MxF Demon x Witch [Fantasy MxF - Doubling Possible]

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MxF Demon x Witch [Fantasy MxF - Doubling Possible]


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Hello! I am ShiroKuma, but you can just call me Shiro.
As the title states, I am currently looking for a Demon x Witch pairing. I am not 100% stuck on a demon so, that can be changed.
The plot is also very changeable. This is just something I cooked up after reading a lot of fantasy romance novels so, I am not super stuck on anything.
Before I get to the good stuff, I must first put information about me and my expectations.

I am a 26 year old female living in Tokyo, Japan. Currently, I am a full-time online graduate student with a full-time assistantship. I can get pretty busy, but I can usually maintain at least one response a day. If I will be too busy to reply, I will try to give you an estimate on when I can return. If I cannot return within a reasonable time, I will discuss with you where to go form there. If I have lost interest in the RP, I will let you know.
Writing style: 3rd person, past tense, multi-paragraphs (minimum of two).
Gender Preference: I prefer female, but will play male NPCs and I am willing to double up.
Pairings: I am willing to write MxM, MxF, and FxF. I heavily prefer MxF though and will only do the other pairings for doubles or if the plot it good.
Smut: I thoroughly enjoy writing smut. However, it has to fit well into the plot and the characters must have chemistry.
F-list: F-list - Warning
This F-list has not been updated in some time. If you have a kink that you are interested in, but cannot find it please ask!
Triggers: Will be discussed with partners as some plots are darker than others.
As my F-list suggests I do not have issues with darker themes.

1. Write a minimum of one paragraph. Multi-paragraphs is heavily preferred.
2. Write in 3rd person, Past tense (Present tense is okay, but 1st is a hard no)
3. Be willing to chat OOC. I love talking :)
4. Be patient. We all have lives.
5. Help push the story along. I get bored if I have to do all the heavy lifting myself.
6. Absolutely do not ignore my boundaries when it comes to smut.
7. Have decent spelling and grammar. I simply mean that I must be able to understand what you have written.
8. All characters must be of 18 years of age or older. I prefer older.
9. DM me. I will not respond to comments on this thread unless you are really interesting.
10. If you have a discord and are willing to do OOC there, please let me know!!

a young woman moves to a relatively sleepy town after her mother passes away and leaves her everything including her oculate shop. She and her mother are from a long line of powerful witches. The only catch is that her mother never taught her witch craft. In fact, the mother told her the oculate store and its contents were entirely fake. However, the longer the woman is in the town the more she notices strange things happening. Out of season weather, wild storms, bodies drained of blood or torn to shreds, inhuman foot prints, disturbed graves, etc. Being a curious woman, she beings to investigate only to discover that everything that goes bump in the night was more reality than myth. Additionally, she discovers her mother's death was no mistake. Determined to find out more about her mother's death and herself, she delves deeper into the history of the town. One day, she discovers something she isn't meant to and finds herself in a rather dangerous situation with a vampire. Just as she expects death to consume her, she is saved by a man just as mysterious as the town.

For this particular town, I am thinking there are several very powerful magical creatures. They could be vampires, demons, lycans, ghouls, elves, etc. Anything our hearts can dream up. Naturally, they will be very handsome.

This is intended to have darker themes.

I am open to all sorts of suggestions. This is just a rough plot!

This is based loosely on the All the Pretty Monsters series.

I look forward to hearing from you! Please DM me and tell me about yourself!
A writing sample and your own kink list would be great, also!
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