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All Eli's General Store


A Writer
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Today 9:18 PM
Hello everyone, Eli-B here! Thanks for taking time out of your day to read this. It's a lot, so bear with me, I believe it's all important and paints a pretty good picture of who I am and how I write. You are also always more than welcome to check out past threads to see what I'm capable of producing. Have a great rest of your day/afternoon/night, depending on where you are.

One theoretical spot open, for the right partner.

What to expect in my RPs:

I am a heavy writer, I will be typing in full paragraphs with thorough description.

I do my best to reply at least once every couple days, life permitting.

♪ A decent idea of where the plot will start. Planning never hurt anyone.

♪ I tend to play males (though I am NB), it's simply what I am more familiar with. I have no preference in partner.
Either sex or any gender you play, however, I do not exclusively write smut.
We're talking like 70:30 at best. If it happens, it's because you earned it.

♪ I am a stickler for quality, I won't lie to any of you. I have a standard and I stick to it. I will tell you no if I don't feel we would be compatible.

What I prefer in a partner:

♪ Equal responses, or close to it. I can't and won't respond to a one-liner, ever.

I do type anywhere from 500-1000 words per post, with 500 absolutely being on the low end.

♪ Good internal and external character development. I want to believe you care about and feel the life you put in your character.

♪ Semi-frequent replies. I don't expect constant contact, because that's insane, but a reply a week would be great.

♪ Just make sure you spell-check. It makes life easier for everyone.

Genres I prefer, or...well:

♪ Action/Adventure
♪ Crime/Mystery/Thriller
♪ Fantasy (both high and low)
♪ Horror
♪ Romance

♪ Science Fiction (excluding post-apocalyptic)
♪ Folklore (ie Fairy Tales, Ghostlore, Legends/Myths)
♪ Historical (both fiction and nonfiction)
♪ Slice of Life

Does that sound like all of the genres? That's cause it is.
I'll write anything with anyone provided we have a solid enough idea to build from.

Current plot ideas:

• I, uuuuuh, have no plot in mind, but I am up for brainstorming.

General pairings are always welcome:

• I don't have a genre in mind, specifically, but I'd like to do a master/apprentice storyline. Could be fantasy, slice of life, sci-fi, doesn't matter.
Really more of a pairing than a plot idea, but I can break my own rules on my thread.

We don't need a fully structured plot, if you have a pairing you're interested in I've been building D&D worlds for years and years. We can figure out the details from a simple beginning, piece of cake.

Now, of course:

If you've got something, or would like to come up with something together, feel free to shoot me a PM (you can also leave a comment below but I don't always see those) and we'll see what we can cook up together. Just as a wrap-up, I am extraordinarily flexible and capable of filling almost any position needed for a story.

Thank you for your time!
Last edited:

I am still looking for one more partner, but I am incredibly ill at the moment, so we may not actually begin anything until that clears up.

Thank you for your time!
(Guess who's not going to PM you?)

I really wanted to do that group RP! I think it's an awesome idea! But I really like you and if you want to do it 1:1 I'm down for that as well. Otherwise keep me on deck for the group.

My eye is still on that plot.
I like YOU a lot.

I'll run as many at once with you as you want.
A wonderful bump to let everyone know a spot has opened up for one additional RP. Please PM if interested, we will discuss ideas further.
Shoot me a PM, we need the interest in that.
I would be interested in horror if zombie apocalyptic counts as horror? The main story could be settled around that with a romantic twist.
I don't do zombies, it always leads to a lather-rinse-repeat cycle of nothingness.
But, seriously.

You, me, and a horror story. PM me, I've got secrets to unfold.
I already accept. I'll message you.
Redid my Request Thread with updated plots!

Woah, crazy!
Last update to this thread for a while, I only need one more consistent partner.
Hey look at me, I opened this thread back up for one partner. Please and thank you.
This thread is closed for the time being, I've had quite a few people request to begin stories and I only have the time to pick up one. Thank you for your consideration.
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