Dorian Hecla
(Rian, Hecla)
(Inspector Heck)
They/Them, sometimes He/Him
Probably human - something else might have gotten in there.
No hard affiliations. Except maybe a witch.
33 and change
Recently, tall and lean, a mesomorph with the kind of muscle one gets from running and scaling fences more than from "working out".
Enough dark hair to fall into their face with a visible undercut when tied up; a jaw cut hard enough to be called masculine. They shave clean in the morning, stubble by sundown. Full lips, grey eyes, darker than tan but flecked with freckles. Lots of dark, loose clothing, but wears bespoke shoes. Tattoos visible from fingertips up the arms; doesn't show a lot of skin to the average stanger, but there's more ink to be found. Mostly sigils, symbols, spells. Wears talismans and anointed stones. Like rings - has an affinity for silver. They like the way it tarnishes with wear.
Private eye, Paranormal investigator. Occasionally muscle-for-hire.
Runs an occult bookstore to pay the bills between PI jobs. Hipsters will fork over a lot of pocket money for the witchy aesthetic.
Lower Paera - on the outskirts in the industrial portion of what the PD calls the Weird District. Dorian usually sleeps in the back of the office on 119th, under about ninety wards and pillars against unwanted visitors.
Has a mind for forensics, a demi-photographic memory, and an excellent sense of deductive reasoning. Dorian also has an innate ability to find Small Things - sometimes inconsequential, sometimes important. They just seem to turn up.
There are rumors in the Weird District and the PD alike that Dorian is a shape-shifter, but it's less that than it is Glamours. Distractions, illusions. Skillful misdirection. And maybe a little bit of shapeshifting. Always humanoid, and very subtle.
Pickpocketing, but that's less a skill than it is a small crime. Quite adept at climbing and sprinting.
Like cats but just feeds strays, doesn't keep any or let them inside. Secretly enjoys commuting on the train; it's the great equalizer, where Mortals and Others have the closest thing to a truce they're ever going to keep. Likes Korean food, coffee, gin or whiskey, and cocaine. Likes the feeling of disappearing into a crowd, and violent thunderstorms. Loves to read; the bookstore is basically an excuse to have a library they can't afford. Enjoys Paera's music scene, but doesn't like being in enclosed spaces with an audience.
Dislikes having to do any business in Upper Central Paera, rats, parades, security guards, most dogs, and clicky shoes. Doesn't particularly enjoy obligations of any kind. Doesn't care for house guests.
Personality Traits
Usually quiet, and expresses more with eyebrows than they do with their mouth. Lives in a state of nihilistic absurdism, and has learned to embrace that virtually nothing matters. They are extremely conscious of being watched, and usually time most of their after-hours activities for the least exposure possible. Secretive, determined, fierce, and full of dry irony when they do speak, Dorian maintains more contancts and associates than they do friends. They are, however, almost violently loyal to the 0.5 people they care about. Blunt, but oddly pacifistic, all things considered.
Personality Flaws
Not a fucking team player. Just - not. Suspicious, nosey, avoidant, and sometimes just outright cold, they are loathe to trust just about anyone. Which they fully expect is why they are alive, considering some of the cases they've taken recently. Despite the general pacifism, they can be vicious when angry, and if pushed over the edge, their opposition had better have a cut-and-run plan because they will come out swinging.
Major Motivations
Dorian claims their major motivator is survival. Paying the bills, feeding themself. But they could run the bookstore and get by just fine, probably. Probably even get by a little better, without so many scrapes and bruises. So if it's not the money... Maybe the connections.