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We only have two dolls in the house at the moment, but soon, more will find their way in.
Full Name: Leah Arul
Pronunciation of their name: Lee-uh Ah-rule
Title: Lady
Sex: Female
Race/species: Vampire
Age(and how old they look): 23
Orientation/Sexual preference: Heterosexual
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 160 lbs
Mental state: Sane
Personality snapshot:
(optional)In-depth personality:
Most prominent personality trait:
Best traits of their personality: Humility
Worst traits of their personality: Lack of apathy
Current faith(religion): Agnostic
Alignment: Good-Neutral
Marital status(Single, married, dating, etc.): Single
Occupation: Knight
Good habits: Tiding living quarters
Bad habits: Rarely trusts others
Abilities(As in powers):
Special skills(Not meaning powers): Reading, writing, horsemanship
Pronunciation of their name: Lee-uh Ah-rule
Title: Lady
Sex: Female
Race/species: Vampire
Age(and how old they look): 23
Orientation/Sexual preference: Heterosexual
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 160 lbs
Mental state: Sane
Personality snapshot:
(optional)In-depth personality:
Most prominent personality trait:
Best traits of their personality: Humility
Worst traits of their personality: Lack of apathy
Current faith(religion): Agnostic
Alignment: Good-Neutral
Marital status(Single, married, dating, etc.): Single
Occupation: Knight
Good habits: Tiding living quarters
Bad habits: Rarely trusts others
Abilities(As in powers):
Special skills(Not meaning powers): Reading, writing, horsemanship
Physical Traits
Gender: Female
Birthdate: 9 Feb 1997 12:25
Ethnicity: African American
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 114 lbs
Small frame, healthy, with poor muscle tone. Endomorphic - People with an endomorphic body type easily gain weight in the form of fat or muscles but often have to work very hard to lose fat. Minimal body hair, with a color similar to skin tone.
Heart - Face is wide at the temples and hairline, narrowing to a small delicate chin. Brown eyes that slant up. Large irises, far apart eye spacing, and large-sized eyes. Curved eyebrows, medium-height eyebrows. Average forehead with single vertical dagger wrinkle between eyebrows.
Medium, dark brown hair. Normally curly, occasionally straight.
Light brown, normal skin. Birthmarks, Stretch marks, Tattoos/ body modification
A short or flat nose. A bridge, tip, and base. The underside of the nose is easily visible.
The top lip is larger than bottom lip.
Medium size teeth.
Small hands with medium-length, thin-width fingers that have rounded tips. Rounded palms with many well-defined lines. Medium fingernails. Hand and fingernail condition: Manicured nails
Health Issues:
High pitch. Modal quality - Normal
Above average, well educated
Distinctive Features:
Tattoo down the small of her back, which are a series of numbers
Hardly ever wears makeup
Sexual Orientation:
On the Kinsey Sexuality Rating Scale, 2 - Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
Number of Siblings:
2, 1 of who is still living, and of which the character is the middle child.
Relationships within Family:
She has always been very distant even as a young child.
Family Religious Background:
Importance to character: None
Father's Occupation:
Law enforcement
State trooper
Former Marine
Mother's Occupation:
Stay at home mother
Family's Economic Class (while the character was growing up):
Upper-middle class
Character's Education:
Private High School, Private 4-Year University
Character's Occupation:
Character's Economic Class:
Middle class
Character's Religion:
Importance: Little
Number of Children:
Personal Life
Relationship: Never married
Rudeness, being talked over, being judged, being made a fool of
Inner Circle - The most loyal supporters of the leader who work to keep the leader in power, yes-men.
Group Role:
Explorers promote exploration of new and better ways of doing things, to uncover hidden potential in people, things or situations. They break new ground and are often looking one step beyond the current situation to pursue unexplored avenues until all the possibilities have been exhausted. Explorers often challenge the status quo and experiment with the introduction of change, to see if the situation can be improved or new potential uncovered.
This role most closely corresponds with ENFP, ENTP Myers Briggs personality types.
Cooperation in a group setting:
Willing to lend a hand but not interested in inconvenience
Style of Thinking:
"Idealists look and respond attentively and receptively". This will give you the impression that they are truly interested in what you are saying and value your opinion. From the standpoint of conflict, they are the exact opposite of the synthesis. They shun conflict and are always trying to be accommodating. As an idealist, they try to think holistically. Wholesomeness and assimilation are two very strong traits for an idealist.
One of their prime strategies is to "Focus on the whole". Take the holistic approach. Nothing is in isolation. This viewpoint can open up new areas of discussion but can also distract you from the specific details of your specific problem.
Idealist also tends to take a much longer view of things. They tend to be greater planners and are convinced that the world can be a better place if only people started thinking about the future and planning more. The fact that the idealist is more prone to the plan may delay important decisions from being made or action from being taken but it can also defer impulsive action as well. This will give you more time to plan and set goals and standards.
Idealists also tend to be very receptive listeners. They aren't interested in listening to a lot of data or facts however. They are more interested in "people" and "feelings". Because of this, they can be very good at gathering information. People relate to them and feel that they can trust them. Because of this interest in people and relationships, idealists will try and humanize an argument. When dealing with "manpower" problems or "Human Resources", the Idealist will never lose sight that these are people you are dealing with, not statistics or just other resources. These are people with families, obligations, problems etc.
Idealists in positions of management can, however, tend to believe in the "Ideal" situation or method. Unlike the Synthesist, the Idealist will tend to concentrate on the "correct" method of carrying out a task as opposed to utilizing conflict to fuel creativity to find better methods. Idealists have valuable strategies but they must be used in the proper proportions in order to be effective.
Secrecy about Personal Information:
Steers conversations away from personal topics
Emotional Attack:
To hurt this character, one would:
Say she is unimportant
Reliability of Memory:
Wrong more often than right
The sense of Humor:
Openly displayed
Active (makes jokes)
Gender: Female
Birthdate: 9 Feb 1997 12:25
Ethnicity: African American
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 114 lbs
Small frame, healthy, with poor muscle tone. Endomorphic - People with an endomorphic body type easily gain weight in the form of fat or muscles but often have to work very hard to lose fat. Minimal body hair, with a color similar to skin tone.
Heart - Face is wide at the temples and hairline, narrowing to a small delicate chin. Brown eyes that slant up. Large irises, far apart eye spacing, and large-sized eyes. Curved eyebrows, medium-height eyebrows. Average forehead with single vertical dagger wrinkle between eyebrows.
Medium, dark brown hair. Normally curly, occasionally straight.
Light brown, normal skin. Birthmarks, Stretch marks, Tattoos/ body modification
A short or flat nose. A bridge, tip, and base. The underside of the nose is easily visible.
The top lip is larger than bottom lip.
Medium size teeth.
Small hands with medium-length, thin-width fingers that have rounded tips. Rounded palms with many well-defined lines. Medium fingernails. Hand and fingernail condition: Manicured nails
Health Issues:
High pitch. Modal quality - Normal
Above average, well educated
Distinctive Features:
Tattoo down the small of her back, which are a series of numbers
Hardly ever wears makeup
Sexual Orientation:
On the Kinsey Sexuality Rating Scale, 2 - Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
Number of Siblings:
2, 1 of who is still living, and of which the character is the middle child.
Relationships within Family:
She has always been very distant even as a young child.
Family Religious Background:
Importance to character: None
Father's Occupation:
Law enforcement
State trooper
Former Marine
Mother's Occupation:
Stay at home mother
Family's Economic Class (while the character was growing up):
Upper-middle class
Character's Education:
Private High School, Private 4-Year University
Character's Occupation:
Character's Economic Class:
Middle class
Character's Religion:
Importance: Little
Number of Children:
Personal Life
Relationship: Never married
- Food: Seafood
- Color: Purple
- Pastime: Reading
- Literary Genre: Realistic Magical
- Items: Necklace given to from an ex-lover
- Animal: Dog
- Music: Classical
- Plant: Venus fly trap
Rudeness, being talked over, being judged, being made a fool of
Inner Circle - The most loyal supporters of the leader who work to keep the leader in power, yes-men.
Group Role:
Explorers promote exploration of new and better ways of doing things, to uncover hidden potential in people, things or situations. They break new ground and are often looking one step beyond the current situation to pursue unexplored avenues until all the possibilities have been exhausted. Explorers often challenge the status quo and experiment with the introduction of change, to see if the situation can be improved or new potential uncovered.
This role most closely corresponds with ENFP, ENTP Myers Briggs personality types.
Cooperation in a group setting:
Willing to lend a hand but not interested in inconvenience
Style of Thinking:
"Idealists look and respond attentively and receptively". This will give you the impression that they are truly interested in what you are saying and value your opinion. From the standpoint of conflict, they are the exact opposite of the synthesis. They shun conflict and are always trying to be accommodating. As an idealist, they try to think holistically. Wholesomeness and assimilation are two very strong traits for an idealist.
One of their prime strategies is to "Focus on the whole". Take the holistic approach. Nothing is in isolation. This viewpoint can open up new areas of discussion but can also distract you from the specific details of your specific problem.
Idealist also tends to take a much longer view of things. They tend to be greater planners and are convinced that the world can be a better place if only people started thinking about the future and planning more. The fact that the idealist is more prone to the plan may delay important decisions from being made or action from being taken but it can also defer impulsive action as well. This will give you more time to plan and set goals and standards.
Idealists also tend to be very receptive listeners. They aren't interested in listening to a lot of data or facts however. They are more interested in "people" and "feelings". Because of this, they can be very good at gathering information. People relate to them and feel that they can trust them. Because of this interest in people and relationships, idealists will try and humanize an argument. When dealing with "manpower" problems or "Human Resources", the Idealist will never lose sight that these are people you are dealing with, not statistics or just other resources. These are people with families, obligations, problems etc.
Idealists in positions of management can, however, tend to believe in the "Ideal" situation or method. Unlike the Synthesist, the Idealist will tend to concentrate on the "correct" method of carrying out a task as opposed to utilizing conflict to fuel creativity to find better methods. Idealists have valuable strategies but they must be used in the proper proportions in order to be effective.
Secrecy about Personal Information:
Steers conversations away from personal topics
Emotional Attack:
To hurt this character, one would:
Say she is unimportant
Reliability of Memory:
Wrong more often than right
The sense of Humor:
Openly displayed
Active (makes jokes)