Both Needed "Destiny" (It's Your Story)

Currently reading:
Both Needed "Destiny" (It's Your Story)


Fairy Princess
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 6:43 PM
Inside my Mind
In 2018 life was going perfectly for you. Maybe you just landed that promotion, maybe you got that new job, maybe you graduated from either high school or college. Life was looking up. As a gift for your achievements, someone had given you a gift card to a local bookstore. You didn't remember who exactly had given it to you, but you did remember an odd bit of information. The card had exactly $17.82 on it.

Why such a number? Who could say? Maybe this was an odd form of scavenger hunt. Maybe it was a regifting of a half-used card. Maybe it was a reference to an old joke you either never knew or couldn't remember.

Either way, you go to the bookstore to use the card on a rare summer's day. The weather is perfect. Kids play in the streets and the smell of food trucks and the rose garden across the street mix perfectly in the air. The bell above the shop door rings cheerily as you walk through the doors. A young kid, probably still in high school, nods at you from the shop counter, nose deep in a book. You wave and smile back as you walk into the store, the smell of old books assaulting your nostrils and stirring up old memories.

As you take a deep breath, one smell stands out. Something familiar that takes you back to one of your happiest childhood memories. Something you don't recall nearly enough, and something half forgotten. You smile as your feet lead you towards the mysterious smell and you reach out towards a book. Before you know it, you are at the counter, teenager ringing you out, and gift card in hand. The total comes out to exactly $17.82.

Smiling, you leave the shop and walk over to your favorite local shop to enjoy a treat. Maybe it's ice-cream. Maybe it's an iced coffee. Maybe it's an elusive French pastry that only this café gets right. You take a seat in your favorite spot in the back, secluded from all prying eyes, and pull the book out of the rough paper bag.


There is no author's name. There is no indication on the cover of what the book is about. You stare at the book for a moment, gold embossed letters stark against the pure white of the cover. The familiar scent of the pages stirs up that childhood memory once again. The feeling of pure bliss accompanied by unadulterated joy. After a moment, you open the book.

When you next blink you open your eyes to find yourself in a small white room. There are no doors, no windows, you can feel walls, but you can't necessarily see them. Everything is pure white. In a state of alarm, you look around the room for anything at all. The only thing here is you. Everything you were wearing is the same, your wallet is still with you, everything you had on your person remains.

It is then that you remember the book.

The comforting odor is gone and all that remains are the blank pages within. Frantically, you scroll through the pages until you find yourself staring at the new words on the first page. Your name appears boldly in the middle of the page, almost like a title.

You blink a few times, but the words don't go away. In disbelief, you slam the cover of the book only to find the title has changed. The book is now your favorite color embossed with gold lettering. The lettering reads your name.

When you open the book once again you find a section marked "chapters" and letters up to 35. The first chapter is labeled "the beginning". With shaking fingers, you read the first sentence of chapter one. It starts with your name

"…found them self in a strange room. The room appeared to have nothing in it. It wasn't until they knew that they were the main character in their story that a door appeared…"
General Story:

As seen above, you get pulled into the world of this blank book. Your story is yet to be written and it constantly being told. The writing style found within the book is simple, simple enough that a child could understand. As you continue your journey throughout this mystery world, the story continues to develop in your book. You can even read your book to occasionally understand the thoughts and actions of those around you (these instances will be discussed previously in the ooc thread). The world you enter can be anything. It can be anywhere. Something you begin to notice is, it isn't only your world. There is one person to represent one major category of fiction. These people were chosen because of their personal favorite genre.

These Genres Are:
(If needed, genres can be sub-categorized)

When reading the accounts of your own "destiny" books (which only describe events that have already occurred) a disturbing trend begins to unfold for every character. If they do not take the right steps and interact correctly with everyone's stories, they may end up dead by chapter 35. The book only tells the story of events that have already occurred. However, there occasionally comes a line that hints at a dark end. Depending on the actions you take, the book will either elude to a happier ending, certain death, or something much more disturbing. Your actions will decide your fate.
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I do not want to be super crazy about rules and I hope I wont have to be. If necessary, I will step in and correct behavior and I hope that everyone can respect that, if I do end up talking to someone about changing a post, they will respect my decision. I am hopeful that won't happen as we are all here to be creative and have fun!

1. No God-Modding. If you are unfamiliar, do not control someone else's actions. I have mentioned above that sometimes your personal book will give you insight into someones thoughts. If you wish this to be so, ask that person first. Never assume as that isn't fun for anyone.

2. Although "mature" behavior is not banned from this story, this is not a sexual story by nature. I do not mind relationships evolving, but I do not want there to be any overtly sexual themes throughout. If something is getting "steamy" and characters wish to continue into more graphic scenes, please contact me and I will set up a separate thread in the appropriate forum for you to do so. I do not want to restrict anyone's creativity. If you are confused on what is too "mature", please contact me.

3. In this respect, I also would ask that extremely "graphic" descriptions of gore and violence are kept to a minimum. Again, I know that this can be fun and if two characters wish to explore a darker side of horror I respect that. However, scenes that are too graphic are not necessarily fun for everyone. If you wish to explore something more violent with yourself and another character, please let me know and I shall open a separate thread in the appropriate forum for you to do so. If you are confused on what is too "graphic", please feel free to contact me.

4. No character shall be forced to do anything against their will unless it adheres to site policy and is discussed previously. Any violation of this rule and I will contact you directly. If a second violation occurs, I shall report you. (I want this to be fun AND safe, ok?)

5. Please try to post once per week. If something is happening at home and you are unable to post, I completely understand and please contact me. However, I would like everyone to post at least once (in no particular order) before the round of posting starts again. If it takes longer than a week for someone to respond, the story can drag. Please be respectful of your fellow characters and keep us informed of any absences!

6. If anyone at any time has any questions at all, please contact me! I am always here to help, listen, and be the best host I possibly can be!
CHARACTER PROFILE (Please post all character profiles here!)






Appearance: (picture or DETAILED description accepted)

Background: (as much information about your life in the "real" world as you are willing to provide)


Your Story: (How you would present in this world. For example, if your genre is "Fantasy", you may eventually have some magical powers, such as shooting out fireballs. If your genre is "Romance" you may find that no man/woman can resist your charms. You will grow into these tropes gradually, or you may have none at all, but this is a section to describe who you want to be by the end of your story. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.)

Other: (This is a section to add anything else you may find important to your character. Inspiration images, theme songs, personal mottos, ect. Anything you think would be helpful.)
Feel free to start either before you open the book or when you first arrive in the room. When you open the door, you find yourself standing in front of the bookstore where you bought the book. Things begin to go wrong almost immediately as your genre begins to take affect and you begin to find the other bookstores. Each bookstore in this world has its own domain. Once you enter the world, you can not exit back through the bookstore door until you have completed your story, if you make it out alive. The land surrounding your bookstore holds true to the tropes of your favorite genre. The only difference is, you are now at the center of your story. Good luck!
I will be waiting to post a profile until a few people have chosen genres for themselves as I don't want the pickings to seem unfair :)
Would it be okay if I reserved the romance genre? Or sub-categorized it? This plot looks AMAZING btw, I'm so shook
Would it be okay if I reserved the romance genre? Or sub-categorized it? This plot looks AMAZING btw, I'm so shook
You got it! Romance is all yours. :) Thank you so much! I had been considering writing a book using this plot and could never get past the general concept. It seemed such a shame to waste it, I am so glad you like it!
wow! i love love love this! could i reserve horror per chance?
  • Mystery
  • Science-Fiction
  • Western
  • Inspirational
  • History
These are the genres we have left! After two more are chosen I'll choose from what is left and post a character here. :) For those who have already chosen a genre, feel free to post a profile at any time!
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Ahhh I'm so sorry I haven't made my sheet yet! Though I have a really dumb question i wanted to ask, how are our characters going to come across each other? Seeing that they have different genres and such?
Ahhh I'm so sorry I haven't made my sheet yet! Though I have a really dumb question i wanted to ask, how are our characters going to come across each other? Seeing that they have different genres and such?
Each genre encompasses about the size of a city block so they are very close together when the story starts. As each book grows so does the world it inhabits. So, when the world starts each world is about the size of a chapter and they grow with the more chapters there are. That way it is easy for everyone to meet at first if that makes sense.
You know, I think I might pick up fantasy, if you dont mind. I'm a sucker for swords and sorcery
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