Both Needed Destined for peace or war?

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Both Needed Destined for peace or war?

Name: Ol'nder Nerium
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Species: Human/ Shaman
Occupation: Explorer
Sexuality: Demisexual

Others to be added after I get my thoughts together
Map of the world

The kingdom of Brehan
The country of Brehan is mainly covered in tall mountains. It's cold and barren lands a challenge for who ever comes across. But the Brehaniants have taught themselves how so survive with these less than ideal circumstances. They are a proud folk, who price themselves for their skills in survival and fierceness. Magic is part of their daily lives.

The kingdom of Mothen
A land that fares fairly well, if it wasn't for the corrupted government leading these lands. With plenty of growth all around, woods, plants, food, you would say these lands had everything you would want. Magic is forbidden in these lands and frowned upon.

It is not perfect, but you get the general idea, I hope <3
Interest chest! <3 @LenaLora and @Keillen are you two still interested in joining the RP? :)
The main rp thread has started two weeks ago and you have not posted anything yet ^^
I'm waiting to see where your characters end up before going any further with the current interactions.
Thank you beforehand for letting me know! ~
Ah I'm sorry! I'll get to work asap
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