World Fire & Ice: PLANNING

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World Fire & Ice: PLANNING


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A ghost of what used to be a vibrant, resplendent kingdom. Under a constant spell of winter, there isn't an ounce of warmth or happiness left in the kingdom. The people are in a constant state of despondence and worry. The kingdom is a stone's throw away from going in debt. It seems like everyone's just bracing themselves before the fall.

Leadership: King Cedric
Inhabitants: Mortals and sorceresses




A collection of white buildings with blue roofs and gold detailing. The Iris sits at the very core of the temple and Wesrazil thrives on its energy. The houses seemed stacked and only rise higher into the sky. Green bushes and shrubbery everywhere, lots of cherry blossoms and weeping willow trees. Long, windy sidewalks that are rarely used due the population all having wings. There is no road leading up to the Air Temple. The only way in is to fly up.

Leadership: None
Inhabitants: Illyrians
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Full Name: Princess Odessa of Salarian.
Pronunciation: Oh-dessa.
Nickname/Alias: Odie.
Meaning of Name: Wandering.

Gender: Female.
Orientation: Bicurious.
Age: 22.
Birthday: 9th September.
Birthplace: Larson Palace, Salarian.
Astrological Sign: Virgo.

Immediate Family: King Cedric (father), Queen Hildyr (mother).
Distant Family: Aunt Delora.
Parenting: Her father had no part of raising her, it was all her mother.
Upbringing: She was taught to be self-sufficient and rely on herself only.
Infancy: Odessa was a happy, blissful baby. She didn't cry much.
Childhood: She was a curious and kind young girl at first. She used to be excited about the world around her and asked her mother many questions about it. As her mother gave her answers, though, she started to fear the world more and more.
Adolescence: She lost her mother at the young age of ten and since then she became cold. She never remembered how her mother died, for some reason. All she knew was that she lost her only friend in this world. She became bitter and resentful.
Adulthood: Cold, calculative, controlling and insensitive. She doesn't talk to many people and neither does she want to. She isolates herself by choice.
Coming of Age: She hasn't had her coming of age yet. She's still a product of her mother; she has yet to grow into herself.
Evolution: She was bright and curious when she was younger. Now she's cynical and cold.


Species: Half-human half-sorceress.
Preferred Hand: Ambidextrous.
Eye Colour: She has heterochromia: One blue, one silver.
Hair Colour: Silver.
Hairstyle: Straight.
Skin Tone: Cool.
Complexion: A scar on the right side of her face.
Body Type: Hourglass.
Build: A long neck that extends to broad shoulders and long arms. An ample chest that curves into a smaller waist and then flares out into the noticeable curve of her hips, before running down to her long legs.
Height: 5'9".
Weight: 145 pounds.
Cup Size: C.
Facial Hair: None.
Shoe Size: 8.
Birthmarks/scars: On the right side of her face, over her eye, a black scar.
Distinguishing Features: The aforementioned scar and her eyes. She also has elf ears.

Health: Not too bad. She doesn't really care about her health but her living standards are luxurious anyway so most things, like proper food, are taken care of.
Energy: Low energy. She doesn't like to move around a lot. She gets exhausted — mentally and physically — very quick.
Memory: She has a very vivid memory of her childhood. Then, for some reason, there's a gap in her memory at the beginning of her adolescence.
Senses: Her sense of sight is brilliant.
Phobias: Tachophobia — The fear of speed.
Mental Disorders: Depression — Undiagnosed.

Mood: Indifferent or mildly annoyed.
Attitude: Cold and rude.
Stability: Her emotions are very stable. They change rarely.
Expressiveness: She hides all her emotions; zero expressiveness.
When Happy: A small smile. A sway in her step. Though this happens rarely.
When Depressed: Doesn't come out of her chamber for days. Stays in her bed. Doesn't talk. Doesn't eat.
When Angry: Raising brows or furrowing them subtly. Very slight scowl.

Accessories: Piercings on her earlobes.
Trinkets: A silver necklace with the pendant of a rose thorn around her neck. Her mother gave it to her when she was but a child.
Home: She lives in a grand palace. The outer walls are white with blue-green windows. One central dome that's blue in colour with four smaller domes surrounding it. Inside: marble floors everywhere, sometimes checkered. Rows of stairs that lead to different corridors. Beautiful, intricate chandeliers hanging every few metres. She stays in her bedroom; it's all white in colour but dimly lit.
Neighbourhood: The Larson Palace's "Royal Household" is known to be formal and customary. Most of them are loyal to the King.
Transportation: Carriage.
Collections: A jar of rose thorns.
Most valuable possession: Her diamonds.
Prized Possession: Her necklace.

Current Residence: Kingdom of Salarian.
Community: They're despondent, worried and resentful.
Mother: Queen Hildyr.
Father: King Cedric.
Step-mother: Queen Amara.
Step-sister: Princess Cosette.
Step-brother: Prince Eric.
Friends: Her Personal Knight, though. His name's Gareth. General Lancelot, the General of War, also happens to be Gareth's father and Odessa doesn't mind him.
Enemies: King Cedric and the rest of her step-family.
Bosses: Nobody. She answers to no one.
Followers: The knights, the Salarian people (unwillingly).
Heroes: Her mother.
Rivals: Princess Cosette.
Relates to: Her mother.
Pets/Familiars: Nothing. She doesn't like animals.

Lovers: She liked a little boy when she was young, but she got over that crush after her mother discouraged it — that was the last time she ever fancied someone. She has had no real lovers.
Marital Status: Single.
Sex Life: She occasionally gets in bed with her personal knight when she wants to. But other than that, there's nothing much going on. *Yawn*
Type: Eros.
Turn-Ons: She loves honest, good-natured and determined people. She won't admit it though.
Turn Offs: She hates skittish, talkative, dumb and jovial people. Ew!
Position: Switch. Leans towards submissive.
Virginity: She lost it when she was sixteen.
Element: Water.

Religion: None.
Morality: Low.
Crime Record: None.
Motivation: Protection.
Priorities: Herself. Only herself.
Philosophy: Trust nobody.
Political Party: Mildly conservative.
Etiquette: Relatively good manners. She's rude compared to other royal members though.
Culture: Curtsying.
Influences: Her mother.
Relates to: Her mother.

Main Goal: She wants to be free from her father and Salarian as a whole.
Minor Goals/Ambitions: Get rid of her father and her step family. Avoid her potential arranged marriage. Find out more about her mother's death.

Hobbies/Interests: Crocheting, knitting, embroidery, candle-making, soap-making, collecting different items.
Skills/Talents: Crocheting, knitting, embroidery, anything to do with small, intricate work that pays attention to details - she's great at it. She's amazing at playing the harp and the violin but she never plays it.
Likes: Quiescence and isolation, every shade of blue, watching people get upset by her, Gareth (her faithful Knight).
Dislikes: Her father, her step-family, most of the Royal Household, most people, animals.
Sense of Humour: Dark and snarky.
Pet Peeves: Oversensitivity, talking too loud, laughing too much, poor hygiene/grooming.
Dreams/Nightmares: She dreams a lot about her mother and her childhood.
Quirks: Bites the insides of her cheeks when she's thinking. Keeps twirling a strand of her hair around her finger when she's anxious.
Savvy: Politics, history, mathematics.
Can't Understand: Sports and comedy.
Closet Hobby: Winemaking.
Guilty Pleasure: Wondering what it would be like if her and Gareth got married.

Strengths: Determined, independent, realistic, structured and logical.
Flaws: Aloof, stubborn, cynical, sadistic, dishonest and insensitive.
Perception: People see her as cruel, harsh, mean and selfish.
Conflicts: She wants to feel less alone but doesn't know how to open up.
Instincts: She concels her weaknesses in front of anyone and everyone.
Lures: Vulnerability, humanity.
Soft Spot: Mothers. People who feel lonely.
Cruel Streak: People talking shit about her mother or anyone trying to use her.

Powers/Abilities: None that she knows of. (But she does.)
Origin: If she has any powers at all, she'd get it from her mother.
Source: She doesn't know yet.
Ability: She's very bad at it. She doesn't even know she has powers.
Weaknesses: Being bound or not being able to see will render her magic useless, as with any other sorceress.
Immunities: None.
Restrictions: She can only get something when she gives something of her own, as with any other sorceress. E.g. She can only remove someone's memory if she gives up one of her own memories in return.
Alternate Forms: None.
Extra Anatomy: None.

Favorite Colors: Blue & white.
Favorite Animals: None. She doesn't like animals.
Favorite Places: The Secret Garden in The Palace.
Favorite Flavors: Sour, bitter.
Favorite Foods: Olives, grapefruit, citrus fruits, cranberries.
Favorite Subjects: Mathematics, politics, history.
Favorite Number: 0.
Favorite Words: Myself. I. Me. Leave me alone.
Favorite Quotations: "To feel anything deranges you. To be seen feeling anything strips you."

Least Favorite Colors: Pink & yellow.
Least Favorite Animals: All of them.
Least Favorite Mythological Creatures: Illyrians.
Least Favorite Places: Anywhere outside The Palace.
Least Favorite Flavors: Sweet.
Least Favorite Foods: Pastries and cakes.
Least Favorite Subjects: Art, science, language.
Least Favorite Numbers: 2.
Least Favorite Words: Us. Ours. Together. Teamwork

MBTI Personality Type: ISTP.
Temperament: Melancholic.
Enneagram: The Investigator. Type 5w6.
Alignment: Chaotic neutral.
Comparison: A frozen rose.
Symbol: Ice.
Song: Gasoline by Halsey. I Know The End by Phoebe Bridgers. Doin' Time by Lana Del Rey.
Vice: Sloth.
Virtue: Temperance.










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Full Name: Kieran Harper
Pronunciation: Keer-An
Nickname/Alias: Kie (K-EE)
Meaning: Kieran = "dark".

Origin: Irish
Title: N/A
Pet Name: N/A

Gender: Male
Gender Role: Masculine
Orientation: Pansexual
Real Age: 21
Age Appearance: 21
Birthday: Nov. 30th
Birthplace: Wesrazil (Air Temple)
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Immediate Family: Three older sisters. Odette, Amelia, and Jasmine. Mom and mom, Clementine and Ophelia.
Distant Family: An uncle and aunt, Clyde and Helena. No

Parenting: Clementine and Ophelia are very fun-loving and relaxed, though they had their standard and rules for the household. They aren't very strict as long as their children stay in Wesrazil, but when it comes to leaving the Temple or communicating with humans- they're very stern.
Upbringing: Kieran was raised as a lover, not a fighter. Touch and compliments are his love language, it's how he's always showed that he cares.
Infancy: Extremely nurtured.
Childhood: [3-12] Kieran was always exploring and trying to wonder off. He was just too young and couldn't get very far. Extremely groomed by his sisters and mothers, always had his hair done and his face clean of dirt.
Adolescence: [13-17] He had gained the attention of females (and males) and found out he was pretty. Once he found out he was pretty, it was game over for those who he set his eyes on. As he matured, he grew more and more cocky in his ability to have whoever he decided he wanted. He also found his looks and seductive nature could help him get away with things- he became a troublemaker.
Adulthood: [18+] The roles had switched in Kieran's family. He took care of his sisters and his mother. He's a player, but he's very joyful, and very curious. He takes care of his family and knows when to be a grown up, even when his favorite activity is to cause havoc.
Coming of Age: Kieran hasn't really had a coming of age. He's still growing.
Evolution: Kieran hasn't changed much since childhood. One could say he was even still a child at heart. The only real thing that's changed is his outlook on the outside world. Humans

Species: Illyrian
Blood Type: O-
Preferred Hand: Ambidextrous
Eye Color: Violet
Hair Color: Black, almost blue looking in the sun
Hairstyle: Shaggy/undercut
Skin Tone: Golden tan/ light caramel
Body Type: That middle ground between broad and slender; his torso makes a triangle with wider shoulders than hips.
Build: Wide shoulders and strong arms that end with large hands. His broad chest tapers down into narrower hips, then falling into long legs.
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 210 lbs
Facial Hair: He has a light shadow across his jaw almost always. Unless his mother sees him and makes him shave.
Birthmarks/Scars: A blob of a birthmark on his spine, right in between the two spots where his wings protrude from his back
Distinguishing Features: His violet eyes and his wings

Wings: Kieran's wings are very sensitive, in good ways and bad. If they're bent a way they're not supposed to it causes horrible pain. He can feel every last ruffle of his feathers in the wind, every last touch and every last pull. He doesn't necessarily like people touching them without his permission due to this. Not only that but if touched in the right spot, things can get a little hot for Kieran. If you know what I mean…

Wings Visual

Health: Flying takes a lot of work, as well as climbing and hanging from things. He's a healthy boy.
Energy: Lots of energy all up until he eventually crashes at night.
Scent: Cinnamon & caramel
Memory: Horrible memory
Senses: Incredible eyesight. He can see in the dark super well and see far away, but can be sensitive to sudden light/bright light.
Allergies: Cats
Handicaps: His hearing isn't very good. He relies more on sight. Due to this- he'll also stare at people's mouths a lot to read their lips.
Phobias: Dying, losing his eyesight, or damaging his wings permanently
Mental Disorders: ADHD

Mood: Frisky or sly
Attitude: He comes off nice, he isn't rude unless he's given a reason to be
Stability: Uneven, he can hold an emotion well but he can quickly change due to his horrible attention span.
Expressiveness: Very forward and blunt, not one to keep their opinions to themselves
When Happy: He bounces on his toes, he won't be able to sit still. Talks very fast.
When Depressed: His wings get droopy or they'll drag on the floor. He'll be found in the highest place possible in his area.
When Angry: He doesn't like being angry, he'll pretend he isn't for as long as he can. Forced smiles. His fingers will twitch or his jaw will be clenched. His wings would be rigid.

Current Residence: The Wezrasil Air Temple
Mothers: Clementine and Ophelia.
Sisters: Jasmine (23), Odette (25), Amelia (29)
Friends: A group of rowdy Illyrians. Max, Luke, Fawn, and Kora.

Accessories: Loves jewelry. Earrings, necklaces, rings… anything shiny.
Trinkets: Has a weird thing for wind chimes. Absolutely loves that shit, will go wild if he sees or heard a wind chime.
Funds: He has absolutely no concept or grasp on what "money" is. His species trades or just gives.
Home: The Air Temple is a collection of white buildings with blue roofs and gold detailing. The houses seemed stacked and only rise higher into the sky. Green bushes and shrubbery everywhere, lots of cherry blossoms and weeping willow trees. Long, windy sidewalks that are rarely used due the population all having wings. There is no road leading up to the Air Temple. The only way in is to fly up.
Neighborhood: Everyone is very friendly and very welcoming.
Transportation: His wings.
Collections: Likes pretty rocks/stones.
Most Valuable Possession: His jewelry.
Prized Possession: A ring his two mothers gave him.

Lovers: Too many to name, he doesn't really understand what love is. He thinks he's been "in love" with every person he's ever taken to bed…
Marital Status: Single
Sex Life: He's a whore
Type: Eros
Turn-Ons: Pretty hair and how they treat others. Kind, soft people are usually his type. He likes people who are genuine.
Turn Offs: People who can't have fun with him, boring conversations, and strict rules
Position: Whatever his partner wants/needs
Virginity: He lost it when he was 15.
Element: Fire

Rank: There is no social class or hierarchy.
Wealth Status: Money doesn't exist in the Air Temple.
Organizations/Affiliations: The Goddess Iris

Religion: Worship of the Goddess Iris
Morals: Neutral.
Crime Record: None.
Motivation: Love.
Priorities: Family, friends, freedom, etc.
Philosophy: Make everyday better than the last.
Political Party: Doesn't understand politics.
Etiquette: Not that great… Has only ever really eaten finger food. Illyrians don't use silverware, so…
Culture: Grooming another person's hair or wings.
Influences: His sisters.
Relates to: The Goddess Iris.

  • Gifting feathers/leaving feathers with another person
  • Rain is horrible luck (Iris is unhappy)
Main Goal: He wants Illyrians to regain the equal treatment they had with humans before he was born.
Minor Goals/Ambitions: Find out more about the humans and explore their land. He wants to know everything about how humans work.

Hobbies/Interests: Jumping off cliffs, climbing, gardening, racing with his friends, and playing in the mud.
Skills/Talents: He's very good at playing the reed pipes, the sanshin and cooking.
Likes: Weird looking sticks, tea, wind chimes, sex, having his hair/wings touched, sugar gliders, and shiny objects.
Dislikes: Baths, the rain, water, and any sort of weapon.
Sense of Humor: Witty, sarcastic or dry
Pet Peeves: Being interrupted, unnecessary snarky comments, tasteless food, tea with no flavor
Superstitions/Beliefs: None.
Dreams/Nightmares: Random things. Flying, unicorns, rainbows, etc. When he does have nightmares, it's of falling from high places and suddenly having no wings. Or drowning.
Quirks: His wings can easily give away his emotions. When they fluff up, he's excited. When they're droopy, he's obviously upset or sad. If they tremble, he might be scared.
Savvy: Survival skills and weather.
Can't understand: Kieran can't read or write. He also doesn't understand money or any "normal" human activities. Like eating with silverware and wearing shoes.
Closet Hobby: Weaving.
Guilty Pleasure: He likes books, even though he can't read them. He wishes he could read them.

Strengths: Patient, persuasiveness, easily able to acclimate or "go with the flow".
Flaws: Arrogant, stubborn, unable to commit, and unrealistic. He's also kind of a major himbo.
Perception: Kieran views the world as his oyster. He can have whatever he wants if he works hard enough.
Conflicts: Kieran wants a relationship, but he's never satisfied and struggles to commit to one person.
Instincts: Seek his own thrill/pleasure.
Lures: Laughter, affection, comfort.
Soft Spot: People who are alone/sad and people with no family.
Cruel Streak: Bullies. Prudes.

Powers/Abilities: He can feel what others are feeling if he touches them, as well as take away what they're feeling. It's not whenever he wants, he has to have permission from the person he's touching to feel anything or take anything away. This works both ways, he can get rid of what he's feeling and give it to a willing participant or just show them what he's feeling.
Origin: Illyrians are born with small powers, they believe they're gifts from Iris.
Source: All powers stem from The Iris Stone.
Ability: It takes practice to use their powers, they have to be taught how to use them responsibly. Kieran is an expert with his power by now. (He touches a lot of people.)
Weaknesses: It exhausts him to use his power, he can only use it so many times a day.
Immunities: None.
Restrictions: Must have permission and once physical contact is broken, he would need permission all over again.
Extra Anatomy: Wings!

Favorite Colors: Any shade of green
Favorite Place: The very top of the Air Temple
Favorite Flavors: Sweet or spicy
Favorite Foods: Cheese, bread, cake, and cream cheese
Favorite Number: 7
Favorite Words: Cherry. Kiss. Love.

Least Favorite Colors: Orange or yellow
Least Favorite Place: Anywhere that's colds
Least Favorite Flavors: Bitter
Least Favorite Numbers: 3
Least Favorite Words: Stupid. Selfish. Mean.

Language: English
Voice: Gravely and raspy
Reputation: Kieran would definitely have a bad reputation, depending on who you asked. He causes trouble and he's a very big flirt.

MBTI Personality Type: ESFP
Temperament: Sanguine.
Enneagram: The Individualist
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Comparison: A feather
Symbol: Fire.
Song: Super Freak by Rick James. Toxic by Brittany Spears. Eros And Apollo by Studio Killers. Daddy Issues by The Neighborhood.
Vice: Lust & Pride
Virtue: Patience

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Ophelia: 51
Wings: Brown

Clementine: 52
Wings: Black

Odette: 26
Odette is very mature, calm, and prudish. She's constantly worried about what Kieran is doing and who he's doing. The family golden child and often throws Kieran under the bus- though she claims it's out of love for him... He doesn't believe it. He thinks she's jealous because she never got to have any fun as the oldest.
Wings: Brown

Amelia: 25
Amelia is the mediator. She doesn't like when arguments break out and she'll often step in to try and calm both sides down. She tries too hard to make everyone happy and doesn't worry about making herself happy. She was nice and didn't really tattle on Kieran but she was always giving him a lecture.
Wings: Blue

Jasmine (Jaz): 24
Jasmine, or Jaz, was just as wild of a child as Kieran was- if not more. She stayed out late and when she was home, she was hungover or high. That didn't mean she wasn't a good person. She cared a lot about her siblings and family, she just had her personal vices. She was always covering for Kieran and if he wasn't with his friends or his different lovers, he would be with Jasmine.
Wings: Red

Wings: Black

Wings: White

Wings: White

Wings: Yellow
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Like every sorceress, she is much older than she looks.
Her beauty is impeccable. No wonder the king fell for her.
Currently, the woman is frozen. But she will come back.

His scarred face is a reminder of his wife.
He is a better man than he looks.

She is good but not nice.
She knows just how to give people their humble pie.

Screenshot 2020-11-06 at 1.34.47 PM.png
She is a diligent and tough woman.
Even as the new wife of the King, she is humble.

He absolutely despises Odessa.
He's very down-to-Earth.

She's hardworking and smart.
Very outspoken and opinionated.

He is unbelievably loyal to Odessa.
Kind, brave and genuine.

He is a traitor to Salarian.
Secretly, he's working with Hildyr to release her.


Very vain and proud and bossy.
Not as pretty as he looks.
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ϵ( 'Θ' )϶

- kiki plans a bigger BETTER date to try and really impress her but she thinks hes being a little whore again bc he wont tell her whats going on
- some assholes attack dessie and kiki goes APE SHIT, makes a huge announcement somehow about how he loves his bitch and if ppl fuck with her theyre gonna DIE (kidding im being dramatic but you know)
- they can have a little heartfelt night :'^) dessie can maybe talk about her mom and stuff, kiki can talk about his past trauma or something and they can just get to know each other deeper/more personally
- he goes to her for help because hes scared of all the responsibility iris is putting on him all the sudden!!
- when they're comfier with each other, kiki kinda reverts a little back to his whoreness only 100% for odessa and he DEFINITELY is trying to purposely seduce her
- kieran starts legit telling everyone he knows that odessa is his girlfriend. legit like even some random person at their booth. "hey can i get two of those pretty earrings- also this is my girlfriend... no i dont need a bag for that- hey this is my GIRLFRIEND if you didnt hear" AND HIM ONLY ADDRESSING HER AS HIS GIRLFRIEND AHAH. odessa: hey kiki whats up. kieran: oh good morning, its nice to see you, my GIRLFRIEND.... im ok :^)
- kiki scared of taking her to bed
- OKAY ALSO. what if during one of their conflicts, they argue and storm their seperate ways to cool down and kieran goes (enter public space) and some man/woman comes up to kieran and is like "heyyy ;^)" AND EVEN THO HES S O mad at odessa hes like "ew wtf get away from me 🤮"

1. they explore the empty temples, find nothing
2. they sneak into daddy mikey's HOUSE???? omg and imagine if they find this secret room and THERES A PASSWORD
5. then they read the books and steal some of them, one of them tells the secret of that "pretty room" that the spirit pools lead to.
6. but at the same time daddy mikey would realise some books r missing and so he'd order those people to ATTACK ODIE TOO! ;-; and he wouldn't know that ODIE stole the books but he'd FRAME her anyway??? to the general public??? he's kind of right tho but he also makes her out to be more villainous than she is.
7. and then finally- they discover the secret room and they expose daddy mikey by showing the room, then showing his SECRET LIBRARY!!!!
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