Closed Emberstone College for the Gifted Season 1

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Closed Emberstone College for the Gifted Season 1

I'm too drunk to care right now. Just do iitttt. Lets see tat hair in need of a haircut.

They're just being nice.

Literally choked on my drink when I saw cause TheNapQueen told me you posted andsonotsorrynapcauseimgettingyoubackforthenerdsellout. Yea you're pretty good looking
Okayyyy, but only cause you beggedd

~Was feeling cute when I took it, might delete later UwU~
Right?! Although, some people do say that I look like Vlademir Putin- but I just don't see it???? Like????
I dont see it either. I think it might be the smile
I snorted when I saw the picture.
You all should get some sleep
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