One-Shot Dragon napping.

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One-Shot Dragon napping.

short-term 'One Shots'


Shape shifting flirtaholic
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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The year is XX05. Dragons are slowly declining in the world. A mad wizard has cast a spell on draconic kind that has left them fertile but unable to breed with one another. A conclave was held as the population reached 50% of its former glory. Many solutions were brought up and given a chance to succeed. One unlikely solution was to breed with the humans. They breed like rabbits and have multiple young so maybe a pairing with a dragon would repopulate quickly. It would be up to the dragon to shape change and to purge the offspring of the human side thou. And so a dragon was chosen. An arcane drake from the mountains of the north. His kind are good with magic and shape shifting. So then was the dragon markinos chosen to attempt the solution.
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