Goddess Calypso
Goddess of Smut

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- Today 8:17 AM
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- Age
- 34
- Pronouns
- She/Her
The first time Hailey saw her was when she fell for her. People often say love at first sight is fiction, but Hailey believes sometimes it's real. Problem is, she's the only one who feels this way out of the two. Of course, she didn't know it was love at first-- they were seven. Romance meant cooties and kissing was gross. Even after all the years, she can still remember that day they met clearly. Hailey remembered how the sun felt on her face, how it shined off Lana's hair like a halo-- almost symbolic of the angel she believed her to be. The sound of her laugh as she chased another kid in a game of tag still lingers in Hailey's head when she feels lonely.
Loving someone who doesn't love you back is hard enough, but when that person uses your feelings as a manipulation tactic, it's worse. Hailey loved Lana so much, that she was blind to how the girl treated her. Their entire friendship was Lana taking advantage of Hailey's eagerness to please, and curry her favor. Lana skated through high school on Hailey's back. While Lana went out, having fun with friends and going to parties, Hailey was putting in double hours on homework-- doing her own, and Lana's. She wrote entire papers for Lana, put Lana first even to the detriment of her own health and studies. While Hailey wasted away, Lana thrived.
As soon as Lana would see any kind of sign that Hailey was giving up, or considering moving on, she'd throw a bone. If it meant flirting with Hailey, kissing her, or even going to bed with her, Lana did what she felt she had to do to keep her lovesick puppy on a leash. If Hailey moved on, she'd have no one to manipulate, no one to cater to her every need and whim. Lana often convinced herself that, if she didn't do these things and keep Hailey wanting and pining, that the other girl would be miserable. It was how she justified her cruelty in her mind.
Loving someone who doesn't love you back is hard enough, but when that person uses your feelings as a manipulation tactic, it's worse. Hailey loved Lana so much, that she was blind to how the girl treated her. Their entire friendship was Lana taking advantage of Hailey's eagerness to please, and curry her favor. Lana skated through high school on Hailey's back. While Lana went out, having fun with friends and going to parties, Hailey was putting in double hours on homework-- doing her own, and Lana's. She wrote entire papers for Lana, put Lana first even to the detriment of her own health and studies. While Hailey wasted away, Lana thrived.
As soon as Lana would see any kind of sign that Hailey was giving up, or considering moving on, she'd throw a bone. If it meant flirting with Hailey, kissing her, or even going to bed with her, Lana did what she felt she had to do to keep her lovesick puppy on a leash. If Hailey moved on, she'd have no one to manipulate, no one to cater to her every need and whim. Lana often convinced herself that, if she didn't do these things and keep Hailey wanting and pining, that the other girl would be miserable. It was how she justified her cruelty in her mind.
Hailey sat up in her bed, pulling her blanket up to cover her breasts as she watched her friend and sometimes lover get dressed. They'd slept together again; her angel had come and taken her to Heaven, but it was just a taste. It was always just one night, one time. "You're my weakness, Hails," Lana had said, eyes filled with crocodile tears as she had held both of Hailey's hands in her own. "I try to stay away, because our friendship is so important to me, but I always need you." Then Lana had kissed her, and it hadn't taken long for them to fall into bed together.
It felt good to Hailey, knowing she was needed. Not just needed, but needed by Lana. Even if, deep down, a part of her screamed that it was a lie. Hailey wasn't as stupid as Lana thought she was, but she was lonely. She wanted so badly to believe the lie, that she refused to acknowledge the truth-- Lana was a user, a horrible human being who preyed on the weaknesses of others for her own gain. She'd seen the weakness in Hailey way back when they were kids, and struck like viper she was.
"Lana," she called softly from where she sat surrounded by tangled bedding, "are you leaving?" The tall, curvaceous blonde turned and gave her friend a sympathetic smile. She walked back over to Hailey, sitting and placing a hand on her leg above the blanket. "You know why I can't stay," Lana said. "My husband will wonder where I am. I can't tell him that I came over to my friend's house for a quickie."
Quickie. The word felt like a slap in the face, and Hailey actually flinched. A quickie; that's all she was. She knew Lana didn't actually care, but she was so desperate for her affection, for her love, that she let herself fall into the trap every time. Hailey's eyes filled with real tears, the tears of bruised and broken heart. "I love you, Lana," she said, her voice breaking on the other's name. Lana leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to her lips. "Oh sweetie, I know."
Lana's voice was so... patronizing, like she was explaining something to a small child, rather than a woman of thirty years. The small brunette wanted to snap at her, to tell Lana that she wasn't one her children and not to speak to her that way. But... Hailey knew that would cause a fight, and she didn't want to fight. She just wanted to be loved, and loved by Lana.
As she watched her childhood friend finish dressing, Hailey felt like she'd lost something. She'd never really realized how badly she viewed herself until that moment, watching Lana wink and blow her a kiss before walking out the door. Her heart was down in her stomach, and she suddenly felt the urge to throw up. Who even was she anymore? Who had she ever been? Hailey had spend the majority of her life following Lana like a puppy, begging and just hoping to get tossed scraps of affection.
Oh sweetie, I know.
The words echoed in her head, getting louder and louder until it was all Hailey could hear. She covered her ears, but it wouldn't stop. Over and over she heard the words, until they were layered in with Lana's laughter. God, she was such a fool! All these years, wasted, praying for love from someone who probably didn't know the meaning of the word. Lana only loved herself, and it showed in the way she treated everyone in her life, especially Hailey.
Hailey jolted out of the bed, yanking on her discarded clothes in jerky, angry movements. She was so stupid, letting Lana do this again. Last time has sworn to herself she wouldn't fall for this again, but the moment Lana had showed up, tears in her eyes and begging Hailey to hold her, Hailey had caved. It happened every time. She felt so done, so over all of this. Her life needed to change. No more would she fall for Lana's fake tears, or her false sentiments.
I'm done. That was the text she sent Lana after finding her phone. She couldn't do this back and forth, tug of war bullshit anymore. It hurt too much, tore Hailey apart inside. Kisses and promises and the occasional sweating between the sheets wasn't enough anymore. Gone were the teenage years where this kind of behavior could be explained away as just being childish. No-- they were grown now, adults. Lana was married with three kids, and Hailey... all this time Hailey has been sitting just to the side, hoping and praying for Lana to love her back.
No more. It was time to stand up, straighten her backbone, and declare herself independent. She went through every bit of social media she owned, blocking Lana from being able to contact her. Hailey blocked her phone number, too, and changed Lana's name to "Don't Answer". I'm a good woman, and I deserve better than this, Hailey told herself. She showered, scrubbing the memory of Lana's touch and scent off her skin, before stripping her bed and putting on fresh sheets.
Change-- freedom --felt good.