Character(s) Eleanor's Characters

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Character(s) Eleanor's Characters


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Today 3:54 AM
i. Peter
ii. Daisy

i. P E T E R | L L E W E L L Y N


{ B A S I C S }
First name: Peter
Surname: Llewellyn
Alignment: True Neutral
Race: Human
Marital Status: Single
Gender: Male
Age: 26

{ P H Y S I C A L }
Voice: Raspy, mid-tone
Eyes: Bright blue
Complexion: Pale
Height: 5'10
Weight: 175 lbs
Build: Athletic
Hair: Dirty blonde, often a mess
Tattoos/markings: A small circle tattoo on his right hip

{ P E R S O N A L I T Y }
Demeanor: Reserved, wary
Hopes: Not for much, in particular
Fears: He knows he's his own worst enemy
Likes: Drinking, partying, drawing when he's sober
Dislikes: Responsibility, heavy ties

{ A B I L I T I E S }
Trained in illustration and painting

{ F A M I L Y }
His brother, David

ii. D A I S Y | S A B O U R I N


{ B A S I C S }
First name: Daisy
Surname: Sabourin
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Race: Witch
Marital Status: Single
Gender: Female
Age: 24

{ P H Y S I C A L }
Voice: A lower pitch, soft and slow with a slight Welsh accent
Eyes: Dark green
Complexion: Pale
Height: 5'5
Weight: 125 lbs
Build: Petite
Hair: Dark brown, cut neatly
Tattoos/markings: Many, various

{ P E R S O N A L I T Y }
Demeanor: Light and bubbly
Hopes: To one day form a coven of her own, having been cast out of her last
Fears: Isolation
Likes: Plants, potion-work, socializing, and her familiar: a pit viper named Henry
Dislikes: Seclusion, sobriety, being sedentary

{ A B I L I T I E S }
Proficient in potion-making
Manipulation of flora and fauna

{ F A M I L Y }
Grandmother, Dianne (deceased)
Mother, Delane (estranged)
Father (unknown)
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