Getting back into the swing of things

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Getting back into the swing of things


Local time
Today 5:32 AM
Hello folks. I'm Ginger. I am 22, a gemini (for those who think that matters), have lots of pets, and have been role playing since the early 2000's. I got my start on Neopets and just kind of worked my way up from there. Not really sure how this site works, but I'm digging deep and reading lots of threads. Don't be afraid to shoot me a message!
Gemini for the win!

Welcome to the site, and welcome back to the wonderful world of roleplay. :D

...Wait...YOU STARTED ON NEOPETS TOO?! These coincidences are starting to pile up!

Anyways, I really hope you come to enjoy yourself here!
Hello I will be your stalker for this site. I hope you dont mind but you are bow family and a respected member!! *slips and falls as I leave*
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