Either Needed Extinction War (Sci-Fi Mech Squad

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Either Needed Extinction War (Sci-Fi Mech Squad

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Today 2:10 PM
(Inspirations: Anthem, Titanfall, CoD Advanced Warfare, Mass Effect, Warhammer 40k, Mechwarrior/Battletech)
In the galactic community, it used to be that no one wanted for everything. All needs were filled, and everyone was happy. Generally speaking, it's still like that near the core systems.

This story is not about the core systems.

This story is far afield, where the Devourer has arrived from beyond the galaxy's edge. A hivemind of creatures unlike anything that has been seen on the planet, they only seem to have instinct to attack, devour, destroy. Their bodies are covered in chitinous armor, and their weapons are scything claws made of bone and guns melded to their bodies that shoot living projectiles.

After the initial rush, where hundreds of colonies went dark, the galactic navy was able to fight back. Old war machines were used to stall the advanced while new ones were created. Exoskeletons became the norm for all support personnel and vehicle crew. Frontline fighters would be given powered armor according to their role, and many new vehicles were created.

But the Pilots and their Legionnaires are the true trump card. Using the greatest advances in training and technology, Pilots are a force to be reckoned with. In their exosuit, they can rival, if not beat, any standard grunt — even in their armor. The pilot has great freedom in weapons and loadout, but even with all these advantages, the biggest is the Legionnaire. A large robotic titan, the Legionnaire can be piloted or they can be controlled by an onboard AI specially suited to both the model and the pilot. Because not every pilot is the same, every Legionnaire is different, made to specification and to augment their natural abilities and skills.

We will follow a new squad of pilots and their battles against the Devourer...

  • There will be no system used, though I may bring in d20 rolls if players want
  • I will welcome anyone and everyone so long as they are respectful and engaged both IC and in the OOC Thread.
  • Players will create both a pilot and a Legionnaire/AI
  • Players can create and utilize minor NPCs for small scenes.
  • I will ask for at least two paragraphs in most cases, and posts that will push the plot/story/interactions forward. Players will be allowed to play minor scene NPCs, and NPCs related to their character (if any).
  • I prefer at least one post a week, but more is always nice. However, I know that life can get in the way, and if this occurs I only ask that you let me know that you need a hiatus.
  • One paragraph as a minimum length (at least move it forward) with third-person past-tense preferred as a style.
Sounds like it could be fun. Correct me if I'm wrong, but in terms of scale it sounds like there are smaller powered armors, then exosuits and finally the Legionnaires? Or maybe the powered armors and exosuits are the same thing?
I would be interested in this role play.
Curious but the story will need to be fleshed out.
I'd be interested in an Old school pilot who refuses to have an AI <bias and mostly concern. 'I fought without one, I'll die without a toaster ai telling me whats what'
im interested but my question is can i be nemesis prime from transformers if i join))
This does sound pretty interesting. Are the pilots augmented in anyway? I'm assuming some sort of mental implant to better communicate with their A.I.?
*prods* is this thread dead Jim?
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