Endless Horizon - Sci-Fi goodness

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Endless Horizon - Sci-Fi goodness


Hombre Sin Nombre
Local time
Yesterday 9:30 PM
Imagine this but with spaceships and lasers.

The artificial climate controller for shopping planet nine must've been set for beautiful day because that's exactly what it appeared to be. Nhils Feng descended down the steps of his ship which he had landed squarely in the enormous parking lot of a proportionally enormous building. A structure dedicated to housing hundreds upon hundreds of shops from races beyond the stars whose sole purpose had become selling kitschy nick-knacks. A testament to industry that was now completely derelict and soon to be blown to stardust to make way for shopping planet ten somewhere slightly more convenient. He had walked to edge of the parking lot and up an embankment where a glint of metal could be seen in the distance.

Through his suit's visor, Feng zoomed in slowly then held on a button on the side of his helmet, the fresh wreck of a small transport ship came into focus, the ship had been knocked out of it's autopilot during a freak meteor shower. After a moment, several small numbers appeared in front of his eyes on the visor. It would be a jaunty stroll just shy of Five Thousand meters through a terraformed wonderland of nothing. Reports say everyone ejected safely, the cargo was deemed non-essential. "Most likely food" Feng assumed in his head. Cargo didn't interest him so much as the possibility of some intact navigators or a premium piece of metal, or a few intact pieces of an engine, perhaps?. The possibility of other looters being there was low, nothing much for the common man, but a scrapper could make a stack.

Feng climbed back into his ship, a corvette class, a little dated and on the small side but still large enough to handle a crew of five. Instead it was home, each room housing a different facet of his day-to-day life even though his workshop was large enough to house him and all of his scattered belongings. No sooner had Feng stepped aboard a figure approached him from the rear of the vessel. It moved with a calculated, human-like gait as though it were imitating one. As it neared Feng the body of an incredibly old spacesuit, the once bright orange now faded and burnt came into light.

As it stepped forward into the artificial light from outside the interior of the spherical headpiece (made of a glass that, inexplicably, remained immaculate.) became visible and a human skull (that was presumably attached to a human spine.) rest comfortably in the padded helmet. "Sleepy, no." Feng started immediately upon the figure stopping, staring into the empty sockets of the skeleton within. "You have to stay here, I don't think anyone else will be there, but if they are I can't have you getting stolen or lost, plus it's a long walk. Go organize something." He chided it as though it were his child.

Sleepy is a spacesuit and the poor soul who died in it. 'His' origins are questionable but ultimately unknown. Hopefully he's the only one in existence. The suit itself has an automated movement feature and several enhancers within the suit allowing it to carry and move objects beyond most races regular strength in addition to this, 'Sleepy' can understand most basic verbal commands. The material of the suit and glass are one of a kind and made to last forever and whatever it is, it's resistant to just about everything.

Every bullet that hits it disintegrates, acid, direct and indirect heat, extreme cold, various energy based weapons, heavy objects and a handful of landmines have proven Sleepy to be indestructible. Feng tried endlessly to remove the suit from the skeleton trapped inside, however the creator clearly didn't plan on the occupant ever getting out. One of most the useful objects in the universe was in Feng's possession but the current owner literally cannot let it go and he doesn't even need it. It's main use is now for carrying heavy objects and rearranging furniture. Needless to say Sleepy is Feng's best kept secret, Sleepy is Feng's best friend.

Sleepy's only response was a mechanical raise of hand up to eye level showing off his namesake, sloppily scrawled onto the back of his glove in all likelihood by the suit's captor in a delirious state. Followed by slowly clenching each finger, one-by-one save for the middle where it remained directed at Feng and where it stayed as he turned and walked away back into the dark of the ship. He shook his head in disbelief, if the suit were hostile he'd be dead by now.

Music echoed inside Feng's helmet as he came upon the wreck of the transport ship resting peacefully after a good four hundred meter tumble to its final destination. The Hearthridge, "Who names this shit?" Feng thought aloud upon seeing the name on a relatively unscathed part of the exterior. In no time he was scaling the side of the ship to a hatch, after a few moments spent in vain attempting to pry it open Feng drew his sidearm; a large caliber single shot pistol initially designed as a multipurpose tool. The MFP's many useful shells range from homing beacons to self-welding rivets. Or in this case latch breaking slugs that peel through most doors. Someone decided it was just as good at putting holes through doors as it was living things so the gun became a popular choice for the GFM. The main and obvious drawback as a weapon is that it can only fire one round at a time, however whatever remains of who or what you just shot probably couldn't stand another one anyway.

Feng sent a slug through the latch and simply pulled it open and clambered inside. He hadn't been inside The Hearthridge for more than ten minutes, ripping expensive machinery apart for anything useful, when the sharp, rapid beeping of his ICD replaced his music. This was followed by the name 'Jufav Ambler' flashing on his visor, he was requesting a direct line. He always answered when Jufav called, often against his better judgment. Feng accepts the direct line but doesn't wait for him to talk. "It had better be good, and it better not be over a woman this time, I swear if I have to fucking carry-" Jufav cuts him off, clearly annoyed. "Yeah, I was just thinking that it had been while since we spoke too, It's so nice to hear your voice." Feng was silent for a moment "Well?" breaking the silence. "Okay, listen, there is a research base set up and they just need some hired guns and people who can survey the area y'know, maybe escort them around..." Jufav soon began to talk endlessly of the flora and fauna of the planet and still somehow managing to drop in a detail about the job every few words.

Ambler, as Feng calls him, is a peculiar and talkative man who has all of his fingers stuffed into as many different pies as he can find them in. The amount of proverbial pies Ambler's imaginary, extra fingers are in is more than he can keep track of. That is to say he knows everyone, scientists, pirates, politicians, merchants, ancient beings who have a recipe for soup so delicious you'll never taste things normally again. He is Fengs and many, many others main contact for a job, and in the never ending favor for a favor chain, Ambler supplies Nhils with work or information, always attached to said information or job prospect is something in it for Ambler.

Feng offered a few quick "mhm's" "ahh's" with a peppering of a few intrigued sounding "oh's" while Ambler carried on with his proposition. "...And that's why the Galactic Federation can't be involved, but you already knew that." Feng had only been half paying attention towards the end, it had wandered into politics and he zoned out while digging through the innards of the ship's large engine. After a few seconds of silence, Feng jumped back onto his train of thought and replied "My main concern is the others, you know I don't work with groups anymore." He began "Let alone a bunch of random ones just because you 'know' them, don't get me wrong the pay is the only reason I'd really consider this." "Well I 'know' you." was Ambler's only response. For a man who spoke unceasingly, he knew how to be concise.

"I hope you're not suggesting they come on my ship are you? You know I can't do that."
Feng said referring to the enslaved corpse in it's own automated coffin he treated like a pet. "It's fucking weird you call it Sleepy like a dog or something." palpable distaste in Jufav's voice. "That's his name." Feng responded bluntly. "Besides there's a good chance you're the only one with a rig big enough for at least four other people." Jufav said, changing the subject. "It's time to expand your horizons a bit, Feng. Even with all the others, the pay alone is worth your time." The slightest hint of desperation was detectable in his voice, whatever Ambler gets out of this had to be good for him to try and convince Feng.

"You've got one day to make your mind up, go to Nain's outpost on Kether, I'll send some dossiers over in the mean time." Ambler unceremoniously ended the call. The credits alone from the job would be enough to sell his ship and set up shop somewhere far, far away. He wouldn't have to rely on the random odd job and ripping ships apart for a living.

Working with a group of random people to do a potentially risky babysitting job was a small price to pay for a life of veritable solitude. Feng exited the Hearthridge and stood on the deck looking over towards the monolith that was once a shopping mall. A large bag on his back filled with various wires and electronic devices he had salvaged. The ship wasn't as fruitful as he hoped but what isn't a complete loss is something gained. Thinking hard for a moment, he stood still and stared into the distance already knowing he was going to do this, but at what cost?

Moments after the thought crossed his mind the strap on his bag snapped, spilling carefully coiled wire and handfuls of electrical components behind him. It was telling of his current situation and prophetic in a way, something he absolutely despised, but believed in none-the-less. Feng gathered his scrap back into his bag and simply held it in one hand. As he marched back to his ship a din of pings came from his ICD, a full write up on the planet, a handful of dossiers, and message that read 'it's worth it.'

The year is 3084.

Human and Alien life of all shapes and sizes coexist (for the most part) with one another. Planets rich with resources or prime for settlement are being discovered frequently. The universe is waiting and with it comes the best and worst of folk from across the stars. Anyone looking to get their hands dirty one way or another is sure to make or find it on their own.

The Galactic Federation serves as the largest governing body and military, ubiquitous in presence across the systems they maintain order as best as one can given their 'territory'. A nearly two year war raged on the planet Maas that ended about two years ago. Now commonly known as the Maasian conflict, the war began over the mineral Talerite, which the planet was rich with.

The Stavros mining company upset the local inhabitants of the planet, exactly how is still up for debate. When the Galactic federation stepped in to mollify the situation the local Maasians took it as an act of aggression and a foolish, protracted battle ensued. The end result was a torn planet with heaps of Talerite that would remain untouched to outsiders and hundreds of thousands of angry Maasians.

Immediately following the war, the Galactic Federation put heavy restrictions on mining and resource gathering of any kind. To avoid a slew of paperwork and fees, companies began quietly sending groups to survey planets or illegally set up small scale facilities in an attempt to mitigate or completely avoid the Galactic Federations involvement.

You and a handful of others will be one of the lucky few to assist a small group of scientists and researchers in their not so legal activity on the surface of a planet in the far reaches of a cold sector. Who you are, what you do, where you're from and why you're taking the job is entirely up to you.

Technology has advanced considerably, ships that can travel from planet to planet in mere hours depending on distance. Everyday electronics, vehicles and other amenities are much more efficient. Prosthetic limbs, organs and other bodily enhancements or replacements are fairly common.

Nearly everyone has an ICD ( Identification and Communication Device. Think glorified sci-fi cell phone.) which may be integrated into a handheld device, on the wrist or however one chooses.

All Firearms utilize either case-less ammunition or fire projectiles via an electrical rail device. Recoil for the most part has become a thing of the past.

The prior being made of a mineral called Talerite that is incredibly abundant throughout the system and is painfully easy to mass produce munitions with.

That being said, personal energy-based weapons do exist but are not nearly as common as handheld versions of such are incredibly unwieldy or have a limited lifespan due to the amount sheer energy being produced. Energy based weapons are regularly found on starships or mounted on to space stations for self defense.

Stars are the limit as far a technology goes, if you think it might be too much or are unsure just ask.

-Character Dossier-

[Insert picture/face/whatever of character here]




Race(Plus Description):


Equipment/Personal effects:


Brief History:

Other(Any fine details you'd like to add, this field is not required.):

Tucked into all of those spoilers should be everything you need to know but the basic gist of this RP will be to allow some indulgent Sci-Fi space opera fun. I encourage you to make up your own races, planets, technology and everything in between to really flesh out this universe all within reason of course. There is sure to be much excitement/fear/laughter/sorrow and plenty of punching, shooting, running, screaming and illicit activities.

I have a wonderful initial plot in mind and provided this gets enough traction and stays running I'd like to take input from others for ideas or character arcs. I'm looking for 4 more people total for this trip into space where the story begins where my intro ends. Feel free to ask any questions or throw out ideas. Feel free to be as detailed as you like in your character sheet. You don't have to tell us everything I'd prefer the nitty gritty of each character to come out on its own.

As far as post length and rules go I'm not expecting nor do I want a novel to be written for each reply, a paragraph or so at minimum would be ideal, but feel free to get into it when needed. Obviously no Mary Sues, outlandish abilities/weapons etc. I'd like to attempt to find a balance between Sci-Fi and reality so feel free to get crazy but keep it somewhat grounded as always if it seems like too much, just ask.


Name: Frankie Troi

Age: 39

Gender: Male

Race: Philun (F-eye-lunn)

Hailing from the planet Philus-3 (the only planet in the Philus system capable of supporting life pre-terraforming), the philun people are best recognized by the unique, prehensile growths taking the place of hair on their heads, known as tekk'as in their native language. A philun may be born with up to 8 of these tentacle-like growths, but no less than two. It is through the varying numbers of tekk'as that a philun's gender may be determined from a spectrum. The more male-leaning in appearance, the fewer are present, and vice-versa. This species also boasts mildly iridescent skin, coming in a wind range of blues, violets, and teals.

Their brains have have an advanced form of "logistical memory," enabling them to store an almost infinite amount of sub-organized data, mostly numbers, and making them exceptional employees in office settings. The ability does not, however, extend into other forms of memory.

Occupation: Interplanetary Docking Clerk

Equipment/Personal effects:

  • Docu-Print T4
    • A hand-held datapad with a built-in, multi-formatted printer, assigned to official Galactic Federation clerks for the purpose of passport/docking key distribution. In the wrong hands, such a device could permit anyone to produce official documents for access onto any Federation planet or facility.
  • EM-6 Double-Action
    • The epitome of personal self-defense, the EM-6 is biometrically linked to the user at purchase, eliminating any chance of misfire, or disarmament and being faced with one's own weapon. Keeping in line with the traditional form of a revolver, the "snub-nosed" barrel is currently the shortest railgun track patented, making it one of the most compact, non-energy based arms on the market.
  • ICD
  • A collection of touristy shirts from various Earth cities.

Description: Frankie stands at 6'0", but regularly slouches down to 5'10". His skin is largely cerulean and royal blue, but his tekk'as are spotted with orange splotches along the undersides. Build-wise, he's as thin as one might expect for a desk jockey, most broad around chest and shoulders.

Brief History: As the Galactic Federation's reach expanded further and further, they inevitably assimilated the Philus system. The indigenous people lacking the same parental instinct that many humans and humanoid species shared, a large number of philun children previously cared for in massive, boarding school-like facilities were circulated into foster homes. Frankie was one such child, and was eventually claimed by a human family living on a terraformed Mars. There, he grew up nursing fantasies of exploring the galaxy, but somewhere along the line, ended up settling for the blandest side of helping others achieve those same dreams.

Other: Frankie spends much of his free time researching some of the galaxy's most peculiar planets, but all from second-hand accounts.
Dont know if youre still looking for people but here's my form if im still able to join in.


Name: Yuri Avent

Age: 210 (21)

Gender: Male

Race: Ari
Ari's are extra terrestial lifeforms that resides in the farthest galaxy called "Veena-03" and are very similar to humans, albinos to be exact. They retain a very pale skin and light colored hair, however They have a very slender and ectomorph body shape. Their lifespan is far more greater than those of humans, ten times longer than the average human. Their race name means "Childrens of The Stars." Since the effects of sunlight or ultraviolet does not affect them and they are also burn resistant. Ari's are known for their ability to telepath and also understand someone elses state of mind which make them ideal Peacemaker or any intelectual job, they are pacifists and their goverment is neutral in political aspect. However physically they are fragile, Their muscles are weak and easily strained. They are not ideal in combat and would prove more useful working alongside those who are capable to protect them both.

Occupation: Unemployed

Equipment/Personal effects:
Stun Gun
First Aid Kit

Description: Yuri appearance are similar to his peers, he has a white colored hair and pale complexion. He is also taller than average about 5'8", He is also thin but retains more mass in muscle than the average Ari.

Brief History: As every other Ari, Yuri came from a loving family and have completed his education well ending up as the top graduate. However he is still isnt sure what to pursue and so Yuri wonders around taking odd jobs to find what interest him and what he wants to do with life.

Other: He likes nature very much and would research and plant some rare plantation in his free time. He is highly intelligent to crack codes and do some high end hacking but he rarely display this skill of his.
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Name: Braylin 70X6

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Race(Plus Description): "Technopunk "
Hailing from Ceon 6D13, many people believe Technopunks to be human. While technically the only civilisation in the Ceon system are human colonies, they were established so long ago, that they no longer see themselves as humans.
The early colonies were always testing to try and find ways to improve life away from Earth. Symbolica, the Colony on Ceon 6D13 was one of the first Colonies from Earth and started working on genetic engineering and cybernetic alterations to allow their workers to function better on the hostile planet. Now, more than seven hundred years later, the inhabitants of Symbolica don't know what it meant to be human. Being almost completely Technorganic, most of their body is comprised of bio-tech. Unsure where the technology ends, and their bodies begin.

Occupation: Mercenary, though prefers the term "Severance Administrator"

Equipment/Personal effects:

Description: Braylin has a hefty build. It is unclear if it is muscle, armour or just cybernetics that give it this heft. It is a mix of all three, due to the nature of his work. Standing at about 6'4 he is quite tall, and quite heavy, being nearly half metal.
Braylin is quite a domineering figure, with red eyes, and a scarred face. What organic skin remains is often heavily scarred from his life.

Brief History: Braylin 70X6 was born/created to be a heavy labourer on Ceon 6D13, prior to the planet's recent terraforming. Built to withstand the harsh ion storms, Braylin made a living moving heavy Cargo by hand or fixing vehicles and machines that had broken down in the wasteland.
When the terraforming of the planet was announced, many of the labourers were being laid off. Being offered a refit, or to find new work elsewhere. Braylin used his saved up credits to buy a ship, only to realise he didn't know how to fly the ship. He promptly crashed it a few minutes after getting it airborne. Pulling himself from the wreckage, a corporate executive working on the terraforming project admired his spunk and offered him a job. apparently there were a few in Symbolica who were resisting the terraforming. Braylin took care of the problem in exchange for a ride off the planet, and a large sum of credits.
Ever since Braylin has been picking up odd jobs of varying legality.

Other(Any fine details you'd like to add, this field is not required.): Braylin has still never learned how to pilot a ship. Instead, he spends some of his credits hiring a pilot if one isn't included in the job.

(Pictured relieving a crashed ship of some 'cargo' hat not included.)

Name: Nhils Feng

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Race: Sahalian

A race of intelligent bi-pedal reptilian people, inhabiting the massive desert planet of Grandphos. Sahalian's come in all shapes and sizes, each with unique markings, colors and scale patterns, though most have markings that are similar to their family members. They lack the tails of their ancestors but pronounced mandible with rows of sharp teeth and slit pupils remained. Fierce in whatever they put their minds to, Sahalian are a very industrious race, some of the best terrestrial vehicles are produced on Grandphos. Sahalian are incredibly ruthless and cunning opponents, but are prone to becoming overzealous while they make great soldiers and workers they are poor leaders there are always exceptions to the rule though.. As one might expect, Sahalian's don't do well with cold temperatures, requiring a heated suit if they are to spend any significant amount of time in even a less-than freezing climate.

Occupation: Scrapper/Ex-Galactic Federation scout

Equipment/Personal effects:
Case-less GFM Auto-rifle

Single-shot Multi function pistol or MFP for short.

GFM Combat knife.

Adverse Environment Suit or AES.

Corvette Class Spaceship named "The Indigo", dated but working.

Description: Nhils Feng stands at 188cm tall, his physique is indicative of a some time spent in the military. His dark orange scales contrast well with his bright yellow eyes. Long beige stripes draw zigzagging vertical lines over his body with an errant white scale here and there. Nhils time in the Federation made him athletic and fit for long excursions into the wild. Feng has a brand of a circle with a line through it on his back just below his neck, a common practice in Sahalian culture when they decide to leave the planet. there are several different brands each with their own meaning. In addition to this he sports a fairly large puncture wound scar under his chin.

Brief History: Nhils Feng grew up the youngest of 3 on the Sahalian home planet of Grandphos. Both parents were engineers and he was to follow suit, however by the time he was twenty he had become restless and carried a great sense of wanderlust with him. In response to this he chose to join the Galactic Federation military where shortly thereafter became part of reconnaissance division. Feng's dream came true and he was fortunate to travel far and wide but at the cost of becoming a cog in machine that is the Federation. In what little downtime he had, Feng continued to pursue his engineering abilities. At the beginning of the Maasian conflict Feng disbanded from the Federation uncomfortable with how they went about the situation among other things. He now lives on his ship cut off from any Federation pension doing occasional mercenary work but choosing to stick to scrapping as a means of survival.
Feeling pleased so far, ideally I'd like to have one more person on board with this before we get going.
If it looks like it's going to take a while I'll go ahead and get things going tomorrow sometime, and provided things go well I might add room for one more.
Sorry for the delay everyone, I've been busy these last few days, and have since had one person drop out but I think we'll be fine.
provided everyone else who is interested still is I will get the intro post up tonight, sorry again for the wait.
Sorry for the delay everyone, I've been busy these last few days, and have since had one person drop out but I think we'll be fine.
provided everyone else who is interested still is I will get the intro post up tonight, sorry again for the wait.
Im still interested
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