Glimmering Lands Rp

Currently reading:
Glimmering Lands Rp


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Today 12:10 AM
Forsyth is a land divided by tribes, your tribe depends on your Heartstone. Your heart is.. A stone. So what is it? Are you a White Quartz, imbued with the greatest powers of divination? Are you a nomadic Green Quartz, separate from your sibling Quartz tribes (Amethyst, Rose, White, etc) as you traverse the land all your life? Perhaps you're a Malachite, the most physically powerful mages. Or perhaps you're a Pyrite in the Deadlands, perhaps the only tribe to have no magical powers at all.. Regardless of your tribe, the prophecy fortells that to heal the world when it shatters, the five Inclusions must seal away The Star. Whatever that means...
Very interested in this! Are more stones open to be used and created or is it just the ones listed? (Either is fine, just curious :) )
I also really like this idea - I am interested if you decide to go ahead and start this rp.
I also really like this idea - I am interested if you decide to go ahead and start this rp.
whoah thx man! tbh im just having a very hard time learing this website but id love to start, if yall who were interested still are interested :)
I sure am- give me time and I'll have a character sheet.

Work has had me later than usual lately.
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