Generic Introduction

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Generic Introduction


One with the Wind and Sky
Local time
Today 4:37 AM
Seeing as I'm awful at introductions, I'll just say my name is Sparrow. Leave it at that, the hawk is more an aspect of my character. I've been writing now since I was a very small child, but only writing moderately well for maybe seven or eight years. I'd like to think I've improved since then, but hey, sometimes you take what you can get. I've only been roleplaying for about four to five years now. Unless you count in the bedroom, in which case it's been a while longer, but you can't quite report to your king while in bed with the serving maid. Well, I never did anyway, but I suppose I could have. Would've been a bit odd.

I'm a fairly simple man. I like writing, reading, and all things to do with the outdoors. I go on hikes whenever possible, I like to kayak and swim. Rock climbing and rappelling are loads of fun as well. I'm never quite as relaxed as I am when I'm miles away from civilization camped out in the mountains. That being said, I have responsibilities, and having time for things like that are rare. Most of my getting away from civilization these days involves music festivals and weekend trips. I work in massage therapy as a day job, and it still doesn't quite feel like a job. I enjoy making others feel better, and I'm a very physically inclined person, so it works well for me.

I have a lot of things I look for in other writers or other people in general, but most boil down to intelligence and a willingness to have fun. Intelligence is loosely defined for me though. There are many different types of intelligence, and it can't just be quantified by what you know, or how fast you learn. As long as you try, I'm more than happy. Other than those, I think the only other quality I look for is compassion. We're all people and we all have our own problems and lives outside of writing. I won't get upset or angry if you can't respond, because I know how stressful life can get. Sometimes you won't want to write when your day is over, and I completely respect that. Writing shouldn't feel like an obligation to anyone. We're all here for fun, so as long as you keep me informed and take care of yourself, we'll get along well.

Other than all of that, I'm not quite certain what to say. I'm a relatively mature writer, despite being only midway through my twenties. I've been through more in my 24 years than I think most would ever want to, and I still feel dramatic every time I say that. I suppose if you want to know more about me just ask. If you want to write with me, just ask. I'm a fairly straightforward man and I appreciate when others are the same way, even if that means telling me things I may not want to hear.

Lovely to meet all of you, and I can't wait to start writing.
Greetings, love!

I'm so glad to meet you as well and am also new as well. You sound like a doll!

Welcome to the sanctum. :)

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