"Eh uhm..."

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"Eh uhm..."

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Today 12:16 PM
He quickly cleared his throat as he stood, the legs of the chair he occupied biting into the wooden floor as it slid backward with a sharp, dissentious, yelp. The girth of his tongue wrangled what moisture it could to moisten his cracked lips, a mere symptom of the dust filled room he found himself in...clouded with cigarette smoke and an offering of either stale coffee or questionable water from a decades old fountain.

"Hi, my name is...." he began to speak but was cut off by the echoing cacophony of similar greetings from those seated around him, their faces obscured in the shadows just beyond the reach of the single bulb hanging from the ceiling. He didn't bother with his name, but instead spoke of what brought him to this place.

"I have been role playing for...years, since times of Ayenee, but most recent adventures were in Mystical Realms. Life took me away for a bit, and I've managed to write a paragraph here and there with a friend...who suggested I come here for sanctuary."

He smiled, if only haphazardly, "I enjoy all forms of role playing, but tend to excel in small groups. Fantasy in general is my forte but have dabbled in Sci-fi. I do not think I would do well in "slice of life"...as I am usually trying to escape the mundane of ...well, life."

His eyes searched for someone, anyone, to give him some sort of immediate feedback but when none came he took his seat once more, to fade into the comfort of the shadows that welcomed him as a meek uttering of the words, "...thank you" left him.
Welcome to the Inner Sanctum! I hope you find some good partners to write with and if you ever have a question dont be afraid to jump into the general chat and ask! Most of us will be happy to help. Hope to see you around :)
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
She sat and listened patiently as the newcomer introduced themselves with a flare she had not seen in some time. He was nervous, she could tell, but knew that the members of the Inner Sanctum would warmly embrace this individual with open arms and creative minds.

"Welcome to Inner Sanctum," she said, at last, finding her voice once the introduction had come to a close. "I hope you enjoy it here as much as I do!" She stood then and lithely bowed in his direction before leaving their thread to creatively continue on.
Well met, and welcome. The Sanctum is an amazing place, and I'm sure you'll find what you seek here.
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