Policy Update Donations and Site Finances

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Policy Update Donations and Site Finances

Some of you might have noticed the donation feature indicated in a couple places on the site. This feature is now working and this thread is here to let you know what any donations are going towards.

Donation is by no means mandatory—but it helps us keep the lights on and potentially add more paid features. There's also no pressure if you genuinely cannot afford it.

Right now we have had a few single time expenses:
Xenforo license: $140-The software that lets the forums run

Siropu Chat: $30 - The delightful chat at the bottom of the screen

Thanks to Mia for both of those.

Annually, we have ~$10 for the domain name

Monthly, our servers now cost us around $30 USD.

Sponsorship on TopRPsites, which gives us visibility and new members, costs $14.50 a month or lower amounts for longer spans.

There are several paid add-ons we're hoping to get as time goes on, but we welcome suggestions from users.

If you want a particular add-on, you can donate toward that specifically by letting an admin know. This includes unlisted ones, so long as you check with us beforehand.

Barring that, our priority for how we use donations would generally be:

1. Servers
2. TopRPsites sponsorship
3. Add-ons

These are supplemental, a way for us to offset the day-to-day expenses and focus our own investments on improving the site, not just keeping it up. We appreciate whatever you can give.

Any donations will also get you a custom title and a coloured username, plus a badge when those are installed. If you purchase a specific add-on, we'll give you a second title and badge indicating which one.
Just to add to what JamesMartin has already said, add ons can be browsed at xenforo.com and also found with google search. The features are limitless and some are really very cool.

We don't want people here to just be members on a roster, we really want you all to be an active part in building our community. Your input means a lot to us. Thank you all for your support.
I'd love to have private chat. Where you can talk to separate users without whispering them.
Oh.... I didn't know, I was just told to leave suggestions :) I'm sorry if I upset y'all with the idea.
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What?! Who's upset?! Not this chick! *points at self* just letting you know that, as much as we would like to, that isn't currently a feature that we can add directly to the chat. But you can always use your conversations tab to carry on as many individual conversations as you like! Consider it a compromise....lol

Perhaps siropou will add that feature in an update at some point in the future.
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