Dune fan looking to escape reality for a few hours per week

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Dune fan looking to escape reality for a few hours per week


Welcome to the Sanctum
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Today 9:41 PM
Hi, my name is Thomas, I'm from Paris France, I'm 21 years old and I study engineering.

I'm a big fan of Dune (the book) , Lord of the Rings (also the book and the Silmarillion as well!) and Star Wars as well as Evangelion. One could say I have done my geek humanities. I love quality content. Well built worlds with realistic cultures, fauna and armies. I don't really like realistic fantasy though. I feel like sagas like game of thrones don't do much in terms of "dépaysement" and wonderment which is what I'm looking for in stories.

I want to write worlds that are full of mysteries. For me, that's the first thing that I look for in any stories, and that's what I like in Star Wars or Lotr when distant entities from the Silmarillion are mentioned. I'm not interested in writing a story just to apply historical knowledge or recycle overused tropes. I want to write something original, that is intriguing, just like the first time I saw A new hope or read The fellowship. A world that has a long history but won't reveal it easily.

I also want to write an aesthetic world. One that makes you dream you could live there, like Tatooine, The Shire or Hyrule in Botw . A vast blue sky that stretches infinitely above a sea of sand. That is what I want to write.

Anyway, I'm very new to this, I've never played any role-play games before. This is really the first time I do this kind of thing. However, when I was a kid, I used to tell stories to the other children on the playground and basically act as the MP. It was a long time ago but I think I'd enjoy doing it again.

I don't know how this works but I guess I'll post a thread with a few details on my universe and wait for people to join... I don't really know. Don't hesitate to contact me if you share my references and my views on world building. I'd love to help build a world with other people!
Welcome to the Inner Sanctum! I do hope that you enjoy your time here! Good luck to you and Happy Writing! 🌻
Welcome to the site! There are a ton of cool folks around, hopefully you will find one that jives with what you are looking for soon! Posting a request thread is a great place to start!
Spice is life. Welcome.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Hey there , many welcomes. Take your time looking round the site. If you need anything just reĂ ch out to staff or give a shout in chat. There is usually someone around who can help. Good luck on your search.
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