MxF Fire and Thorns (Fantasy, Romance, Adventure, Long-term, Multi-Para)

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MxF Fire and Thorns (Fantasy, Romance, Adventure, Long-term, Multi-Para)


Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 4:06 PM
Hi there,

I'm Reuel, and I've been writing for over a decade. I'll be quick summing myself up, but I've worked on my writing quite a bit to get it to a level of quality I really enjoy. I go for both quality and quantity and I'm hoping for a partner that has a similar writing style to myself. I write third person/past tense. 500 words is usually my minimum but depending on the scene it can vary quite a bit. I like solid writing but I'm not a stickler for perfect grammar and typos don't bother me. Gods know I make mistakes. As long as your writing isn't riddled with them and you've put good effort in, then I'm happy! I really just need a partner that pushes the story forward because I will definitely be pushing us in the direction we decide on together, I just don't want to be the only one moving the story along.

Expectations of you and myself/ Preferences
-500 word minimum per post
-Third person/past tense
-Communication (For both plotting and just general communication about wait times between posts)
-Posts like once a week, more if possible of course, but this is a hobby and it should be fun. No pressure. Just let me know so I'm not constantly checking for updates.
-18+ themes like sex, drugs, violence, ect... I like detailed writing so things will get nitty gritty.
-A solid story that also includes smut where it fits. I don't have a preferred ratio but I'm big on sexual tension and slow burns that sometimes erupt suddenly.


This story is fantasy based in a world that has other worldly creatures and magic.

Belial reference, minus the tattoos -

Haija are a species of demon that live deep in the mountains and forests. Their existence is well known, though it's rare to see one. They live separate from humans, and for good reason. Haija are known for being vicious creatures that eat the flesh of anything that bleeds. Like wild animals feasting on any prey they can get their hands on. They're rumoured to be able to control fire and are often called devils because of this, but also because of the horns growing from their heads and their blood red eyes.

Haija are more often compared to animals than humans. They're looked at as lesser, feral, wild animals… Sometimes they are hunted and killed, seen as the most dangerous hunt for those that hunt for sport. Humans and Haija have a long history of clashing, and because of this the two races have grown further and further apart. The bad blood between the two races has only grown more murky with time.

Being born a Haija is curse enough for many, being thrust into a world that hates your very existence. But at least Haija have their tribes, their homes where they belong, but some aren't so lucky. Belial was born to a mortal mother and Haija father, a bond that was almost unheard of. They were killed for their actions, for creating an abomination, a half breed monster. The tribe took some pity on the infant though and allowed him to live, giving him the horrible name Belial, a name meaning worthless and wicked. He was raised as one might raise an animal for slaughter, with no love or affection. He was given what he needed to survive and when he was old enough he was left to fend for himself.

He was a half breed. Half-demon. A Mongrel. Instead of red eyes, his were orange. His horns remained small in size. His features were more mortal than full blooded Haija. Still though, he possessed fangs and claws. His senses were heightened, his strength unquestionable compared to a mortal's, but he cannot wield fire.

What will happen when this half breed finds himself hurt and lost in the forest far too close to Mortal lands? When a Mortal finds him and offers him help despite their fear of him? Extending kindness to him despite what he is. Even as he bares his teeth and threatens them away, they continue to come closer. Perhaps it's his injuries, or the dizzying smell coming from the human, but Belial finds his thorns receding with every gentle word spoken by the mortal. Perhaps he's lost his mind? Or maybe he has the same affliction as his foolish Father who fell in love with a human… But the prickly half demon can't seem to ignore the kindness he's been so deprived of.

I am looking for someone to play the mortal in this story. This is a base idea and world that we can build from and form a fully fledge story. I love adventure, conflict, magic, slow burns, and all that fun stuff. If this sounds like your jam then send me a message telling me a bit about yourself and a writing sample so I can see if we vibe well. From there we can plot out the story a bit more and get started!
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