FallenSade says hello

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FallenSade says hello


Local time
Tomorrow 12:28 AM
Well... I'm a 22-year-old male Scotsman.

Currently, a networking student who loves to write stories, Roleplay and make fragrances from time to time. I do have other interests that I tend to dabble in if they interest me enough. Enjoy playing games also.

The main themes I like to roleplay/write about are Fantasy, Scifi-Military, CyberPunk, and Supernatural. I'm however not opposed to trying new things if I find them interesting.

A pre-warning, I have Dyslexia. So grammar/spelling is a skill I've struggled with most of my life. I know it annoys folk when someone can't spell stuff right etc, But please try to think about what i go through since i know i messed up and can't really fix it.

So it kinda gets hurtful when people get too annoying with it, I'm however not against a friendly poke letting me know i messed up or giving me the correct spelling/grammar. I do suffer from social anxiety, So if i give off an ignoring you vibe, I'm really not trying to. I'm just trying to center myself, I promise if i do not wish to talk to someone i will politely let you know, But that is a rare thing for me unless you have done something to warrant it.

Hope to get along with you all.
Welcome to the Inner Sanctum, FallenSade. We're a friendly, welcoming, accommodating bunch here. I assure you that I am the last person to point out or criticize your typos.
Welcome! You're not the only dyslexic among us, so no worries. ^_^ I'm sure you'll find this to be a pretty welcoming place.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Hi and Welcome friend!!
Welcome fellow North of the Borderer!
Nice to have another aboard.

Hope your settling in ok, we have a bit of everything here, so hopefully you will find something to your tastes.

We are a pretty friendly group if a little......ok.....alot crazy.

Look forward to inserting your request thread and hopefully seeing you around.

All the best
Welcome FallenSade! I'm dyslexic also, and totally understand the pain of having it when writing. Everyone here is awesome, and all have the same battles with the dreaded typos. ;) Have fun and hope to see you around!
Tha mi an dòchas gum bi latha fìor mhath agad! ~ Lore
Yes, while I don't have dyslexia, I do have sequential memory disorder and can look very much the same on paper.
I've found so many great people to write with, I'm sure you will too!
Welcome and let me know if you have any questions.
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