MxM Fandom rp('s) - looking for YOU

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MxM Fandom rp('s) - looking for YOU

Rules Check
  1. Confirmed
  1. MxM
Content Warning
  1. Sensitive Topics
Preferred Genres
  1. Fandom
  2. Romance
  3. Other


I spy with all my hundred little eyes
Welcome to the Sanctum Happy Birthday!!
Local time
Today 4:10 PM
pfp: João Bragato
I suck at writing these so please excuse the flavourless layout and unexciting structure - I'll never get this out otherwise haha.


MY CHARACTER: Lee Xie — second son of the Xie-Lu family, fire nation, 27, [picture coming]
Youngest of two brothers, nephew to one of Ozai's more appreciated acquaintances, spoiled and entitled, dishonest and a poor bender with enough training and surprisingly strong (temper driven) moments to hide it. Always puts himself first and has never won a duel honestly - the again has he never lost either. Constantly, and eagerly, yearning for approval and praise, easily offended and while never down to pour even a slither of energy into relationships, always and easily finds himself bone-achingly hurt from betrayals, disapprovals and indifference towards him. Surprisingly good at strategics and tend to win people over - mostly the rich, superficial and greedy - with his patterns recognition and talent to foresee most outcomes, may it be in cards, board games or war.

YOUR CHARACTER: ?? — ??, ??, 25-35 y/o
Can be anything you and anyone you like, your imagination and the ATLA universe are your only real limitations. Needing ideas? Here's a short list of some I came up with:
. fellow fire nation nobility, perhaps less interested in the downfall of the other nations, from a less aged name or hiding under the pretence to belong under said title
. a performer belonging to an (illegal, or legal) traveling circus, perhaps hiding?
. a lone traveler (in line with the general population's impression of the Blue Spirit) willing to do others dirty work - or perhaps their own
I don't have anything concrete, just the vision of the same brutally honest view of the world and enemies to lovers (in the most complicated and indirect way) vibe shown in Blue Eyed Samurai between Mizu and Taigen, just in the setting of Avatar (around the time of Ozai's betrayal and take-over, give or take a few years in whichever direction we please).

I want some gore and violence, crude language, social class gaps and twisted morals, complicated feelings, slow burn and eventually some sexual happenings.

. be 25 or older
. don't expect any dom/sub or top/bottom stereotypes or setups - our characters can have preferences but I do not want to see it in the way you write them
. write in 3rd person
. i'd like for us to write 500 words+
. i have no issues writing explicit content, but it won't be the main focus and once we do would I love to see you holding some knowledge in how (amab) same-sex intercourse works
. no ai, manga, anime or influencer fc image(s)
. be aware and willing to adhere to the fact that this will be a slow burn
. I love to chat ooc but don't feel forced to if it's not your jam, all I really require is that we can plot and structure the rp, everything else is just a plus :)
. I don't mind slurs used if it makes sense to the character who's saying it/the situation but do know your place in what you're using - there's many ways to get it across without whipping out real life monstrosities, I will be clocking
. know about the universe and cultures around them world which has been used for inspiration/that you'll be using for inspiration, it's a matter of respect



coming soon, but if you're interested please send a DM my way and I'll drop what I have so far to you privately
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