♔ Champion ♔ Glimpse of a possible life — February 2022 Challenge Co-Winner

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♔ Champion ♔ Glimpse of a possible life — February 2022 Challenge Co-Winner


Inner Sanctum Nobility
♔ Champion ♔
Corrupting Influence Challenge Champion Confirmed Responsible Adult January Challenge Participant
Local time
Today 4:04 AM
Insert something witty here.
Whatever you want to use
Trigger warning. This story lightly touches on a few topics that could upset some. Like talk of suicide. It's not something I take lightly and thought it best if I post a warning just in case.

A faint smile hung light on her lips as she read her book. A corner table in a little coffee shop. A nice hot spice latte and scone. All while reading another Angela Knight book. Strands of caramel hair falling from her lazy bun as she turned yet another of the well worn pages. And that's when it happened. He walked up. The 6'2 god with a thick mane of raven locks that refused to be tamed. An ice coffee in one hand and a book in the other. Dasha's glasses slipped from her nose as she stared at him blankly. Words not coming as she wanted them to. The words mine whispered in the back of her mind as a slight luster rose in her cheeks.

" Said, can I join you? All the other tables are full. I just want to drink and read. You won't even know I'm here." His voice seemed to resonate deep in his chest as he spoke. Vivid blue eyes going from her to the empty chair across from her and back. A brow rose as he waited for an answer that didn't seem like it would ever come.

Finally she nodded her head as Dasha moved everything around as quickly as she could. "Oh. Um yes. I'm sorry. By all means, have a seat. There's enough room here." Her thundering heart drowned out the words she spoke with each pounding beat. Fingers clumsily dropped bookmarks and napkins everywhere as she tried to quickly shuffle things around. The once content smile had faded as she wanted to crawl into her backpack to hide her embarrassment.

"Are you ok there?" Shunn asked with an amused smirk. She was clearly shaken. Surely it wasn't because of him. Setting his things down he dropped to one knee and helped to pick up the things she dropped. Even a hair tong she probably didn't even realize she was missing. As he got back up, Shunn quickly took a seat as he placed her things on her side of the table. "There, better?"

With a quick nod, Dasha shoved her nose back into her book. However he pulled out his own copy of Angela Knight's Master of the Wolves. Her jaw fell as her face darkened. He must have already known what she was reading. After all, he had the same book, only clearly newer. Too scared to say anything, she shoved her face back into her sultry romance book.

"I hear Master of Dragons is even better than this one. But I need to get through it first. Have you read it?" Not once did he look up from his pages as he spoke. Only pausing to take a sip of his drink. Waiting to see if any type of conversation would spark up.

"They're both very good. Not sure I have a favorite." Dasha finally said. Her words were tripping and stumbling all over the place as she spoke. As they spoke about the book, she slowly found it easier to sit there with a man that looked like that. Like he walked off the pages of a romance novel and didn't exist in real life. Still, there he was, talking to her like it was nothing. Plain simple her. Hardly standing 5 foot, fluffy, with wirey hair full of split ends. Her gray eyes just as dull as her life as a nurse.

It became a habit. They would meet at the coffee shop every Friday, have a light snack as they read and talked about the books they brought. Sometimes it was a sappy romance, others a wild and ruley adventure. Even the occasional Biography or historical fiction. A smile here or a glance there. Before long one thing led to another and the two were acting out their own scenes back at his small loft apartment.

Shunn was an out of work writer. Only published one thing ever and it hadn't gone over well. Still, he was always too busy to get a conventional job. Dasha, a full time nurse worked her rear off 60 hours a week. One had everything planned out while the other had nothing planned. Still it worked somehow. He brought a little fun into her life as she gave him some much needed structure.

"When are you going to be home for dinner?" Shunn asked as he stirred the sauce slowly. Frowning at the unwanted answer. "But I've been cooking all day for you. Can't you tell them you have obligations?" With a huff the sauce pan went flying. "Guess my work will go to waste again. You don't ever think about me, do you?" Now the phone was shattering against the wall.

Dasha stood at the nurses desk as the phone went dead. Three of the night staff had called in and no one was there to relieve her. She would have to stay an extra hour until they could get enough people for her to go. With a shuttered breath she bit back the tears and went on with her work like nothing happened.

As soon as she got home he was there on the couch waiting. Cold pizza on the table. "Sorry about being late. There was no one there to relieve me and I couldn't just leave the floor with no one watching the patients." She started to explain.

Shunn raised a hand to silence her. She thought he was going to apologize. And he did in his own way. "It's ok. I'm just stupid. Not sure what you see in me anyways. Things would be better if I just killed myself. You would be happier without me in your life anyways.." He sunk deeper into the couch as he flipped through the channel.

"Baby, no. No you're not stupid. You're so wonderful. Don't say things like that." Forgetting about the food, she went to the couch and sat beside him. "I should have pushed harder to try and come home sooner. I'm so sorry. How did the pasta turn out?"

"Horribly wrong just like me." Shunn snapped. "You should just toss me out with the trash." He quickly added before pushing a pillow over his face.

"No, baby. You're so beautiful. So wonderful. Please, don't say that. I would never throw you out." Where was this coming from? He had never been like this before. Up until now he had always understood that she ran late sometimes working at the hospital. He had always had food and a book waiting for them to read. Or a game for them to play. So she didn't understand where any of this had been coming from.

Hell, she even let him move in when he couldn't afford rent. Never said anything about him not working. Was supportive over his writing endeavors.

"I don't want to see you tonight." Shunn said as he stood up. "Why don't you just sleep on the couch." Dressed in his favorite pair of faded black denims and a black undershirt with the sleeves missing, he headed to the bedroom. Stopping once he got to the door. "Dash, do you really think I look good?" He already knew what she would say. Who would think a brawny man dressed like that wasn't sexy? Granted he was a hair on the pale side. Still, he didn't take away from that natural charm he had.

She looked up at him. Wiping at her eyes as she nodded yes. "The most handsome thing I've ever seen on two legs." The words hardly whispered as she spoke. Thankfully, she doubted he could see the tears she was shedding. Before she knew it, he had tossed a blanket and pillow at her and shut the bedroom door without even a thank you.

More and more days like that started coming. Unless it was a spot on perfect day, Shunn would get all moody. Vocal about ever little thing Dasha did wrong. Pointed out her every flaw then vocally wish for his own death. She would try harder and harder to make him happy. Only to find nothing seemed to work.

That day at work had been especially hard. Three people on the floor died. The night shift was running late once again, and Shun was in one of his moods. It was late, real late, when she finally made it home. "Sorry I'm late." Her voice was emotionless as she spoke, knowing what was coming. Only he didn't reply.

Shunn was in the bedroom drawing red lines on his neck and wrist as if he cut himself open. Dasha didn't know what to say. He had gone past the mental torture he normally put her through. He didn't even know what she had been through at work. He didn't care. As long as she catered to him and his needs. That's all that he cared about.

"GET OUT! Enough of this, we are through." She screamed. Without missing a beat, he tried to pull her into a hug as tears ran down her face. Only to have her duck and turn to leave herself. Shunn grabbed her wrist to stop her once more.

"We are done Shunn. I can't take this anymore. I'm sorry. Getting out of this now. I want you gone by the morning." Pulling her wrist free she got into the car and started off. However Shunn stepped in her way. Dasha wasn't able to stop in time and he was on the ground. Quickly she put the car in park as tears streamed down her face. Hands shaking as she called 911 while starting CPR. People from the other apartments coming out to see what was going on.

"Hey…. You can ignore me all you want. A simple no or table taken would have been nice." Shunn said with his ice coffee in one hand and book in the other.

Dasha blinked as his voice brought her back to the present. A man that looked like he walked off the pages of a romance novel standing before her. "Oh, sorry. It's been a long day and I spaced out. Please take the table, I was finished anyways." Standing she cleared her things for him to take a seat. Taking one last look over her shoulder as she walked out of the coffee shop.
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