All Fantasy/Crime/Superhero RP

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All Fantasy/Crime/Superhero RP


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Yesterday 11:04 PM
Hello, I'm Bryan. I'm nineteen, and I live in the united states. I tend to write two paragraphs to eight paragraphs, but i can write more or less depending on what is happening in the RP. I can respond regularly. I enjoy fantasy, crime, superhero, slice of life, and sci-fi rp. Looking for someone 18-21.

Here are some ideas that I have.

Saga - Bayton is a city engrossed with crime and corruption in every way. To combat the rising crime, Leroy Smith created Saga, a secret organization to fight crime. Saga has twenty-five members, including Leroy. Although they weren't making a significant difference, Leroy was grateful they were making one. Two years after Saga was formed, Toby Reeves, co-founder of Saga, invited a young man named Orion Smith into Saga. One night when Orion and a few others were on petrol, Orion murdered a member of the gang BK9, changing everything. In the next few weeks, it is seen that Orion's malicious way of dealing with crime has helped more than Leo's. Now as Orion convinces more of Saga members of his method, Leroy must fight for control of Saga before Orion turns it into something sinister.

Cruel - In the middle of summer, a phenomal discovery was made; a fourth continent was found. It came to be known as Asoa. Many nations sent their best explorers and soldiers there to find out what lays there and claim the land for their own. As explorers from Edilaran searched Asoa, they were attacked by the Sevuotha. During the battle, the youngest prince of Edilaran, Michael Froy, was killed. The Edilaran quickly sent out a letter to James and Julia Froy claiming that what happened was mistake as they mistook him and his companions for explorers from Roaema with whom they had poor relations , but with information from a witness proving otherwise, war was declared.
In the beginning, the Edilaras had the Sevuothas outmatched with more knowlege on the terrain, but four years later when an mercernary group that goes by Bellmere who works with the Glarva is called by the Sevuothas the Edilaras are soon pushed deep into the forests.(Glarva is an nation of the race, Tarvea. Tarvea are pink, have horns, are around seven feet tall, their arms and legs can stretch out and are pulpy, have wings, and four eyes.) In the Bellmere, there is a soldier who is rumored to be as stornger than ten thousand men and is invulnerable. In response to this, James asks for help from the Braeain, a cruel and clever band of mercenaries headed by Abraham Basset.

Croeft - One year ago, a meteorite landed in Hartdale park, causing a wave of yellow energy to pass through you, Alex Cain, and your four friends, allowing them to control matter. Now in the present, Simul, a mysterious organization, infiltrated Chaogen, the company that acquired the meteorite and stole it. Simul hopes to obtain abilities similar to what you and Alex have gained. Six thousand miles away, a UFO crash lands in the street of London. Inside is Sozar V'nir, the last of the Krilians whose planet was destroyed by a supernova. On Earth, he searches for the Croeft, a meteorite that holds inside of it the power to control the multiverses and every living being inside of them. With his control over light and energy, Sozar will annihilate anyone in his path of acquiring the Croeft.

Messge me or leave a comment if you are interested.
Hey im interested in the croeft prompt mind if I ask more about it in dm?
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