In the mists of time, where shadows dance,
Beneath the moon's ethereal glance,
There lies a tale of valor deep,
Where mental wounds their secrets keep.
In castle halls, with torches bright,
A woman dwells in silent night,
Her spirit scarred, her heart laid bare,
Yet she dons armor, none can compare.
A knight in soul, though not in name,
She battles demons, none the same,
Her sword of will, her shield of might,
She faces darkness, in the moon's soft light.
In chambers dark, where shadows creep,
She treads the paths of dreams, so deep,
Her mind a battlefield, scarred and torn,
Yet through the chaos, she finds reborn.
For like the knight, with armor worn,
She accepts her wounds, though they be sworn,
To haunt her steps, to test her soul,
She rises still, to take control.
In the echoes of a medieval age,
Where tales are spun on history's stage,
A woman stands, with courage bold,
Accepting scars, her story told.
So let the trumpets sound their call,
For in her heart, she stands tall,
A warrior true, in battle's grip,
Accepting wounds, with honor's tip.
For in the end, when shadows fade,
Her spirit shines, in light arrayed,
A knight in soul, a woman true,
Accepting scars, her strength anew.