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Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 10:02 AM
Copenhagen, Denmark
Hey there! Welcome to the Candy Shop, below you'll find a selection of mouth-watering treats and afternoon delights. If you'd like to partake in any of the listed goods, please send a Personal Message to @Semi-Sweet. Please don't clutter the thread with comments. First a few words about the Candyman himself.

  • I try to keep my responses around 500 words. That's about three solid paragraphs. I understand that this is not always possible, especially when you have to do with conversation, so it's not a requirement, it's just for you to maybe realize whether we'd be a good match or not.
  • Erotica is welcomed.
  • I like writing, but I also have a life outside of my computer. I like to make sure my responses are of a specific quality and as such, it takes me a little before the response is actually up. Don't expect a response a day. I'll be glad to answer PMs every day, but I am trying to develop my writing and that takes time. So if you lose interest because there aren't three responses in a day, you should probably find someone more at your own speed.
  • I'm not against RPing with anyone. To me, it doesn't matter how long you've been in the game or that you only play one specific genre. If you want to work something out, we'll PM a bit back and forth and see how good of a match we have.
  • We're here to have fun and write great stories together, so let's try and keep the drama to a minimum. Save it for the story. That being said, I expect an answer from you when I DM you. I understand we all have busy lives, but I promise never to ghost you, so maybe don't ghost me. It's not acceptable behavior, people. No answer is not an answer.
  • The suggestions I've put below are not the only things I'll RP, they're just my own ideas. I find it immensely flattering to be invited to do someone else's RP, so if you think I'd be good to have around in your next thread, don't hesitate to PM me.
  • I'm mostly interested in MxM stories, but if you want to adapt it into anything else, I'd be convincible.
  • As far as characters go, I don't have a gallery of roles ready to be printed into a plot. To me, each story requires its own unique character. You are more than free to use one of your already established characters, but I prefer doing things this way. That being said, there are certain things I tend to play more often than not. I'm afraid I'm a horrible fan of the tsundere-type characters. There are, of course, exceptions. I'm not trying to hate on your favorite omega, shy characters can be great when done correctly. But if you play a shy character, it's going to be so much harder for you to pull your weight in the story, so you need to know what you're doing. If I'm the only one furthering the story, I'm going to get bored. Likewise, if I make a shy character, I assure you, I will still be pulling my weight; I will never just take a backseat to our story.
    • Likewise, I'd like to note that I prefer playing bottoms. That said, I don't like submissive characters and find shy characters to be the epitome of boredom.
Dying of the Light: MC is a cambion prophesized to father the antichrist. All his life, he's been running from the legions of Hell, never staying in one place for too long. Will his demons catch up to him, or will he have to finally end his life to save the world? I won't tell you what your character should be, but I suggest picking either an innocent man who gets caught up with MC; an angel tasked with protecting him; or, as I think would be more fun, a demon who has captured him.

Flashback: Two men are having a secret affair, but it's getting to the point where they have to decide whether to pursue the relationship or leave it be. Alas, things are never that easy. All over the city vortexes appear, reaper-like beings appearing in flashes of electricity, starting to tear down the fabric of reality. Just as the two of them decide to get out of the city, they meet two other men: themselves from a parallel universe. This is an RP dealing with timelines and such. We'd both be playing "multiple characters" in the way that we'd play our own characters in different versions. In one universe they're married, in another deadly enemies. My suggestion would be doing a student/professor-type relationship, but it's absolutely up for debate.

Eromenos/Erastes: in Ancient Greece, there was a custom of mature men taking on young male lovers in the form of master/apprentice-relation. Most famously this is portrayed in the myths of Herakles' nephew, Iolaus. I would suggest a similar relation with me playing the eromenos (not underage). Perhaps set in the final days of Atlantis.

Uptown Boy: He's been living in an uptown world. But now his job is taking him away from the urban jungle he loves so much, placing him right smack in the middle of absolutely nowhere. What will he do when he finds out farmer guys aren't at all as bad as he imagined?

Marvel Comics: Set a few years into the future, Billy Kaplan spends his life at university and studying under the tutelage of Doctor Strange. Without knowing it, darkness has grown in him through unfulfilled desires and repressed feelings. His astral self develops a mind of its own and begins using his powers to make the world exactly as he wants it. You would play a superhero that this astral self forces to fall in love with Billy.

DC Comics: I'm interested in playing in a setting, preferably Gotham in an AU where we can put our own spin on the characters. I especially have an interest in playing Sylvester Kyle/Catman or Raven.

Life after Hogwarts: I'm a huge Harry Potter nerd, and if you want any kind of setting in this universe, I'm so up for it. I'm a Slytherin, so it would be fun with someone from another house.

Pokémon: Craving a plot set in the Pokémon world. Preferably within the Team Rocket organization at their prime. I'm thinking of two high-end agents working together for Giovanni. Or you can be a high-ranking officer and me a field agent. Smut will only happen between humans, NOT pokémon!

Characters I'd like to play are second.
Hal Jordan x Kyle Rayner
Hal Jordan x OC
Hal Jordan x Power Ring (Harold Jordan)
Hal Jordan x Alan Scott

Batman x Catwoman (possibly genderswapped)
Batman x Raven (possibly genderswapped)
Batman x OC
Batman x Jason Todd
Batman x Wally West

Superman x OC
Superman x Raven (possibly genderswapped)
Superman x Superboy
Superman x Tim Drake
Superman x Dick Grayson
Superman x Wally West

Lex Luthor x OC
Lex Luthor x Raven (possibly genderswapped)
Lex Luthor x Superboy

Wally West x Raven (possibly genderswapped)
Wally West x OC
Wally West x Superboy
Wally West x Dick Grayson
Wally West x Tim Drake
Cyclops x OC
Cyclops x Iceman
Cyclops x Gene Gray (Jean Gray genderswapped)
Cyclops x Angel

Wolverine x Cyclops
Wolverine x OC
Wolverine x Gene Gray (Jean Gray genderswapped)
Wolverine x Iceman

Iceman x Cyclops
Iceman x OC
Iceman x Wiccan

Beast x Cyclops
Beast x OC
Beast x Nightcrawler

Hulkling x Wiccan
Dr. Doom x Wiccan
Dr. Strange x Wiccan
Harry Potter x Draco Malfoy

Albus Dumbledore x Gellert Grindelwald
Albus Dumbledore x OC
Gellert Grindelwald x OC

Draco Malfoy x OC
Ares x Aphrodite
Ares x OC
Ares x Apollo
Ares x Ganymede

Hades x Ganymede
Hades x OC
Hades x Eros
Hades x Hera

Zeus x Ganymede
Zeus x OC

Poseidon x OC
Poseidon x Circe

Those are my ideas so far, I will update when I get new ones and remove the ones that I start writing on. If you're at all interested, let me know by either posting in this thread or sending me a PM. Have a nice day!


  • Four omegas and four alphas get caught up in a world of politics, terrorism and romance.
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