Closed Den of Madness (Forever WIP)

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Closed Den of Madness (Forever WIP)

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Old Wyrm
Welcome to the Sanctum 100 Likes!
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Today 5:41 PM
Hello! My name is Aleksandr, or Alek for short. Welcome to my forever under construction Den of Madness. Here, I will attempt coherent thoughts and put together sentences to make you fool you into believing there is something intelligent behind this persona. In all actuality, I am a jumbled ADD mess that contains only three functioning braincells, and they're overworked as it is.

Who I am (A question I cannot actually answer myself):

30+ Male that still hasn't accepted the fact that he is an adult when an adult is needed.

I am on the Pacific side of the US, but I work nights. So, my activity tends to be early mornings, to late nights, with a sprinkle of evenings during my lunch break. If you happen to be in Europe/UK, most likely you could catch me live.

I work a physical labor job, which means I am generally exhausted most of the time. This hampers my response times, as there will be instances I just cannot post. I would plug my brain in if the Matrix was real if I could.

I write on average 3 paragraphs/300ish words. Sometimes that is more, should my muse actually be awake and I am inspired, sometimes more in cases such as heavy dialogue where there is nothing else going on. I ask that you at least try to mirror that, or at least give me a good, meaty paragraph so I have something to work with. I can be convinced to write more, but do understand that means my response times will drop to a weekly occurrence, if that.

I'm a literate writer. I'm not going to be too pressed about spelling mistakes or random punctuation errors. I understand a lot of us are using our phones to write, and those gremlins ruin the King's English most of the time. As long as I understand, I'm usually fine. I just ask that you proof read and make an effort.

I am general bad at character sheets and character pictures. If you want them, fine, I'm not stopping you. But you're either going to really tell me what you want my character to look like, or pick out a picture for me. If you want to do character sheets, I will wait for you to post yours. Only because then I'm going to copy, paste and fill in the exact details you outlined in yours. Aside of over the top anime picture, I'm not too picky when it comes to it. Real? Artistic? Well drawn? Sure, I'm down.

What I am Looking For:

21+ Female Writers (as if I could 'check and make sure', but you know). I would be greatly uncomfortable writing with males playing female characters, sorry.

You write predominantly/only female characters. This is obviously a want of MxF pairings. Want to write a male side character? Sure, go for it. A plus if you're willing to write multiple females (obviously not a requirement, but hey a guy can try)

A willingness/want/desire to talk OOC. Half the time, it feels like these things are job interviews, and the only interactions we have are hammering out the details, and then posting, that's it. Boring. Nothing kills the muse faster if it feels like I'm just punching a clock. Let me know how your day is, let's talk about our story. Let's plan ahead, or discuss scenes we want to write. Gush about our characters, etc. Nothing will make me ghost a story faster is if I haven't heard from you. Again, if you are uncomfortable/don't want to OOC talk, we're not going to mesh. I'm less concerned about this if we're writing a heavy smut story, as I'm getting some needs met. I do have discord if you prefer a more immediate, easier way of getting hold of me.

(Speaking of ghosting, I'm not that ghost friendly. Like, sure, it's not that you can stop anyone from ghosting. I just ask, as we're all (assuming) adults here, that you can at least tell me that you're done with the story, and we can move on. I'll generally hang onto a story for a month before I toss it and assume you've moved on).

Smut with plot. I am a smut writer, but I also enjoy a good plot to go with it. I'm closer to 50/50, and we can discuss further on where the scales may tilt. No Fade to Blacks, cutesy hints at what happened, platonic/chaste stories, etc. If you are uncomfortable/unsure with smut writing, we're probably not going to mesh. This is a deal breaker.

For my long term stories, I greatly enjoy Grand Adventure, us against the world type of stories. Your D&D Grand Adventure tropes. From something grandiose as saving the Galaxy/Planet, to something more local. It is up to our creativity.

I also enjoy short form, smut heavy stories. Either singular scenes, or could blossom into something more. As little or as much story behind it. This would be the only way you can convince me to play in anything close to a modern setting.

My general settings are: Medieval Fantasy, Sci-fi, Post-Apoc. I can be convinced of other settings, but generally if you have a medieval fantasy idea, you have my attention.

I don't have a handy list of kinks, as I wouldn't want to make this page longer than needed. If you want a general feel, I enjoy BDSM, D/s, M/s as an overall concept. The more sexual kinks can be talked about in PMs.

My tolerance for violence and gore, in the sense of overall violence (Such as writing battle scenes and such) is limitless. I do not shy away from it, and I will write it as in depth as I currently desire. If it is an adventure story, there will be conflict and violence, and people no doubt will be dying (not necessarily our characters). Peace is rarely the option for some of them.

What I am not looking for:

Limits are pretty basic from everything else. Obviously anything against IS rules, vore, toxicity/abusive relationships, and I'm sure there's more.

Furthering the limits: I am completely uninterested in stories with me playing as a Vampire, Werewolf, Mafia/Gang personas. Sorry, Twilight ruined all that for me, and I am completely tired of the "Bad Boy" Mafia Gangster trope. You'll see how fast I nope out and block you for even hinting at it. I'm not even going to say this is a deal breaker because I wouldn't even waste my time as you obviously didn't read any of this.

I also don't do modern at all, unless it is a heavy smut (Like we're talking 80-90/20-10), short form story (or hey, long form too, there might be some out there).

I am not interested in Slice of Life, nothing interesting is happening aside of our characters going on endless coffee dates type of stories. There needs to be adventure and action (Well, that kind of action might be fine, see above).

I don't write any fandoms, as 99% of the time I probably won't even know the show/anime/movie/etc is, let alone any characters in it. I don't feel comfortable with it, and I've had instances where I've tried and have been yelled at because they're not believable enough for them. This is a Deal Breaker. Don't try to convince me that you're not one of those and everything will be fine, we both know you're lying or desperate enough to get a fix until you find someone else who actually knows what the hell the fandom is (No, I don't have any hang ups, it's just how it goes).

I don't have any list of pairings, or plot bunnies to allow you a further glimpse into what I am looking for. Narrowing it down to just listing pairings is very hard on the braincells, and I find that I cannot create plots because I feel that I am being too restrictive and preventing my partner's creativity and input from being put in.

If any of this rambling sounds interesting, please hit me up in a PM. Let's talk, discuss and plot something good that we'll both enjoy.
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