MxM Dreams Whispered In The Dark

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MxM Dreams Whispered In The Dark


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Hi there! Welcome to my request thread! Here you will find all my likes, dislikes, cravings, plots, and more! This post will change often, as ideas pop in and out of my head.

Important! Read all the rules! If you dont read them all, and you ask for something that is against my 'Hard No' rules I will most likely not reply to that request!

That said I am flexible on basically anything that is not on my list of hard no's.

I can promise to all of my people that I try my hardest to post at least once a day, if not several times. I am always understanding, patient, and I have never been rude to another RPer. I like to try and be everyone's friend if I can, and I try hard to make that happen. That said I do work 10 hour days much of the time, 5 days a week. Sometimes I am simply too tired, and cannot post. I do promise to try my best.

Now for a more serious note! *Clears throat and puts on the stern-face*


…Because if I don't mention them up front, and clearly, it leads to misunderstandings. The only reason I have these rules is because I need them to write good posts for you! I promise!

#1: I only do M/M. I have tried in the past to do Male/Female and Female/Female and, even though I am a openly bisexual and a man and woman-loving woman, I am not good at it. I also found that I simply enjoy M/M more.

#2: I like slash (sex), LOVE it in fact, but I have to have a story. Without a storyline, writing the sex scenes just isn't as fun for me.

#3: Character pics. I need one. I need a picture from you of your character, and it HAS to be of a real person. I usually use pics of male models from google.

Important! Absolutely NO drawings or Anime. When I RP, I play out the story like a movie in my head. I need to be able to imagine real people for this, and I can't do that with Anime or Drawings. It completely and utterly kills my muse. The story will die, guaranteed. Sorry.

#4: Post length. I can't do super long posts every single time. I struggle to write them, and then they end up as mostly filler and useless stuff. That said I ALWAYS 1-2 paragraphs, and depending on your standards. My rule is quality over quantity. I will give you something to reply to in each and every post. All I ask is the same in return. ^.^


#5: I greatly prefer it if my rp partners at least make an effort to write with correct punctuation, capitalization, and grammar. I don't want to feel like I'm writing with a second grader. I do not claim to be perfect, but I try my best, and that is all I ask for a partner.

#6: *IMPORTANT PREFERENCE HERE! I always try my very best with characters that are in stories that are heavily based around D/s dynamics, but overall my characters DONT have that heavy preference! They are regular people, with personalities and complexities and flexibility. So easiest terms, all my people are switch, and I do usually ask for the same from my partner. I will do more heavily D/s dynamics (especially in A/B/O verse) but most of the time, and in a lot of my abo rps its the same, switch charas, personalities, etc.

TLDR; my very much preferred way to play out an RP is for both characters to be a switch to some varying degree, as happens in real life a lot of the time.

I also like to hurt my characters... a lot. I am more than a little mean in that regard. You have been warned.


Now for the good info!

I don't have very many pre-made characters. I usually look at the specifics and backstory and plotting of the character the other person is using and base mine off what I think would be a good match for that, or just create one on the fly as we plot.

The Love List!(The list of things that I will ALWAYS be up for writing!)

*I really really love Mpreg, so that's a bit of an itch I would like to scratch. That said it has to be done with the perfect partner, so Im a tinsy bit picky with this one. Also there HAS to be larger plot around it.

*I really love doing RPs that involve something of a more D/s nature. I really like pain play (nothing permanent), biting, scratching, and breath control, among many other things.

***Zombie apocalypse verses are always amazing! Seriously, ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS up for apoc. RP.***


Seriously. Always.

*Werewolves are always something I love to explore! I have a specific verse I play this in however, so message me! The verse I speak of has history and laws and backstories and a bunch of other stuff. So yea, if you are curious and you like Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics then shoot me a PM! (Also not required, but I happen to have a specific love for including knotting in my werewolf RPs.)

*ALSO really loving Master/Slave plots, seriously don't have enough of them in my life.


****I am currently REALLY REALLY craving a Mighty Morphin Power Rangers RP -much more adult in content then the old show, injuries, deaths from attacks, adult content, etc- that takes place right after the green with evil events(though in this verse the GWE happened when they were 20, as in adults). Jason/Tommy Pairing(me as tommy). SERIOUSLY. IF ANYONE IS WILLING TO DO THIS I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER. I rarely do anything cannon, and this would be semi-cannon I know, but SERIOUSLY***

Hey Look! Specific Pairings!(Some of them have plots too!)

So these are scattered and they vary in how much I am craving them from day to day, but I can almost guarentee that I'll be willing to start any of these as long as they are up and running.

X-Men (open)
Alternate verse, no cannon characters. YC is a mutant who teaches at the school for the gifted (We will make up all the caharacters that run it, our own version of everything from the rest of the teachers and the team to our own version of the 'professor x' character) and he is plagued by recurrent nightmares. In them he hears screams of pure pain, cries for help, even pleads for someone to kill them. He cant see anything, and seems stuck in a grey fog, unable to move.

MC is trapped, kept sedated and chained as a science experiment in an underground lab. The only hope he has is the mysterious presence that comes to him when he dreams.

Runaway/Runaway (open)

(A * will sigify the character that I would prefer to play)
Homeless*/Rich guy
Male ''Escort''*/Other
Bodyguard/Rich Brat* (This one has D/s elements, kidnapping, and a whole plot in my head, ask about it!)
Vampire/Vampire(Loosely based on the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series, pm for details)
Vampire/Werecreature(Loosely based on the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series, pm for details)
Werewolf/Werewolf (My own were-verse, ask for details)

Message me with any questions!
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Hey look, plots!
So this first list takes place in a very specific verse. It is very similar to the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series, minus the vampires and other were-creatures. And remember, if you have any questions, please ask!

Also PLEASE NOTE: I will not accept any omega wolves for this RP. I have found too many whiny, stuck in the submissive weak one dimensional no growth no complexity omega characters. I will only be accepting Alphas, or betas, and all characters need to be switch to some degree.
Werewolves are known, and by the majority, accepted. The metaphysical and the mundane coexist side by side, laws of the humans tweaked to fit the wolves ancient ways, the wolves who follow their own laws, laws that have been passed down from spirit to spirit. Human and lycan do their best to accommodate each other, but sometimes that means the humans having to turn a blind eye to the justice of the beasts.

The wolves operate off half human reasoning, and half primal instinct. Laws of the humans mean imprisonment, trials, second chances for crimes. Laws of the wolves mean that some crimes mean instant death.

Wolves are overseen by an alpha, and under him is the pack second, and then the thirds in command. Pack territory is usually separated by cities now, easiest way to draw lines. The bigger the pack, the bigger the territory, and the stronger the alpha as he draws his power from his family.

Werewolves have two forms by and large, human, and full wolf form, where they look like wolves but triple the size. When in human form they can have glowing eyes and elongated canines and claws from their human fingers, without fully shifting. Some really strong Alpha wolves have a bipedal lupine form. Towering over humans at almost 8 1/2 feet on average, this is an ultimate show of power, as not all alphas can take this form.

Alpha wolves eyes glow bright, bloody crimson. Beta wolves eyes glow golden.
Plots In This Verse:

-A beta on the run, severely injured, stumbles directly into the territory of YCs pack. The alpha leads the search for the intruder, along with his second, YC, and finally deep in the woods at the base of the nearby mountains they find a shivering, bloodied white wolf clinging onto consciousness by a thread.

When they get close they see a silver collar locked tightly around his neck.

-So one plot that Ive been craving is a werewolf semi-medieval AU (Wolves are known and all that) RP where the pairing is a king and another wolf, be it a knight, a runaway from another kingdom that is in war with mine, an assassin, we can plot out the rest together! Seriously, I would LOVE to plot this and get a story going! Or multiple stories!

Zombie Apocalypse- MC is alone, and has been for months. The one time he had a run in it left him bloodied and stripped of his few possessions. Now at the slightest sign of humans and he turns in the opposite direction, unwilling to risk contact again.

That is until a supply run for badly needed supplies leads him to your character, trapped (by whatever disaster we choose to plot out) and in need of rescue. MC cant just leave yours to die, so he fights against instinct and goes to rescue him.

Master/Slave- MC is a slave, chained in a auction house. YC is at the auction, and sees mine. This is an opener to many different plots, which we can plot out together!

So, I'm interested in your zombie apocalypse. Should I shoot you a pm?
reputting this out there, because I really miss writing. :c
bump? I promise to try my very hardest to not vanish again. RL fucking hates me.
After a long time and a lot of family drama and personal health issues I am back, and should stay as such for the foreseeable future. I am so sorry to those partners who I left in the dust.
Bump? If you dont see specific plots you like, but you read the rules and you think we will still write together then throw me a line! I am always willing to at least try to plot!
Updated the post with more plots and pairings!
Bump. I know its a long RT but Im always looking for new partners!
I know it has been a long time. RL kicks ass when the person is already down. But I want to try to come back.

If you want to plot I am always open. I will also soon be adding a synopsis to my most asked about world, the werewolf AU that I love to play in. It is extensive and detailed, so it wont be right away.
Hello all. My availability is a bit odd atm, but I can do a couple replies a week. Hit me up with your ideas and I will try my best to work out a story with you!
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