Greetings other writers & roleplayers!

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Greetings other writers & roleplayers!


Soul Stealer
Welcome to the Sanctum
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Today 2:45 PM
She, her
Greetings! My name is Khatori (pronounced Kah*tore*ee), also known as Khat (pronounced cat). I like to do group roleplays. I do roleplays of all types. Some of them being: medieval, packs, kingdoms, horses, fantasy, na'vi (Jame's Cameron's movie avatar), aliens, super heroes/villians, Hogwarts or other schools for unique or gifted students-including schools for monsters. I am a HUGE wolf fan, so my favorite types are just that, werewolf, wolf, sentient, demon, etc. pack roleplays. I have been roleplaying for 20+ years as I first got into it during my elementary school years and continued to all through my life. I have a booked I have been working on since high school and also enjoy writing poetry. Curious if I have roleplayed something or if I am willing to? If I haven't before, there is a good chance I am willing to or interested in trying.
I am pretty open minded to the type of roleplay, but for years now have struggled to find a site to use to find other good roleplayers. I occasionally am willing to roleplay as multiple characters if the roleplay calls for it. I am a stay-at-home mom and veteran so my time to participate is fairly open but also works around doctor appointments and my family. My line limit varies depending on the roleplay requirements, how inspired I become and matching the others involved. Hoping to meet other great roleplayers who enjoy the art! Thank you for reading my post and I look forward to hopefully roleplaying with you! šŸ‘½
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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