Day One
-Adelaide tracks down Isen to make deal. DSTF follows her and attacks. Purple gas meant to disable/choke out; burns from the inside out.Day One
-Post #7: First time Isen is killed in story.
-Adelaide stays the night at his cabin to rest up.
Day Two
-DSTF comes first thing and starts capturing Dissonants looking for Adelaide and Isen.-Adelaide is taken by General Van Dyne, Isen is given a tip by a werewolf to where she is. He shows up but she's already escaped the room and is wandering around courtesy of her new inside man.
-Post #52: Adelaide hears Ignas for the first time
-Find vault, it recognizes her magic signature and lets them in. Ignas is used to smash a case and she takes a ring that then won't come off. (Black glyphs on gold band)
-General shows up in the vault and attempts to capture her, she teleports them for the first time (Post #66). Has flashback to dead friends.
-Return to cabin to pack things, long walk to the train station where Isen snaps her out of her funk. Isen beats up a vending machine at the station to get her food.
-Isen scares the poor worker on the train and is labeled Adelaide's "bodyguard", then Ignas makes Isen motion sickness as revenge for being called annoying. Adelaide takes care of him until Ignas realizes his error, he shares his name and tells her about the different mage families.
-Adelaide learns about Meribell and shares how she killed her best friend in self defense.
-Adelaide tries to flirt with hotel man when they arrive and find somewhere, he flirts with Isen and ends up giving them the shitty room when he realizes Isen is straight. Attempt to get Isen to relax ends up just watching television, Ignas allows him to taste food as a bribe to get put back inside.
-Ignas convinces Isen to leave while Adelaide is sleeping but she catches him.
Day Three
-Isen tries coffee, over sweetens it and hates it.-Spot werewolf with malfunctioning illusion, rescue him from crowd and tail him back to find Samara's shop.
-Samara gifts Adelaide three spells: How to shut Ignas up, magic imprinting via syncing her with the ring, and a mystery spell about bonding with Isen and sharing their pasts.
-Isen gets a makeover, which gets Adelaide flustered over seeing him in nice clothes. He is sent into the DSTF playing as a worried insurance businessman.
-Priscilla drops off spelled EMP to Adelaide which saves Isen from almost being caught. She gets inside and they find the underground vault with the drones.
-Post#253: Ignas vs. Drone
-Isen gets flustered seeing Adelaide shirtless when checking injuries.
-More talk about his family before bed, she has a nightmare and they bond when he comforts her.
Day Four
-Isen starts making jokes-Find a kitten on their way back to Samara's, she binds it to Adelaide as a familiar. (Orange ribbon on tail)
-Post #303: How to remove a catalyst.
-Find out they're publicly wanted, find a phone upon leaving and Adelaide's inside man sends them a car to take them a university town/apartment. Ember starts speaking to Ignas on the drive there while Adelaide sleeps.
-Instructed to go to seminar, Isen ends up in a bedsheet during laundry, then Adelaide ends up dressing up for the seminar.
-Lorelei enthralls crowd, werewolf and vampire attack her and are drained, leading Adelaide to realize who she is.
-Isen sends her on a walk to cool down after the seminar and attempts (and fails) to cook her dinner. Ember finally speaks to Adelaide. Isen then makes lanterns for them to light and send off in honor of their lost loved ones. Ignas gets shut up overnight.
Day Five
-Woken by call from inside man warning her about the seminar.-Confronts grandma, they all go to lunch where Adelaide finds out she had a hand in her family's death. Attacks Lorelei, teleports out but can't teleport them again so they're forced to get a cab.
-Get attacked by Takami who gets a hold of Ignas and leaves Isen did. Ember turns into a big cat, Adelaide throws a cab and Isen gets Ignas back. Grandma shows up and Adelaide panic teleports them to Samara's, Takami included.
-Experiment to see what emotion lets Adelaide change Ember back, fear makes her panic and Isen calming her down allows Ember to change back.
-Isen challenges Ora to a duel, winning means he aids them.
-Vamp shows up for Samara's help and Adelaide learns the illusion spell.
-Samara uses foresight and gives up the power in order to share the vision with them. Explains general killed her mother.
-Isen wins duel, and planning for the raid on the drones begins.
Remainder of Day Five through Day Eight
Boys training, Isabella feeding them intel, Ada and Samara working on magic. Ignas and Ember begin to bond over mutual dislike for Priscilla.Day 8: Christmas shopping; meet with Roland and get keycard. Isabella gets high off magic blood. (#502)
Adelaide gets mad and storms off, Isen shows her the gift early (#533) and she accidentally uses the bonding spell so they see each other's memories. She sees his memory of being killed, resurrected, and murdering Meribell and kisses him to snap him out of it (#551, #560)
Day Nine
Lorelei visits Samara and barters her mother's necklace for a trinket capable of good illusion, as she is now worried her husband will dispose of her when he no longer finds her useful. (#592)
Day Ten
-(#625) Samara gives them all magic clothes-Summit, DSTF drones end up killing innocents as well as Dissonants.(#633) Priscilla transforms into a phoenix(#641) to defend Samara, both end up dying.(#645)
-Adelaide and Isen storm the facility, get caught and General Van Dyne tortures Isen(#665) until Lorelei begins to argue with him,(#672) Adelaide kills him,(#676) and then Maximilian shows up with his demon.
-Malakai begins to drain/kill Adelaide and Isen who are already weakened, Adelaide's paternal family shows up and whisks them to safety back at Samara's shop with Isabella. (Post #680)
-Adelaide finds out Isen can feel her touch. (#697)
Days Eleven and Twelve
Day 11: Resting/Christmas dayDay 12: Adelaide goes to retrieve the teddy bear from Isen's old home, meets female demon (#712)
-Isen and Takami discuss Isabella's behavior (Crush) toward Takami (#713)
-Gives Isen restored bear (#716)
-Danica intrudes and converses with them all about wanting to take down Malakai, offers to give them a strong catalyst to move Ignas into.
Day Thirteen
(December 27th)-(#745) Bury Samara and Priscilla at Adelaide's restored house
-(#747) Talk with Ignas about everything going on, find out Isen/Meribell/others in the town were marked by Malakai as a potential vessel before Ignas came along. Meribell was killed to stop her from becoming a vessel for Malakai
(#752) Danica returns briefly with the promise to come back later after Adelaide has eaten and plan more.
-Return and find Roland there. Isen gives Takami a pep talk (#759)
-Lorelei teaches Adelaide spells (#766)
-Danica takes them to search for the catalyst in much warmer climate (#772)
-Danica disappears, Ragdan appears asking for help for Ada to free his sister from the catalyst safely. When she refuses because she can't, he intends to kill Ignas and use Isen as his vessel
-(#787) Isen/Ignas kill self to revive and win fight
(#792/3) Ada manages to free Lenova during fight but Ignas kills both her and Ragdan
-Danica reappears, taunts Ignas and he stabs her through, Ada puts Danica in the ring to save her (#796) Ignas tries to kill Ada to stop it and Isen stops him.
(#805) Ignas explains his past with Danica and Malaki (to an extent)
(#823) They discover Cresthaven has checkpoints set up all over (edited)
Day Fourteen
(December 28th)-Lorelei aids Isen in making breakfast for Ada so he doesn't destroy it. (#829)
-(#837) Isabella finds out about the deal Takami and Isen made
-(#840) Ada does the spell for Isabella to be able to hear Danica, find out she actually made it so everyone can hear Danica. (#842)
(#851) They check out the blockades and realize they're set to keep people in but allow demons inside the city.
-Isen and Ada fight against 3 demons, Dagon, Rykard and Armen, find out they made a deal with someone in the DSTF to scare the citizens as a distraction
(#862) Ada lets Danica control her body to fight, kills Dagon and Armen, Ada has to threaten to harm herself to get Danica to return control of her body. (#874)
(#906) Claudia delivers the news that it appears Ignas' witch is dead and her place long abandoned.
(#916) Danica possesses Ada to try to get her and Isen to sleep together
(#929) The Demon Calling; any humans and Dissonants not linked directly to a demon will forget it (including Isabella) Takami has a catalyst and therefore has a link and can remember.
(#935) Go to Clara's old home for both a place to escape and closure (Where they all separate from Nikolai/others at shop)
(#938) Find out the truth about how Ignas was sealed away
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