Greetings, friends and (hopefully not) foes!

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Greetings, friends and (hopefully not) foes!


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Today 8:12 PM
United States
Hello, everyone! I'm Apollo (not my real name, unfortunately), but you may call me any non-derogatory nickname of your choice. I'm flexible. I'm 23 and live in the beautiful Midwestern United States, where I am a full-time university student and part-time academic writing coach. I am studying English Literature/Creative Writing as well as History, and I am super passionate about my studies. :)

I am a writer, poet, gamer, and amateur historian, among other things. I roleplayed pretty consistently throughout my teen years, and on and off in my adult life. I am hoping to get back into it! I have never been on this site before, but I am looking forward to giving it a shot.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome, fellow history person!
Welcome to 'the mad house'.
We have a wide range of writers ranging from proffessionals to casual but enthusiastic amateurs and everything in between. There is a little bit of everything here although the leaning is definitely towards the noir. Although definitely not a requirement to write here by any means.
Any problems seek out the wonderful staff, always open to helping where possible.
Any more general questions, feel free to pop into general chat, there are usually long-term residents like myself lurking. If we can help we will.

Look forward to viewing your request thread, and hopefully seeing you around.

All the best.
I've it's not too hard to change your name...I say go for it!
Welcome to the site! I look forward to seeing your stories.
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