Dream's Family Cult

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Dream's Family Cult


Sanctums Certified Stalker
Local time
Today 6:59 AM
Indianapolis, IN
Grand wooden doors open to a faceless entity dressed in flowing black garb. This is Dream, the creator of this cult with nothing more than mystery shrouding them. Welcome to the experimental Family Cult.

  1. So far site rules apply
  2. Cult is for Play characters ONLY
  3. Don't get possessive, its childish
~This is an experimental project run by me, by no means is this associated with the staff~

Family Tree
  • Mother - Amilia Lynn Nightwalker
  • Father - Harbringer
  • Aunt 1 -
  • Aunt 2 -
  • Uncle 1 - Stolas
  • Uncle 2 -
  • Daughter 1-3:
  • Son 1-3:
  • Cousin 1-3:
  • Niece 1-3:
  • Nephew 1-3:
Quiet a long list, but this family will be very large indeed. We are a cult and a cult we shall be. When you wish to join, reply with the name of your character and anything else you want added to this list. Maybe in the future I will do a picture family tree but only when I get a computer. So please do have a vague image of what your character looks like.

Cult Contract

Have fun my family, have fun.
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Well, this seems most interesting, and possibly highly entertaining. Here is my character.

Name: The Harbinger (Tenebrae Mortis)
Occupation: An Apostle of the Black Sun, and the Harbinger of the Leviathan.
Personality: Quiet, and secretly very dominant, Harbinger displays examples of social disconnect. He is unfamiliar of the customs of the planet, and will often simply watch others to gain a sense of a situation. He is reluctant to conflict, but will seldom hesitate to crack someone upside the skull with the seethe of his sword.
Height: 7'8
Hair color: White
Eye color: Phosphorescent green, no pupil.
Build: Muscular.
Powers: TO be announced.

Desired position within the family: Father.
Well, this seems most interesting, and possibly highly entertaining. Here is my character.

Name: The Harbinger (Tenebrae Mortis)
Occupation: An Apostle of the Black Sun, and the Harbinger of the Leviathan.
Personality: Quiet, and secretly very dominant, Harbinger displays examples of social disconnect. He is unfamiliar of the customs of the planet, and will often simply watch others to gain a sense of a situation. He is reluctant to conflict, but will seldom hesitate to crack someone upside the skull with the seethe of his sword.
Height: 7'8
Hair color: White
Eye color: Phosphorescent green, no pupil.
Build: Muscular.
Powers: TO be announced.

Desired position within the family: Father.
You'll be married to Amilia, read over her CS thoroughly Harbringer.
Name: Stolas
Age: Not measured in conventional time
Race: Cambion (post-Fall Nephilim)
Occupation: Formerly a watchmaker, now a member of the Family and enforcer of its rules.

Desired role: Uncle? Son? Cousin? It's not as important to him as long as he's part of a family.

Personality: Quirky and kind on the surface, Stolas isn't the sort to assert dominance or threaten others if it isn't called for, but if a rule is broken or someone close to him is threatened, he can become deadly serious with a swiftness that leaves people wondering if he has multiple personalities. People tend to underestimate him due to his apparent laziness, apathy and humor, but contrary to appearances, he takes things quite seriously.
Looks: Mousy brown hair, shoulder length, occasionally tied in a short tail. His eyes are brown, but his pupils give off an odd yellow light, like an animal's in car headlights. He has what appear to be tattoos, but what he asserts are birthmarks inherited from his father, in a tribal pattern on his chest and back. Short, gray horns poke out of his hair a little above his hairline, about three or four inches long each, curled slightly upward, and he has a long, whiplike tail.
When using any of his stronger powers, or when he's very angry, the veins beneath his skin glow, the sclera of his eyes turn red and begin to bleed, and his hands may ignite. In dire need, wings--dark-feathered and smoldering at the edges--unfold from his back. He was told by his father that he has further daemonic heritage, but this has yet to manifest.
Stolas generally wears a dark suit and red vest, and carries a pocketwatch that he uses as the focal point for his temporal dilation ability.

- Can climb walls and ceilings
- Night vision
- Fire manipulation (limited; still learning)
- Time dilation
- Life-force consumption (prefers it to traditional food)
- Sharp senses
- Flight (tires him out quickly)
- Unusually durable, impressive healing factor
-Occasional visions of the future (Unreliable)

- Tinkering
- Tracking
- Knowledge
- Charisma
- Fighting (Doesn't like it; has a pocket pistol and a rapier he uses when necessary)

- Time dilation ability gives him an edge
- Unpredictable
- Easy to wound, hard to kill

- Though his daemonic heritage means he's next to impossible to kill with conventional weaponry, he can be put out of comission pretty quickly if you can land enough hits on him.
- Doesn't trust his own visions and abilities
- Sharp temper is an issue
- Not much stamina
- Lazy
- Insecure

Backstory: Stolas' parents were a human woman and a male daemon in the 1800's. They met in the forest when she was gathering firewood and he was hunting, and the daemon took on the form of a human man to seduce the girl. She died in childbirth, Stolas' horns causing his mother to hemorrhage and die as his father took the child back to his home plane, where he raised the boy to a young man. Not sure of how much time he spent there, as temporal dilation was one of his father's hereditary powers, Stolas escaped his domineering father and came to this plane closer to (this time period.) Always having had a fascination with machines, he set up a watch repair shop for a while, before finding the Family. He joined because it was something he'd never had--a family.
Name: Stolas
Age: Not measured in conventional time
Race: Cambion (post-Fall Nephilim)
Occupation: Formerly a watchmaker, now a member of the Family and enforcer of its rules.

Desired role: Uncle? Son? Cousin? It's not as important to him as long as he's part of a family.

Personality: Quirky and kind on the surface, Stolas isn't the sort to assert dominance or threaten others if it isn't called for, but if a rule is broken or someone close to him is threatened, he can become deadly serious with a swiftness that leaves people wondering if he has multiple personalities. People tend to underestimate him due to his apparent laziness, apathy and humor, but contrary to appearances, he takes things quite seriously.
Looks: Mousy brown hair, shoulder length, occasionally tied in a short tail. His eyes are brown, but his pupils give off an odd yellow light, like an animal's in car headlights. He has what appear to be tattoos, but what he asserts are birthmarks inherited from his father, in a tribal pattern on his chest and back. Short, gray horns poke out of his hair a little above his hairline, about three or four inches long each, curled slightly upward, and he has a long, whiplike tail.
When using any of his stronger powers, or when he's very angry, the veins beneath his skin glow, the sclera of his eyes turn red and begin to bleed, and his hands may ignite. In dire need, wings--dark-feathered and smoldering at the edges--unfold from his back. He was told by his father that he has further daemonic heritage, but this has yet to manifest.
Stolas generally wears a dark suit and red vest, and carries a pocketwatch that he uses as the focal point for his temporal dilation ability.

- Can climb walls and ceilings
- Night vision
- Fire manipulation (limited; still learning)
- Time dilation
- Life-force consumption (prefers it to traditional food)
- Sharp senses
- Flight (tires him out quickly)
- Unusually durable, impressive healing factor
-Occasional visions of the future (Unreliable)

- Tinkering
- Tracking
- Knowledge
- Charisma
- Fighting (Doesn't like it; has a pocket pistol and a rapier he uses when necessary)

- Time dilation ability gives him an edge
- Unpredictable
- Easy to wound, hard to kill

- Though his daemonic heritage means he's next to impossible to kill with conventional weaponry, he can be put out of comission pretty quickly if you can land enough hits on him.
- Doesn't trust his own visions and abilities
- Sharp temper is an issue
- Not much stamina
- Lazy
- Insecure

Backstory: Stolas' parents were a human woman and a male daemon in the 1800's. They met in the forest when she was gathering firewood and he was hunting, and the daemon took on the form of a human man to seduce the girl. She died in childbirth, Stolas' horns causing his mother to hemorrhage and die as his father took the child back to his home plane, where he raised the boy to a young man. Not sure of how much time he spent there, as temporal dilation was one of his father's hereditary powers, Stolas escaped his domineering father and came to this plane closer to (this time period.) Always having had a fascination with machines, he set up a watch repair shop for a while, before finding the Family. He joined because it was something he'd never had--a family.
What family position do you want?
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