Ello, I'm Bendrict, but I already said that. I'm a 20-year-old Canadian boy who has been roleplaying for quite a few years now, though all the sites I have roleplayed on have been shut down, unfortunately, which brings me here. I've been working on a semi-ambitious writing project with a friend of mine which for the moment we have dubbed "Mythos" and most of my characters (I'm not gonna lie 99% of my characters) will be pulled from this project as practice so I can get a feel for my characters, with the characters backgrounds being bent and twisted to fit the setting. Anyway, I'm also a huge nerd, into almost every fandom imaginable. Feel free to I don't know, ask me whatever you'd like to know? I've never been especially good at this introduction threads but I feel like a good Q and A would make sense, get to know me, I dunno, might be asking for too much.