Closed Emberstone College for the Gifted Season 1

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Closed Emberstone College for the Gifted Season 1

Name: Cassandra "Cass" Brooks
Age: 21
Species: half water nymph
Race: Asian (Japanese)
Gender: Female
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black, straight, reaches her waist.
Other Features: inconsistent patches of pale blue scales on her legs and thighs, gills
Height: 5'6"
Body type: Lithe
Typical Fashion: -Modern: Skinny jeans, blue and gray wrap, black undershirt, ballet flats, blue gem drop earrings.
Personality: Quiet, analytical, stoic, calm, very "neutral" in most situations, at first seems very serious but her tone is just dry and she often has some sort of of quip to add to a conversation.
Powers/Skills: breathing under water, water kinesis, extremely skilled swimmer. Due to her lineage, she requires much more water than a normal human. (powers taken from superpower wikia-nymphs)
History: Cass was born to a normal human father and a naiad, a water nymph that lives in fresh waters of rivers and streams. Her mother disappeared when she was around 10, seemingly abandoning her husband and daughter. Neither really recovered from the sudden loss and the relationship between Cass and her father deteriorated as well. Though they still care for each other, they're not close.

If there's still room I might make a character and join as well.

Could I make a gifted member of the college faculty?
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2FAD76A0-A861-4E9E-91E0-CA86F1D1D478.jpeg Cool, here she is, let me know if she fits in okay:

Allison Schofield
Orientation: Playfully Bisexual (preference for women, but she's very open minded)
Species: human-mutant
Skin Color: Pale Caucasian
Build: Athletic
Hair: Long and red
Eyes: Greenish-blue
Height: 5'8

Personality: Allison comes off initially as a reserved, kind and generous woman though she does carry with her plenty of emotional baggage from her past. Once she gets to know someone and she likes then, she tends to open up. Her first love is music and is very apparent to anyone who knows her.

Bio: Allison was raised by her politician father. She never knew her mother, and she was told the woman had died when she was very young. From early on she had a love of music, and seemed to have quite the knack for it. Some experts even went so far as to say she was a child prodigy. In high school during a musical play she had an emotional outburst that caused her powers to manifest themselves for the first time as she accidentally and temporarily blinded the crowd using her voice alone.

Her father, brings loyal American politician turned her daughter to the authorities for being a gifted mutant. She managed to escape long enough to be found by 'friends'. She continued her musical studies until becoming a music professor herself. Allison has been working as a music professor at the College for the Gifted.

Abilities and Powers
Skills: Allison is indeed a musical prodigy. She can pick up any instrument and play it at the expert level and she is a gifted singer. She is also very athletic, is a very talented dancer in many styles and she's a strong swimmer.

Powers: Sound Conversion; She has the ability to transduce sonic vibrations which reach her body into various types of light. This ability seems to operate over a great range of frequencies, including the audible spectrum, granting her the following powers:

Echolocation, blinding flash, lasers, illumination, bedazzle, light-mist, light and sound immunities, photon blast.
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I notice you all are very prolific posters, which is cool, but I won't be able to keep up. Is it okay if I'm slower? Will I still feel involved or will I always be lost and left behind?
I think so. Possibly, since she's a little older, she could be a T.A. or something like that? Then it would make sense for her character to only be present some of the time. She would have different housing, so she wouldn't interact in the dorms, but she could still be on campus and in class when it's convenient for you. What do you think?
Jorunn Livson x Cassandra Brooks
Renee Harrington x Emily Kingston
Trey Harrington x Olwen Kingston
Countess x Kyoto
Ky Circe x Evan Rind (NPC, TheNapQueen approved)
Zella Keeling x Deena Wood

This is my idea for sparring. I need input, what do you guys think? I'm between putting Jorunn with Countess because of their fighting abilities...but Jorunn and Cass both have water gifts. Everyone else seems pretty equally matched. Tell me what you think, I'm open to changing it, even my characters!

@TheNapQueen @Wyvernmyth @Jarl @Zory_Alechiv @Robbie Aldridge @SilverRain
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Maybe switch one of the kingstons/harringtons so we don't have two shifter/wolf fights? I'm not sure how to even that out with the others though. I think since the kingstons have a lot of different things they can turn into, they should be decently matched for most people but idk what they can do like hand to hand or weapon wise. You could switch Zella or Deena maybe since you'd be rping with yourself otherwise. Just a suggestion though.

Cass can manipulate water so she could make a weapon out of water(If that sounds plausible enough for you guys) so Jorrun would be fine for her. She might not win but she'd hold it decently I think lol. She could do ok against others as well. Zella, Deena and Cass all have element manipulation powers (I know shadow isn't really an element but you know what I mean.) so they could all be decently matched against one another

Ky's kinda hard since his power is more psychic than physical but you've got that covered with an NPC.

Sorry this is such a mess of stuff lol

How do you guys wanna decide the winner, dice rolls or let the rpers discuss it?
I notice you all are very prolific posters, which is cool, but I won't be able to keep up. Is it okay if I'm slower? Will I still feel involved or will I always be lost and left behind?

That depends... how often can you post?
Jorunn Livson x Cassandra Brooks
Renee Harrington x Emily Kingston
Trey Harrington x Olsen Kingston
Countess x Kyoto
Ky Circe x Evan Rind (NPC, TheNapQueen approved)
Zella Keeling x Deena Wood

This is my idea for sparring. I need input, what do you guys think? I'm between putting Jorunn with Countess because of their fighting abilities...but Jorunn and Cass both have water gifts. Everyone else seems pretty equally matched. Tell me what you think, I'm open to changing it, even my characters!

@TheNapQueen @Wyvernmyth @Jarl @Zory_Alechiv @Robbie Aldridge @SilverRain

I like it but I don't like the idea of a dice roll.
Well there are so many different ways of role-playing fights but I don't think we should do dice roll. Does anyone here have any experience in fighting in role play? I've been doing them for years.
The Kingstons can mimic any physical trait. They dont have to use weapons but if they change into someone that uses weapons, they'll know how. I dont know if anyone has ever seen supernatural, but that's where I got the idea from. I know this school was to teach them control so each twin has their own character flaw to make the fight different. Emily changes quick, but she cant hold it, where it takes Olsen a longer time to change into something and longer to change back. Its cause I made them half human. Also because of them being able to mimic anyone, they're going to be in that person's head for a minute. If it's the best way to do this then I can make them fight differently, so it doesn't really matter who mine get paired up with.

I think the best way to roleplay is may be not have a definite winner. Obviously one might be stronger than the others. I imagine, jorunn, countess and Ky being pretty formidable against anyone. But I would suggest ooc conversations and then rp the fights
Well, this is less fighting and more training. So there doesn't necessarily need to be a winner.

(Just some sword fighting here and there)

Okay, we could possibly do...
Deena x Cass
Ky x NPC
Zella x Kyoto
Trey x Jorunn
Ren x Olwen
Emily x Countess
Trey x Olwen
Ren x Jorunn
Countess x Emily

Or the original. Which do you like better?
Uts difficult to rp fights, I remember. I've been out of the game a bit, but I have done it.
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