MxM Embark on an Adventure / Open. Long-term. Fantasy.

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MxM Embark on an Adventure / Open. Long-term. Fantasy.

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six sticky skeletons
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About Me!
  • The name's Aeri or Rix. I go by they/them pronouns and I've been writing for around 15 years.
  • I am very passionate about this hobby of mine, and would like to meet and write with like-minded people. I am laid-back and ghost-friendly, but would definitely prefer it if you could let me know you're no longer interested. A simple 'hey, not feeling it anymore' will suffice, I promise.
  • I usually write between 300-1000+ words per post. Post-length doesn't matter to me much, though. I simply want you to give me something to work with.
  • I don't like being told I HAVE TO deliver a wall of words in every post. Quality over quantity. I will write however much I think is appropriate given the moment.
  • I can post fairly frequently and I don't mind waiting. I will always let you know when I have to take an extended break, or when I'm no longer feeling the RP, though that rarely happens.
  • I consider myself very flexible, meaning I can write myself out of any kind of situation, and writer's block isn't something I suffer from. Bad posts happen! It's okay to move on.
  • I work best with people who aren't afraid to let me take charge and enjoy taking charge as well.
  • OOC communication is encouraged but it is not necessary. I will never intrude on your privacy and I except the same from you.
Character Preferences!
  • I primarily enjoy writing MxM pairings (NB and Transgender characters welcome), and MxF / FxF occasionally. I will make a separate thread for those.
  • I write both dominant and submissive roles. Tops, bottoms, and switches! (Switches is where my heart is at. I understand people's reluctance to write switches, but if you let me, you won't be disappointed!)
  • In my book, dom & sub do not exclusively mean top & bottom, I want to make that clear. I will not write your typical stoic, perpetually brooding, alpha type top, or a 'pet/toy' bottom in constant need of being rescued or taken care of. I also do not enjoy writing against such characters. I want people with depth. I want story and plot. Conflict and resolution. Substance.
  • That said, I do enjoy writing two types of tops more than others and those are:
    • A depressed, mean, jealous doberman who overthinks and eats his feelings when his extrovert boyfriend laughs at some other guy's joke;
    • A naive, caked-up sunshine of a man who has zero toxic masculinity in his system but is still the manliest man around.
  • Similarly, the two types of bottoms I enjoy are:
    • Either a powerful, vainglorious, arrogant, flamboyant bastard who can never show himself to be emotionally vulnerable even if it kills him OR
    • A powerful, down on his luck, no manners gremlin of a man who has a big heart but always ends up in trouble – mostly because he causes it.
  • My switches are a mix of everything, but they are usually a dominant combination of all of the above.
  • Of course, I do enjoy writing other personality types as well. It all depends on my mood.
  • In the end, I really want variety and do not enjoy being made to write the same character over and over again.
Genres & Settings!
  • I love everything FANTASY (medieval, high/low)! World-building is heavily encouraged.
  • I enjoy sci-fi, dystopian, steampunk, post-apocalyptic, horror, and supernatural themes as well.
  • Slice of life rarely but it depends on the plot. If it comes with modern magic then it's a yes.
  • Dark romance, drama, angst, suspense, enemies to lovers, reunions, morally ambiguous characters are all themes I like.
  • DnD, Dragon Age, BG3 - inspired settings, please!! Let's create our own party and campaign!
  • Plot and smut are equally important to me – I don't like it when one overshadows the other.
  • I don't have many limits when it comes to sex scenes and kinks. It all depends on what my characters like, but I will write pretty much anything. The darker, the better!
  • I will always respect your limits, of course, as long as you make sure to communicate them clearly. All the rules of the forum apply.
  • For a detailed list of my do's and don't's, check out my F-List.
  • Open communication. If you have a problem regarding anything, tell me. Don't beat around the bush, and DO NOT sulk and wait for me to notice. Because I won't.
  • A partner that can write different roles and handle multiple characters in a larger setting. If you do not enjoy writing outside of just one character type then we won't be a good match.
  • Love for worldbuilding. No, you don't have to create brand new worlds and brand new systems before we even start the RP but you have to enjoy building on the story regardless.
  • A partner who is consistent posting frequence-wise and does not change their character's personality in every post.
  • A partner who has a wild imagination but also a lot of patience to see the story through.
  • Good grammar and a good grasp on dialogue are preferred. I will never hound you over types or anything like that, though. It happens to everyone.
Plot Bunnies!

If you have ideas of your own and would like to write with me, feel free to message me!

IDEA #1 MxM. Fantasy Adventure. Worldbuilding. Potential Religious Trauma. Enemies to Understanding to Lovers.
The City of Lightgrad is a city-state built in honour of the revered god of Justice and Light, Malethor.

It is a bustling, prosperous city which offers a little bit of everything to everyone, but welcomes few. It is governed by a body of self-elected officials who refer to themselves as the Arbiters of Light, Chief Justiciars who weigh important matters according to the tipping of the scales Malethor had bestowed on them. They rule over a 'peace-keeping' force known as the Just Hand that governs the state of affairs within the city, whereas a sacred order within the Just Hand known as the Bastinade uphold the laws in the whole of the realm with armed vigilance. Malethor is perceived as a stern and rigid punisher who bends the laws for no one, not even himself.

It is written in many religious texts that he had struck down Makur, the goddess of Night and Loss, in a heated battle of good versus evil. During their calamitous encounter it is said that the sun turned pitch black and for a whole day there was nothing but darkness, but the sun returned victorious by the will of the scales, although some texts, deemed sacrilegious, describe the conflict and its resolution quite differently.

Some say that the goddess had not been slain, but imprisoned underneath the city, spreading her dark, corrupt influence through its foundations, reaching for the very scales that had determined her fate. Of course, such beliefs gave kindling to the rumours of a secret order that reveres the goddess, seeking to unearth her teachings to the world, scheming towards her inevitable resurrection.

On this day, the City of Lightgrad is in a quiet uproar. An idol of Malenthor, one that is believed to be stained with his blood, has been stolen from one of his sacred temples, supposedly by the rising Cult of Makur who mean to use it in a rite of resurrection.

A member of the Bastinade has been dispatched to locate the thief, and bring him to Justice, alive. But in his efforts to apprehend the culprit, and then successfully bring him back to the City, the devotee finds himself at odds with his beliefs. Who is this silver-tongued thief, and what Master does he truly serve?

I have a slight preference for writing the thief, but would enjoy writing the member of the Bastinade as well.
IDEA #2 MxM. Post-Apocalyptic. Horror. Romance. Hurt&Comfort. Trauma. Memory Loss.
Everything the inhabitants of Ark Valley do ━ every decision they take, every resource they allocate, every step they calculate ━ everything is about staying alive. Life underground is not easy and it shows on every face, young and old, florid and pale. It is even more difficult on the surface where the world appears drastically changed in the daylight from what it used to be, and at night... at night, it is ripe with despair and it oozes evil ━ plagued by something that ought to be left undisturbed.

For the survivors, there is only the Valley, but for Otto, there is more.

There has to be more.

In a world overrun by otherworldly creatures, there are several fallout shelters scattered in the vicinity of Scarston Peak, housing the last of humanity. Few roads are travel-safe and fewer men brave enough to venture out in search of answers, for there are none.

It has been thirty years since nuclear chaos erupted and nature turned against every living thing. In the wake of such a catastrophe, the surface world was rendered uninhabitable ━ electrical storms ravaged the earth, acid-rain poisoned arable land, the seas and oceans swallowed whole continents, and ice covered half the southern hemisphere. Radiation levels subsided quickly enough, but when the first of the survivors ventured outside, they discovered they weren't alone.

Inter-dimensional barriers were broken, and through silken rifts in time and space, creatures that defied all sense stepped forth, akin to shadows... beings that existed, and to this day remain on the edge of mankind's perception, seeking to destroy everything that radiated life.

Octavian 'Otto' Barclay grew up in Ark Valley, having never known how beautiful the world once was except for what he saw in picture-books and old movies. He is a mechanical engineer, an EMR fields & electrical engineering specialist at the tender age of about twenty. He works alongside his adoptive father, Chay Barclay, who had taught him everything about the inner and outer workings of A-Valley, and together, they take care of the shelter's fragile electrical complexities, the heating & cooling systems, as well as the A-Valley's most important means of defence against the monsters ━ the EMR field regulators that emit a powerful DHF / direct high-frequency.

There aren't many things he is incapable of fixing.

Except for the entire world.

He's always wanted to see it for himself, even now despite it being all shrivelled and ugly, but he was never even allowed a peek. Unlike his friends, most of whom are Rovers, Otto is under clear instructions to never leave the shelter. His father worries too much, and the shelter and its ruling Council cannot afford to send out one of their best chances at continued survival.

When he is not tinkering around the engineering station, Otto is manning the radio and talking to a guy he has a crush on. The guy, YC, lives in another shelter ━ Oasis II ━ a few clicks away from A-Valley, but they are destined to never meet. Alas, Otto, who has never been a fan of fate, one day decides to go to him and recklessly throws himself into the jaws of a hostile world. YC tries everything to dissuade him from it, but when nothing works, YC decides to meet him halfway.

Otto knows everything about the monsters... in theory. They typically only appear and strike at night, and they are vulnerable to high frequencies that force them to take on solid shapes capable of being killed, but these monsters, in their gaseous form, are capable of possession as well, not just senseless gruesome tearing of flesh and the grinding of bone. Sadly, few are those who are aware of that and they are not A-Valley residents.

On his way to meet YC, Otto strays from the path and is attacked by a monster. All is seemingly lost, but in the ensuing chaos, Otto loses consciousness, and awakens to find YC by his side... the monster vanished.

They return to A-Valley together, none the wiser one of them might be possessed.

YC is revealed to suffer from partial amnesia. He loses himself quite frequently and has gaps in his memory. He is not from Oasis II originally, but he's moved shelters quite a bit, never remembering that he left each and every one soaked in blood.

Would A-Valley suffer the same fate?

A-Valley is one of several underground bunker sites cut into a large mountain ridge. It consists of sleeping quarters, dining and recreation areas, a hospital, reservoirs of drinking water, a crematorium, a hydroelectric power plant, a broadcasting station, large food storage areas where mostly non-perishables are kept (canned proteins, vegetables, nuts, grains, dried fruit, etc.) and large hydroponic farms. Poultry is their solution for protein, as they reproduce quickly and provide eggs and meat. Milk is taken from goats, a more sustainable option considering their crop supply for feeding livestock is not too extensive. Spinach and chard grow well in low sunlight; rice is also very easy to grow and has a plethora of uses.

The shelter runs on hydroelectric power from a nearby dam. Several main pipes connect this site to others but due to an infestation of mutated rats and other rodents they have been sealed off. There are open-air roads that connect the shelters as well but they are only used by experienced soldiers called Rovers. The roads can only be used in emergencies or during scheduled trade-offs, and only during daylight.

Everyone has a job to do in the shelter which has overtime become unwelcoming to new-comers. Elected members form a Council that oversee everything and make the decisions. Any wrongdoing is punished by labour while any and all severe criminal offences result in exile. Only a handful of people are actually trained to go outside, for different reasons.

It houses a few numbers shy of a hundred people.

They are usually described as shadowy beings ━ faceless dark shapes swirling aimlessly across barren and scarred lands. Their size is recorded to vary but they also have the ability to expand and condense their shape. They are drawn to our world by certain electromagnetic frequencies that they themselves are capable of manipulating. They can interact with radiowaves and are often thought to gain power from the leftover gamma radiation. Very specific frequencies cause them to become more physical and grounded in our world, and it is at these times, and these times only, that they become vulnerable and are able to be killed.

They are alpha predators, able to move through solid structures (unless in a physical form), impervious to harm from physical weapons. They are very quick ━ the slowest still being able to outpace the average person. They are less known for their ability to drive people mad through possession. In their gaseous state, they are able to enter through a person's orifices and take possession of their brain. They can cause auditory and visual hallucinations, memory loss, seizures, and a wide variety of other reactions. They are also able to possess someone physically, orchestrating that person's body like a puppet.

They can also lie dormant in a person's body. In this state, they are immune to the electromagnetic frequencies that are used against them but that is also a weakness. If the host is killed while harbouring the creature, it will die as well.

Aside from the monsters, other threats exist. The levels of radiation may have dwindled, but overexposure can still result in radiation sickness ━ nausea, vomiting, a loss of appetite, etc. so those who venture out are still required to wear full-body coverage and a breathing mask. Since the nuclear fallout damaged the ozone, the world is also susceptible to very dramatic seasons ranging from desert-like conditions in the summer to arctic-like conditions in the winter. There are only a few months of weather that is temperate enough to be survivable each year.

Windstorms, firestorms, extreme flooding are dire consequences of entire ecosystems disrupted. The rise of sea levels, loss of biomes, etc. Flora and fauna have mutated as well. Not all mutated animals may be violent, but their mutations have allowed them to survive and thrive in these conditions by kicking up evolution to 11. Their meat and bodily fluids are toxic.
IDEA #3 MxM. High Fantasy. Romance. Political Intrigue. Elves.
A runaway Elven Prince falls in with a group of ragtag do-gooders who steal from the rich and give to the poor. He falls for the leader but is too afraid to admit to who he truly is because he believes someone in the Elven Court is trying to kill him.

Would like to write the Elf.
IDEA #4 MxM. High Fantasy. Adventure. Enemies to Lovers. DnD-esque. Worldbuilding. Doubling.
Might Makes Right, a medieval fantasy adventure featuring an oppressive world, forbidden magics, and hot men. Monsters abound.

The story follows an exiled knight who was cursed by a witch to bear the mark of death which promises a slow, cruel demise, and a sellsword whose inherent magical abilities have rendered him a target of the system. They are both on a personal quest: the knight is searching for past glory and the means of ridding himself of the curse, while the sellsword is trying to find meaning in the present and a purpose from his past.

They each journey with a faithful companion until their paths fatefully cross on a dangerous quest. Their dislike of each other is instant, despite there being an undeniable sexual tension as well, and it only grows deeper when the knight, who abhors magic, discovers the other's abilities… but all hope is not lost. He soon realizes that being in the other's presence inhibits the death mark's growth and so the sellsword is spared. What happens next?

I wish to write the sellsword. My other character will probably be an elven ranger or road warden of a kind. To be discussed.

Rhydavat is a Kingdom without a King, ruled by a hand-picked few who call themselves the Arbiters. They are a group of academics and politicians whose rhetoric arouses extreme prejudice towards magic and appeals to the passions rather than the reason of the public. They command a special Order of Knights tasked with ridding the world of monsters lurking all around, in both human and beastly form. The Agrasee scholars reject the olden gods, adhering to science and innovation as the new path forward.

Alas, most of the Davatii -- the inhabitants of the Kingdom -- still cling to some semblances of the old faith even though their gods have been reduced to stories of cave-dwelling beasts and monsters plucked straight from nightmares.

Before the Davatii, the spread of Rhydavat was occupied by the Otora, a people known for their formidable mystical abilities, conquered by the Davatii in their power-obsessed stupor. They integrated the Otora in their holiest of circles, seeking to explore and exploit their abilities for their own gain, until there came a King who probed too deep and unleashed unimaginable horrors into the world. The Otora were blamed for the disaster that followed, exiled, killed or forced to assimilate for good. Magic was declared an unnecessary evil and thus any practices banned, although there are many who practice in secret. The Order of Knights was created by the first Council of Arbiters who took over the rule of Rhydavat, to deal with transgressors and protect the innocent from monsters that now plague the world.

  • Witch x Werewolf
  • Vampire x Vampire (Hunter)
  • Witch x Witch (Hunter)
  • Patron x Warlock
  • Dragon x Phoenix
  • Dragon x Elf
  • Dragon x Fey
  • Pirate x Merman
  • Prince x Prince
  • King x Prisoner
  • King x Concubine
  • Etc.
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