A high fantasy world created by YellowMelon and False_Enigma for the following roleplay: Dreamers of the Fantasia Veil (False_Enigma and YellowMelon)
The roleplay has ended but is continued as a novel by False_Enigma here: Dreamers of the Fantasia Veil
The roleplay has ended but is continued as a novel by False_Enigma here: Dreamers of the Fantasia Veil
- Avery and Elizabeth meet - Elizabeth believes she is dreaming, Avery thinks she has been kidnapped
- Kenneth awakes naked in a forest, meeting Avery and Elizabeth soon after
- They meet Lucia in a tavern who is passionately wanting to beat someone, anyone, up
- Kenneth defeats a drunkard, claimed to be a "tavern champion", wins a cloak and a few coins
- Elizbeth, Lucia, and Avery start to speculate about why they're in Fantasia while Kenneth fights more people
- All four of them fill out an adventurer's form which will provide them with free lodging
- They share their dating history while filling out the form
- The group travel to their lodging, the Fantasia Suites, outside of the city of Mordor
- Elizabeth and Lucia sneak out at night to explore the city
- They enter Luna's Delights - a candy and potion store - and meet Luna
- Luna tells Elizabeth and Lucia about the adventurer tryouts and give them four potions to help them meet the minimum requirements, such as being able to lift 500 pounds and having a magical ability. She warns them to only drink one potion and not mix them together.
- Kenneth, Elizabeth, Lucia, and Avery drink the potions
- The next morning, the Adventurer Tryouts begin with an introduction at the Archipelago Glade by Eleanor
- Elizabeth, Lucia, and Avery learns Kenneth is able to teleport
- Avery almost burns down the stadium due to triggering her magical ability. Kenneth saves the place through the power of love
- Eleanor (with Luna's hinting) allows the four to join the Adventurer's Guild Special Division
- Recreation of Scarletta Voca's fingernail is found, sending Eleanor and Luna into a panic
- Luna teleports Elizabeth, Avery, Kenneth, and Lucia to find the Mordor Council of Seven who have left in the panic
- The group split - Avery and Lucia head south, Kenneth and Elizabeth head north
- Eleanor visits Kenneth and Elizabeth through a sparrow to tell them plans have changed. Scarletta Voca wants Elizabeth as a host so the Horsemen are searching for her. They are heading to the Kingdom of Tilielea, the Wind Goddess where they must rent out a hotel for the night and meet with a B-rank adventurer called "Leopard"
- Elizabeth faints
- Avery and Lucia make it to the Kingdom of Shileasea, being physically pulled down into the Kingdom by Elucia
- Zango and Mercer are introduced. They are adventurer slayers.
- Luna sends Fern to send a message to Kenneth telling him not to return to Mordor and to be careful when using magic or it will attract the Horsemen to their exact location
- Kenneth is attacked by a group of mercenaries (Zango being one of them)
- The Water Goddess tells Avery and Lucia that the Horsemen are looking for Elizabeth and Avery must go to the Fire God to learn to control her powers.
- Shileasea will bring Avery and Lucia to the Kingdom of Ice. There, they must travel alone to the Kingdom of Fire.
- Tank and Croak are introduced to help Kenneth
- TBC...Dreamers of the Fantasia Veil
Four Main Characters
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