MxF Ether’s Search For Partners ♡ Advanced & Passionate (Novella and Shorter Welcome!)

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MxF Ether’s Search For Partners ♡ Advanced & Passionate (Novella and Shorter Welcome!)


Dream Eater
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Ether's Search For Partners

I'm back at it again! I've made quite a few lengthy, detailed requests on this site for specific roleplays or partners- but as I have no particular (incessantly consuming) cravings- I'm making this short and sweet.

I'm a dedicated roleplayer who loves her novel-length, detailed, romance-filled posts (as well as a healthy dose of smut). But, don't let that scare you off. I would love to collaborate with someone new, and find another long-term roleplay partner. I only have a few requirements, and the rest is up for personal taste.

Grammar and spelling are essential to me. If it's not there, or even slightly lacking, I find it to be an intense distraction to the story we're attempting to weave. Please, literate roleplayers only! In both the grammatically capable sense, as well as the sense to be capable of writing detailed, passionate, fleshed-out replies and characters.
Edit: I'm making a little repeat here to really highlight this caveat. Please, only literate roleplayers. My standards are high, and I will not settle for poor grammar or spelling. Or, lack of detail or depth in replies. It's not fair to either of us, as I enjoy engaging in roleplays that I can fully commit to- and feel passionate about.

At this moment, I'm not necessarily looking for novel-length posters. Although, I will never turn them down! (As I, myself, on average tend to post around 1000+ words). Shorter replies, in the range of (approximately) 400 to 600 words, would be perfectly fine. I'm not comfortable going below 350, as I feel it does not provide enough substance. I like drama, fireworks, chaos! Give me something to daydream about.

I will always match my partner's length and detail. And I expect the same vice versa!

Check out my current roleplays, my profile, or even my previous requests if you want to know a little more about my style or tastes. If you like what you see, feel free to message me at any time. We can discuss character dynamics, story, kinks, and all the good stuff!

Some of my favorite genres include: Modern, Realistic, Fantasy, Medieval, Supernatural, Horror, Drama, etc.

I'm not really a fan of the following genres: Sci-fi, Post-Apocalyptic, Epidemic, Futuristic, etc.

My smut/plot ratio varies depending on the story, but please do note that I will not roleplay without either! As of now, my ratio is usually 60 plot to 40 smut.

As a last note, I love to be friendly with my partners. OOC chats are practically vital for me to be able to collaborate with others. Plus, I'm a sucker for small talk.

Hope to see you soon. -Ether ♡
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