World Grey Havens - Camarilla City of Seattle

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World Grey Havens - Camarilla City of Seattle


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Grey Havens

Grey Haven is the name given to the Camarilla city of Seattle due to its gloomy skies that reign most of the year. First acquired by the Kindred in the later half of the 1800s Seattle and its surrounding areas are now firmly under control of the Camarilla. The first prince of Grey Havens disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Prince Xavier is the successor to the first prince, and he rules fairly, although with a brutal grip. Although the city of Seattle itself is enjoying a great deal of prosperity, there is an insurgency taking place in the southern domain city of Tacoma. Although war has not been declared, it is only because the insurgents have not yet been identified.

The main city itself was divided up into seven districts, each with a Primogen that governed that district on behalf of the Prince. Through political influence, these districts were also reflected in the city council districts of the city such that each Primogen would attempt to influence the council member of their district, thus exerting control over the city council itself. This was met with varying degrees of success, however city councilors that were impervious to influence did not last long in office.

District 1: Primogen Dregan - Southwest side of the city. Includes Delridge, Westwood, North Admiral, and Arbor Heights.

District 2: Primogen Lynede - Southeast side of the city. Includes George Town, Rainier Beach, Beacon Hill, and Colombia City.

District 3: Primogen Victoria - Central East side of the city. Includes Central, Leschi, Capitol Hill, and Madison Park.

District 4: Primogen Lilith - North Central East side of the city. Includes Wallingford, Windermere, Sand Point, and Wedgewood.

District 5: Primogen Rhazien - North side of the city. Includes North Gate, Blue Ridge, Bitter Lake, and Lake City.

District 6: Primogen Wolfram - North Central West side of the city. Includes Fremont, Magnolia, Green Lake, and Loyal Heights.

District 7: Primogen Alexandra - Central West side of the city. Includes Interbay, Queen Anne, South Lake Union, and Downtown.

More to come...
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Ruling Council

Name: Prince Xavier
Height: 6'4
Weight: 200

Lord Xavier rules the Grey Havens with an iron fist, but he has a reputation for being quite fair for a total despot. He is the second prince of the Grey Havens, rising to his position after the disappearance of the first prince Lord Amalegion. Most kindred believe Lord Xavier played a significant role in the disappearance of the former lord, but details are scarce and the history is murky. Lord Xavier ascended to Prince almost immediately by the Inner Circle upon the disappearance of Lord Amalegion without a full investigation by a Justicar, fueling even more speculation about what political deals had been cut.

Lord Xavier has a cordial relationship with his ruling council of Primogen, however he keeps a considerable amount of social and political distance between them, preferring to keep his status of Prince elevated above them. Although he is well known for taking the council's advice very seriously, and often acts precisely as they wish, Lord Xavier has no difficulty ignoring the council when he believes it is best. Any foolish enough to cross him are met immediately with severe and extreme punishment, up to and including final death.

This entry is incomplete. More to follow.
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