All Eni's Interests

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All Eni's Interests

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Hello all, I have been writing since I was a teen and since then with growing passion and have been on and off here and just returned after awhile. Hoping to get back into it as I feel a little rusty but am so eager to begin new stories with new characters. I generally RP female characters but I have done male characters and I am interested in doing that too. The pairings could be MxF, FxF, MxM; just depends on the topic or plot of the story we want to build together.


  • My responses can range from 300+ to over 700+ dependent on the story at hand and my interest in the topic. I don't need to be matched, only that the person behind the post can follow the flow of the story and keep it interesting, though I am not interested in one-liners. I can accept a good one paragraph response that addresses what's happening in the plot, advances beyond a superficial acknowledgement and adds your input. The topics that have my deepest interest are fantasy, primeval times and even modern times; not into futuristic scenarios, I'm an old mind and can't seem to grasp it well lol. I am greatly invested in how a good story unravels and love to become embroiled into how the story makes me feel and respond naturally as my thoughts come forward. Honestly, I am just happy to be back and know people have things that happen in their life, all I really ask that communication is key. So if you're going to be gone awhile or unknown? Just fine with me, I will be awaiting and writing with others or living my own life and hope to reconnect. Personally, I can respond multiple times a week but I won't place any emphasis on your need to respond to me quickly, not how life works. Will inform/warn if anything comes up or reduces my ability to retain my response rate. We are all generally adults but if you can't remember that and decide to be "ghost friendly" I am not going to gamble with my mental health and just accept your sudden, strange silence as disinterest. We're literally here to write and have a great time, not date, it's not that serious or difficult to say "This isn't my scene anymore" at any point during conversation. You won't hurt my feelings, just annoy me. Please act like my time matters at all.


  • I am open and interested in any level of violence from something as simple as a minor laceration to outright describing a decapitation. I am into expressing violence as well as having violence done to me whether it is a kink situation or a scenario where I am being abducted or worse. Limits of such can be discussed dependent on the story pitched to remain comfortable with one another, if necessary.


  • I do write sexual content and can go as far as blood the only limit I have honestly is one thing but that can be discussed in PMs. Comfortable with something as simple as a short makeout session or something highly passionate that spans a few posts or more. Can be vanilla all the way to something sadistic. When sexual content is present in a story, I prefer the smut or romance to be attached to a good premise and chemistry between the characters in play and allow the actions to occur naturally and mean something to the story and not just be filler I guess. It could be long lost lovers reuniting, a new lover situation occurring or even an unfavorable circumstance where the sexual conduct is tied to the story and helps the flow of the story. If you do not present your character as charming, intimidating or whatever the vibe is supposed to be to encourage the setting for a sexual exploration, it won't be as good as it should be. Just because the story would contain sexual elements, doesn't mean you get lazy and just assume it's going to happen, intrigue the character I am playing. It takes two to tango.


  1. Horror
  2. Low magic
  3. Fantasy
  4. NSFW or SFW
  5. Domination
  6. Romance
  7. Smut (to a certain level, need story)
  8. Violence
  9. Action
  10. Adventure
  11. Curse
  12. Gore
  13. Imprisonment
  14. Slice of life
  15. Pain
  16. Masochism
  17. Medieval
  18. Feudal Era
  19. Bondage

  1. Monsters
  2. Humans
  3. Demi humans
  4. Demons
[I am always down to create a new character depending on the content of the story if none of my current ones strike your fancy, no problem. Be aware that I have certain characters for some stories, I never reuse them once placed into an ongoing story; exceptions would occur. I only intend to have some characters and RPs ongoing as I know my limit and wouldn't want to strain myself. Just don't backtrack please when I am being open and flexible, it wastes time when I ask questions and you say "anyone" only to choose a character that doesn't fit with the narrative after you ignore my hard thought replacement that does. Especially when you haven't stated a certain boundary or sincere interest beforehand, comes off as indecisive and causes a bit of whiplash. Please know what you want people and none of that fake "Anything is cool with me" spiel. We all have our deep interests and things we crave, just be honest; saves so much time and effort.]


Currently, I don't have any specific ideas but I will certainly update it here to make it known and clear. Don't hesitate to hit me up with new story ideas, pairings, characters or anything at all. I am open sincerely and will discuss much. Though understand that DOES NOT mean I am at liberty to accept your premise, only that I am willing and will be forthcoming whether or not it strikes something for me. I find that much of the set-up before a RP is the connection or interests people bring out in another then the RP can be established if both parties stay on the same page. Like anyone else, I have cravings that would be laid bare to the people who share my interests, otherwise, I am content to write, create and explore new scenarios.


I am no longer looking for anymore partners. Will be tied up with current stories and building with what I have.
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