp a few months ago. She helped her cousin get away before he could be used as a test subject, not appearing to mind the experiments that were done on both people and animals. Out of curiosity after seeing some of the failed experiments, she experimented on herself, turning herself into a Hollow-Electric hybrid.

Occupation: Scientist

Relatives: Iroh (cousin-alive), Sable (uncle-deceased)



  • Due to experimenting on herself, she made herself an electric-hollow hybrid.
  • Can manipulate electricity


Name: Matthew Ashwood

Age: 55 (D.O.B. May 21, 1968)

History: Matthew grew up in foster care, being bounced about from home to home after being abandoned to die in the woods by a young mom. Drugs were found in his system and he went through horrible withdrawals that it was assumed his mother was addicted to something strong. Most of the homes he went to treated him as nothing, being only concerned with the checks they got from the government. His father never came forward and his mother was never found and the couple good foster homes didn't last. One foster home he went to had a ton of foster kids that were treated differently than the biological kids, creating resentment among the foster kids and was run like a mad house, the children being used more for labor than anything and his education suffered for it as did the other children in care. Having no name, he was given the family name of the man who found him, Ashwood, though the man of course disappeared and never sought out the child he had saved.

Matthew's life was a struggle, one he resolved not to let define who he was and though he did get into some trouble and in trouble with the police, ending up in juvenile detention for a while. He'd turn to drugs as well, landing in juvie until he was twenty-one and then spent twenty months in jail. Once he got out of jail, he found himself homeless and on the streets with no high school education. He was forced to find a state that he could go move to in order to go to high school again and continue his education to get his high school diploma though, this new state was where he ended up going to community college while working two jobs to get by after graduating. He still remained on the streets though, finding roadblocks to getting housing with his record.

Despite his life's difficulties, Matthew managed to graduate community college, going on to school and majoring in business after flunking out of med school. With his limited education in pre-med and his business major, he amassed wealth over the years to work to start up a company coined Vex. He made it a legal business but its true purpose was unknown except to those that he hired onto the business and with the wars going on, decided it was good money to make super soldiers. Child to old or even animal didn't matter. When one of the scientists, a woman named Elizabeth River began arguing with him and disapproving of the experiments going on, he promised Elizabeth that he wouldn't allow anyone to harm Arrow. Seducing the woman and lover of one of his other workers who had left, a man named Vincent Banks, this was naught but a ruse, a way to keep Elizabeth in line for she readily agreed to sleep with him and carry his child though the child itself was unexpected, however Matthew certainly didn't do anything to prevent it, being a known womanizer when on the surface.

Once Kamal was born, he had the infant taken from Elizabeth and Arrow, telling Elizabeth the child had died. He then raised Kamal himself though allowed the child to have a 'mother' and 'surrogate father' to pose as his family, eventually having them disposed of. Being a health nut, he raised Kamal as one as well, punishing the child if he went up top without permission or without Matthew himself or one of his assistants or guards. Once Kamal turned ten, Matthew began his training of his son, teaching the boy weapons and other things when he became a teenager, being a harsh and abusive disciplinarian to his son. When Elizabeth ended up dying, well Matthew never saw fit to make mention that Arrow was his older half-brother nor that he'd taken his son from Elizabeth and lied to her about the child.

Occupation: CEO/Leader

Relatives: Kamal (son)

Crush: None

Lover: None

  • 6'3"
  • Somewhat of a health nut so often keeps in shape, forces Kamal to be in shape as well because of it.
  • Very harsh on both the employees of Vex as well as his son, but he'll do what he can to care for and protect Kamal though he isn't to be crossed, not even by his young heir.
  • Thinks little of the experiments, even less of Arrow due to Elizabeth's 'mistakes' though does recognize that Arrow has some talent


Name: Kronus Ash Owl

Age: 45 Years (August 1st 1978)


  • .40 Glock
  • Silencer Pistol
  • .9 mm Pistol
  • Hunting Knife
  • Sniper Rifle

History: Born in Boston, he grew in a loving family with an older brother and loving parents two years after the Vietnam War had ended. Born into privilege and wealth, Kronus wanted for nothing, the same with his brother and they were given whatever they wanted or asked for. Growing up, he and his brother were put into private school, however at age ten he began to rebel against his parents and lifestyle. His parents ended up sending him to boot camp across the country in Utah. He was then sent into military school when he got out when his rebellious nature didn't change, it only got worse after coming back from boot camp, being bullied and abused while there. Still, his parents were surprised and angry when he went into the military upon graduating from high school instead of going to college or a vocational school.

He served in the military for three and a half decades, retiring at the age of thirty-five after getting injured in an IED explosion. During his time in the military, he fought in the Bosnian War from June to the end of the war in 1995 (December 14th), Afghanistan from 1996-1997, Kosovo War from 1998-1999, Operation Enduring Freedom in the Philippines from 2004-2008, Afghanistan from 2009-2012 It was during his second tour in Afghanistan that he was injured in an IED explosion, injuring him. He was sent to a hospital in London to recover. The only reason he did not fight from 2000-early 2004 was because he was a POW. When he retired from the military, he ended up coming home after recovering in London and had to adapt to civilian life again and in 2013, met IIridiumris Wolf. They fell in love and two years later had a child. They had a short life together, Iridium and Patrick being gunned down in a drive by shooting when he was at work. This incident caused Kronus to snap and he hunted down the people responsible before fleeing, joining Vex at forty-one in 2018. He became friends with the leader of Vex Corporation and in 2019 was promoted to third in command, having worked with the children of the corporation and taking an interest in Arrow who was fourteen at the time. When Vex Corp was overrun by the zombies that escaped, he and some others managed to get out of the tunnels but it took a while to find Arrow and now tries to keep both an eye on Arrow as well as build Vex up again from the ashes...but first Arrow needs to bring back those escaped traitors where they belong...for their own safety of course.

Occupation: Soldier for Vex/Third in command/Civilian


  • United States Military (formerly)
  • Vex Corp


  • Common solider (formerly)
  • Officer (formerly)
  • Colonel (formerly)
  • Third in command
  • Leader (eventually)


  • Jason Owl (father-deceased)
  • Emily Owl nee Bones (mother-deceased)
  • Matthias Owl (older brother-deceased)
  • Sebastian Owl (twin brother-alive but unknown whereabouts)
  • Sybil Rose Wolf (niece-alive)
  • Daemon Wolf (nephew-deceased)
  • Ajax Hunter Wolf (nephew-alive)
  • Diaval Wolf (nephew-alive)
  • Clemency Wolf (niece-deceased)
  • Abigail Wolf (MIL-deceased)
  • Sasha Wolf (BIL-deceased)
  • Leo Umbra Wolf (BIL)
  • Patrick Owl (son-deceased)

Crush: N/A


  • Iridium Wolf (wife-deceased)
  • N/A
  • He watches over Arrow & Kamal
  • Wants to create Vex Corp again and be its leader, has a few members that managed to escape the overrun of the zombies of the bunkers
  • Was one who suggested to the leader of Vex to get those experiments back that escaped

Appearance: 1695397095305.jpeg

Name: Elizabeth River

Age: 22

Height: 5'2"

History: To be revealed

Occupation: Geneticist/Doctor


  • Arrow Fenrir Banks (son with Vincent Banks)
  • Kamal Ichor Ashwood (son with Matthew Ashwood)
  • Marlene River nee Haven (mother-deceased)
  • Timothy River (father-deceased)
  • Heather River (paternal grandmother-alive; suffering from cancer)
Lover: Vincent Banks

Given to her by Vincent, later passed onto her son Arrow
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Name: Elexia

Age: Unknown

Height: 5'7

History: Elexia has always watched over the humans of Earth. They always fascinated her with their new creations, their almost never-ending evolution. Which is likely why she now found herself in the snares of a very twisted human. She had always known of the darker side of humans. Having watched them for so long. However, she never thought she'd end up waking up in a cage, too weak to fight them off, and finding half of the powers she once had...gone. There was a wound that was bandaged, marring her back and it told her one thing....her sister had betrayed her. Her sister had always been mad about how much Elexia loved the humans. Telling her that they were a waste of time, something that would vanish from the world soon. But Elexia still stood by them, for them. Not wanting their father to wipe out Earth just yet. But now...she was stuck here, unable to feel any of her celestial companions... Stuck here with the bad side of humans as they began to take her blood and run tests on her...all while claiming it was for the betterment of humanity. Though it caused her pain, she decided to let them do as they wished....hoping that with time her powers would come back. That her strength would come back...but it seemed like that would be impossible.

Occupation: Celestial

Type of Experiment(if one): 'The Mother'

Relatives: Enrubra, Father - Fela, Older Sister - Giris, Mother(Deceased)

Crush: Open

Lover: None

Name: Vincent Banks

Age: 32

Height: 6'0

History: Vincent has always wanted to help humanity, his wife was one of his biggest supporters to help the world. However, he wasn't able to do anything for her when she suddenly passed away leaving him with a 3-year-old son. At first, he was worried about how to handle it on top of his job, but it seemed his lovely wife had already known he'd be too busy with work to focus on raising a kid. Even if it had been slightly against his wishes, Erin was stolen away from him in a blink of an eye to go live with one of Taylor's relatives and he simply made sure to provide what was needed for his son to survive in a comfortable manner. Since then he has been solely focused on his work at Vex Corp. Trying to figure out why there are a few oddities that keep occurring. But every time he is getting closer to them something seems to block his path. Not to mention, Elizabeth River makes for one fine distraction.

Occupation: Data Scientist

Type of Experiment(if one): N/A

Relatives: Arrow Fenrir Banks, Youngest Son - Erin Banks, Oldest Son

Crush: None

Lover: Elizabeth River

Name: Sarah Mitchells

Age: 28

Height: 5'6

History: Sarah was always curious about enhancing humans. After watching her mother fall into sickness, she wanted to know what it was that had killed her. How it could have been prevented and most of all if it could be transferred through one's blood. Her father just happened to be there, so he was the one who fell victim to her tests. Sadly the thing that had killed her mother, didn't kill her father. So she worked on it, enhancing it into a worse virus before injecting it into her father and watching him die a slow painful death. It was all very interesting. When she first joined Vex, she thought that it would be nothing but a bunch of goody two shoes working. But she was quickly brought into the true side of the company. She found out that they were doing exactly what she had wanted. Enhancing humans, or at least trying to. When she found out they had caught a special being she was even more excited. After all what better way to enhance humans than to use an alien's blood? Since she was deemed friendly and most felt more comfortable with being talked to about 'new treatments' and leading them there, she was also one of the people who covered as a 'Doctor' for the company.

Occupation: Scientist/Doctor

Type of Experiment(if one): N/A

Relatives: None Alive

Crush: Open

Lover: None


Name: Edgar Winston

Age: 29

Height: 5'7

As a kid Edgar was always smarter than the rest of his peers, he was great at all subjects. But the one subject he excelled in was science, he couldn't keep away all manners of science that caught his attention. As he grew older his interest in science began to terrify his parents, because they caught him experimenting on the family cat. Of course, it was a failure but he had been in the process of trying to figure out why when his mother walked in to get him for dinner. He didn't understand the issue, but his mother fainted, and that intrigued him. At one point while in college he even lured his mother to school to test out things on her. Though it was quickly stopped as he hadn't taken into consideration, the cameras that filled the school. After that, his father kicked him from the house and put a restraining order on him. That didn't phase him and it seemed his interest in experimenting on humans had caught the eyes of Vex Corp. He was hired on and found a world he could revel in, it was home sweet home.

Occupation: Scientist

Type of Experiment(if one): N/A

Relatives: Dead to him

Crush: Open

Lover: None​
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