MxF Down for a Roleplay part 2: An Unexpected Journey

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MxF Down for a Roleplay part 2: An Unexpected Journey

SpaceCowboy Nebula

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Today 7:16 AM
Perhaps its unorthodox of me to create a second request thread, to others perhaps its like renewing your (insert real world mundane task).

Hello intrepid explorer, long time member here, first time (in a while) poster of request threads and role playing! Partly the reason I've wanted to recreate a new thread on requests is because I think renewing it is sort of applicable to my current vacancy, I also think 'bumping' my old thread is just more obnoxious and I feel my thoughts and tastes have altered and i think i'm more open to accommodate other peoples interests.

If your curious about my OG thread then you can see it here:

Lets knock the ball out the park first by saying what is a no go;

  • Incest
  • Pedophilia (just no)
  • Necrophilia
  • Human excrement's (shit, piss, vomit, the lovely stuff)
  • MLP
  • Furries (not my cup of tea but I feel if you want to do this it can be negotiable)
  • OTT Haematophilia ( Unless its not too extreme and within context, I.E Vampires)
  • OTT Gore, Torture or any bodily harm (Again, don't mind it if its not overly explicit)
  • *Will add more when see fit*

I tend to do more sexual/romantic plot points, but i'm willing to cast my net out a bit wider more broadly speaking with Roleplaying. So i'm not tiptoeing around the topic, I do like Roleplaying non-con/rough play plots.

  • Non-con ( As stated, rough play, Rape, its self explanatory)
  • Stockholm Syndrome
  • Breaking
  • Obsession
  • Stalking
  • Unrequited
  • angst
  • Basically any Yandere like scenario is cool... I suppose that umbrellas the previous categories...

And to be fair, the plot doesn't have to involve a heavy subject whats so ever, as stated I would like to try my hands at some interesting new plots I've never tried. My Characters tend to lean on more subordinate sides because personality wise i'm not quiet in reality, but i'm keen on playing more characters with diverse personalities. I don't go below the age of 18 and my characters are mainly played by females.

  • Werewolf X Human or Red-Riding- Thought I'd bulk them both together, would most likely use some more Scandinavian Fantasy elements. Werewolf has human form, stalks his object of affection, whatever, this is why I can perhaps give room for "Furrie" themes.
  • Vampire X Human- I feel like this can work for whatever setting, I feel this one can be more open in terms of creating plot.
  • Master X Maid/Slave - Again, any setting...
  • Teacher X Student
  • Killer/Kidnapper X Student

I think I'll make a separate Spoiler on ideas for other plots I want to do, but I wanted to list these down first.

  1. Communication is Key- The most vital thing; Will obviously refer back to this point, but I or you for that matter wont know whats going on with anything unless we talk.
  2. Don't leave me hanging buddo- Has happened a number of times (I can be bad for it sometimes especially because i'm at university) but don't leave me hanging! It makes me question my ability as a writer and a person and I'd rather people tell me why
  3. On that point, don't like where its going, tell me!- We can either stop Roleplaying or change it to accommodate us both
  4. Discussion- I like to obviously discuss characters, limits, story, plot, themes, etc. Before we begin in PM before we hit the threadzzz.
  5. Writing style- I'm not going to sit here and say i'm the next fucking Victor Hugo but I do expect a decent writing style; I usually write about 2-3 paragraphs, 1 paragraph on bad day, I like writing in 3rd person as it feels more concise with plot and environmental development.
  6. No Godmodding- Fee like this is a pretty apparent one we should all know to avoid.
  7. No Mary Sues or Gary Stu's!- What I mean is OP characters, I don't give a damn if your character is called Crystal and has turquoise hair, I mean something like "Hoi, my name is 'Silvermoon' and I'm a half Demon, half Angel, half Faerie ,half Yokai ,half Gopher Princess from Japan who everyone loves and is a master at the katana and is a really good cook who plays the flute so beautifully it made Stevie Wonder shed a tear." Unless context dictates other wise (because A Vampire is going to be more supernaturally gifted than a human, but he is still vulnerable because he burns in light and/or burns at the touch of garlic.)
  8. Timeframe- Again , as I've stated previously, I can be a tinker when it comes to responding, but I wouldn't expect anymore than a week max unless other wise. This is because i'm either working, socialising or studying, If you stop role playing for a while ill just assume its be discontinued unless either of us say.
  9. Getting to know you- I obviously care and respect my fellow partner, so I wouldn't mind if we spoke outside of Role playing. I've had many partners where when I've not spoken to them outside of writing, it seems just so robotic and tense, so I wouldn't mind just chatting here and there.

Ill edit this later with new things I guess. If your keen however, don't be afraid to pop a comment or PM to me!

Update 2020
As you know, I barely go on this site, whether your new and seeing this or an old RP partner, just pop a message, I doubt anyone will view this but its just for courtesy. I really enjoy roleplaying and unfortunately due to life and mental health its proven difficult...I'm still suffering from my demons but i'm improving as much as I can... I probably will post in the hiatus bit because I come and go so many times its lost its momentum.​

See you soon Space Cowboy...
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HI!! i was wondering if you at all do characters from movies or tv shows, i saw that you were open to ideas, if not thats okay! i would still be interested in roleplaying with my OC's.
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