'Ello 'Ello!

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'Ello 'Ello!

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Today 3:51 PM
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Glad to be here, real glad infact! Now I'm not a writer, but i do enjoy roleplaying quite alot. I've been roleplaying for a number of years, so I would deffinetly say i have a tinsy winsy bit of experience! :]

I myself, focus my roleplays around realism. Fantasy was never really my cup of tea, since it was always difficult for me to visualise a poster's perspective and his own visual interpretation of his surroundings such as characters, buildings, magic related weaponry and so forth. So I stick to what i know best. (More or less)

When I create a roleplay, i try my best to add as much detail and creativity into it as possible! I've made attempts to host my major RPs in other sites, but I realized too late that the site had a majority of fantasy and/or sci-fi players.
One of those major RPs was set in ancient Rome, where players took the roles of slaves whom have to break out of captivity, survive in a harsh Roman society and ultimately seek refuge over the Roman borders.

Yeah, there were not many whom were willing to participate. Hopefully here, things will be different! :) I'm always open for new ideas, feel free to message me if you wish to propose an idea or just to chit-chat!
Anyway, thank you for reading all of this, hope you have a great day and ferewell! :)
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