Evelyn, my love,
It has been less than twenty-four hours since I have sent my last letter. I apologize for having written so many, but I am certain you have received them as your mailbox is always empty when I drop off a new one. Even though I eagerly await your response, do not feel rushed, as I am a patient man. '
Do you remember the movie we watched last night? Oh how I wish I could have been there with you, to touch you, to hear your laughter! It was such a funny movie - I know you had to be laughing with that angelic voice of yours. It is unfortunate we can no longer freely approach each other because of the iron fence you erected between us, but know our love will keep us together.
I remember the day you moved in last week, on the Monday, the way you eagerly introduced yourself to me, your new neighbor, and how warm our handshake was. I remember the scent of your floral perfume, the smell of roses. Truthfully, I thought it was overwhelming, but, now, as you must have noticed, I have planted roses in your honor. I tend to them whenever I think of you. If you would ever like to see them, please let me know. For as long as they last, they represent my undying love for you.
Yours truly,
Evelyn, my jokester,
The restraining order I received in the mail was quite humorous. It pleases me to know you can joke around, as it makes your personality a thousand times more attractive to me. I know this must have been a misunderstanding and it was sent to the wrong address. I do not know who scares you in such a way, but I promise you I will find out who dares to hurt my precious soulmate and will fix the problem.
Sitting at my desk, I replay all the good memories I have of you on repeat, and I only have good memories. For example, the day we went on a picnic. It was a beautifully bright Sunday morning and the sun's rays were shining down on your face, highlighting your perfect smile, created by perfectly aligned teeth. You took my breath away. On days I cannot see you, I long to see that smile again. Sometimes, I even find myself looking through your bedroom window to catch a glimpse of those pearly whites in the mirror beside your wardrobe. As silly as it sounds, I am jealous of that mirror, able to behold the curves of your sensuous body and look into your seductive eyes.
As you read my letters, I hope you think of me as much as I do of you.
Your soulmate in waiting,
Evelyn, my dearest,
I have noticed things are beginning to change with you, and it is worrying me. It saddens me to see you less and less.. Please tell me if you are okay, my darling, as your problems I will easily take as my own to lessen the burden on your mind. I would sell my soul to the devil to lessen the weight on your shoulders if that would make you smile again. I have always loved you the way you are, Evelyn.
Please, reopen the blinds on your windows. If they are kept closed, I am unable to know when you wake and when you sleep, to know if you are properly taking care of yourself, and that's all I wish to know as your lover. With each passing day, my love for you has only grown stronger. Please understand that, Evelyn. Being unable to see you for a single day tears my heart in two. Physically and emotionally, I yearn for you. I need you to return to my life. Just like the first day we met, I want to feel the warmth of your skin on mine, to have the fragrance of roses attack my nose, to gaze into your sky blue eyes that were swallowing me whole, and to wish I could've touched your curly, brown hair.
I do not ask for much. Please, I beg, let me see your body again, a body that one could easily mistake for that of Aphrodite's.
Miss you,
Evelyn, you tease,
I am scared. It has been two weeks since I have last seen you. Who are the new people moving into your house? I do not wish to be acquainted with them as my eyes have always been only on you, yet they make me curious. What made you decide to buy a new car, and is that a pet dog? Surely, you must have known I am not a fan of dogs, or any pets, for you to have hidden the beast until now.
My goddess, don't you think it has been long enough since I last saw you? Upon reflection, I have realized you are doing this on purpose. You must enjoy me begging to see you again, is that it? You are such a tease, my love, I cannot get enough of you. You excited me.
Still, these new people I am not fond of. I trust they do not wish to harm you. As I have written many times before, I would risk my life, even in the depths of Hell against Satan, to protect you. I would give up my soul if it meant you could live another day blessing this Earth with your existence if anything were to dare happen to you.
I beg of you Evelyn, please respond to let me know you are okay. You like me begging, don't you? You are my eternal joy, Evelyn, so, please, respond, and do not fear. Even with these new people, I will continue to fill your heart with my messages.
Eternally yours,
It has been less than twenty-four hours since I have sent my last letter. I apologize for having written so many, but I am certain you have received them as your mailbox is always empty when I drop off a new one. Even though I eagerly await your response, do not feel rushed, as I am a patient man. '
Do you remember the movie we watched last night? Oh how I wish I could have been there with you, to touch you, to hear your laughter! It was such a funny movie - I know you had to be laughing with that angelic voice of yours. It is unfortunate we can no longer freely approach each other because of the iron fence you erected between us, but know our love will keep us together.
I remember the day you moved in last week, on the Monday, the way you eagerly introduced yourself to me, your new neighbor, and how warm our handshake was. I remember the scent of your floral perfume, the smell of roses. Truthfully, I thought it was overwhelming, but, now, as you must have noticed, I have planted roses in your honor. I tend to them whenever I think of you. If you would ever like to see them, please let me know. For as long as they last, they represent my undying love for you.
Yours truly,
Evelyn, my jokester,
The restraining order I received in the mail was quite humorous. It pleases me to know you can joke around, as it makes your personality a thousand times more attractive to me. I know this must have been a misunderstanding and it was sent to the wrong address. I do not know who scares you in such a way, but I promise you I will find out who dares to hurt my precious soulmate and will fix the problem.
Sitting at my desk, I replay all the good memories I have of you on repeat, and I only have good memories. For example, the day we went on a picnic. It was a beautifully bright Sunday morning and the sun's rays were shining down on your face, highlighting your perfect smile, created by perfectly aligned teeth. You took my breath away. On days I cannot see you, I long to see that smile again. Sometimes, I even find myself looking through your bedroom window to catch a glimpse of those pearly whites in the mirror beside your wardrobe. As silly as it sounds, I am jealous of that mirror, able to behold the curves of your sensuous body and look into your seductive eyes.
As you read my letters, I hope you think of me as much as I do of you.
Your soulmate in waiting,
Evelyn, my dearest,
I have noticed things are beginning to change with you, and it is worrying me. It saddens me to see you less and less.. Please tell me if you are okay, my darling, as your problems I will easily take as my own to lessen the burden on your mind. I would sell my soul to the devil to lessen the weight on your shoulders if that would make you smile again. I have always loved you the way you are, Evelyn.
Please, reopen the blinds on your windows. If they are kept closed, I am unable to know when you wake and when you sleep, to know if you are properly taking care of yourself, and that's all I wish to know as your lover. With each passing day, my love for you has only grown stronger. Please understand that, Evelyn. Being unable to see you for a single day tears my heart in two. Physically and emotionally, I yearn for you. I need you to return to my life. Just like the first day we met, I want to feel the warmth of your skin on mine, to have the fragrance of roses attack my nose, to gaze into your sky blue eyes that were swallowing me whole, and to wish I could've touched your curly, brown hair.
I do not ask for much. Please, I beg, let me see your body again, a body that one could easily mistake for that of Aphrodite's.
Miss you,
Evelyn, you tease,
I am scared. It has been two weeks since I have last seen you. Who are the new people moving into your house? I do not wish to be acquainted with them as my eyes have always been only on you, yet they make me curious. What made you decide to buy a new car, and is that a pet dog? Surely, you must have known I am not a fan of dogs, or any pets, for you to have hidden the beast until now.
My goddess, don't you think it has been long enough since I last saw you? Upon reflection, I have realized you are doing this on purpose. You must enjoy me begging to see you again, is that it? You are such a tease, my love, I cannot get enough of you. You excited me.
Still, these new people I am not fond of. I trust they do not wish to harm you. As I have written many times before, I would risk my life, even in the depths of Hell against Satan, to protect you. I would give up my soul if it meant you could live another day blessing this Earth with your existence if anything were to dare happen to you.
I beg of you Evelyn, please respond to let me know you are okay. You like me begging, don't you? You are my eternal joy, Evelyn, so, please, respond, and do not fear. Even with these new people, I will continue to fill your heart with my messages.
Eternally yours,