Any For Honor roleplay

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Any For Honor roleplay

Steel Accord

Local time
Today 12:49 AM
Looking for someone to play opposite me in a For Honor roleplay. One that doesn't involve our characters fighting, shock of shocks. At least not each other. Specifically, I'm looking for either a knight or viking, preferably the latter, to encounter one of my Wu Lin. Then the two find themselves allied for whatever reason and have time to compare cultures. Specifically, I like the idea of broaching the topic of Kung Fu itself. The idea of fighting as philosophy that would be totally foreign to all but the Samurai. On that note, I wouldn't mind you playing as one of the Chosen but I'm less enthused by the idea simply because the Chinese and Japanese have had a long history of interaction in real life, less so has a Shaolin monk got to meet a Viking berserker.

This isn't meant to be a long roleplay, just a chance for our warriors to shoot the shit outside the context of constant war and actually talk about each other's people and how they view fighting.
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