Character(s) Guardian's Characters

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Character(s) Guardian's Characters


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~Guardian's Character Sheet~

Here I post my characters that will be used over time. Some will be updated, depending on updated story lines or changed layouts.
~~Lexus Everleigh~~

Name (& pronunciation): Lexus 'Lexi' Everleigh
Date of Birth (& age): March 2nd XXXX – Pisces [20 years old]
Place of Birth: The outskirts of a human village
Gender: Female
Species/Racial Origin: Half-Elf - Light
Social Class/Community Status: Working class - Maid
Language: Fluent English, Amateur Elvish

  • Mother: Unknown, Light Elf
  • Father: Ravi Everleigh, 47 years old, head chief in the lord's mansion, Human.

Physical Description

Height: 5'4
Weight: 112lbs
Hair: Platinum blond/White
Eyes: Velvety chocolate (Reddish dark brown)
Physical Appearance:
Work Clothing:
Casual Clothing:


Personality/Attitude: Following the traits of Pisces, Lexi is empathetic and always open to listening to those around her. In return, she is quiet and will hold a secret to the very end. Refusing to let out her own thoughts, Lexi is more likely to express herself through music than by her own words. However, her biggest flaw is letting her emotions overwhelm itself.
Skills/Talents: Playing the Vielle, cleaning and cooking.

Favourites/Likes: Drinking tea, the peace and quiet, being peoples ear to listen.
Most Hated/Dislikes: Sharing her personal thoughts, overly sweet food, feeling overly emotional and being pushed around by the other maids.
Goals/Ambitions: To earn enough money for her and her father to live freely.
Strengths: Listening, creative and hardworking
Weaknesses: Emotional, closed off and weak body.
Fears: People discovering her half-elf traits, judgement of her personal thoughts and losing her father.
Hobbies/Interests: Playing music, spending time in flower gardens, visiting the forest and learning more about Elves.
Regular Routine: Waking up at sunrise, sending meals to members of the Lord's family, cleaning, running errands into town, taking up other maids chores, spend the late night either exploring the garden or forest, then sleep at midnight.
Philosophy of Life:
"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" – William Shakespeare, Hamlet.
Attitude Toward Death: Has full fear of dying.
Religion/Beliefs: No religion
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: Trusting someone with her deepest thoughts
Sexual Preference: Straight
Education/Special Training: Maid training
Place/Type of Residence: Maids quarters in the Lord's mansion
Occupation: Maid
Place of Work: Lord's mansion
Work-related Skills: Cleaning and cooking
Past Occupations: Delivery girl for her father

~~Featured Roleplays~~

The Blood Lords Tast - Guardian X Pervy
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~~Talia Lockburn~~

Name (& pronunciation): Talia Lockburn
Date of Birth (& age): January 31st XXXX – Aquarius [17 years old]
Place of Birth: The house of Lockburn
Gender: Female
Species/Racial Origin: Human
Social Class/Community Status: Countess – Dame (female knight)
Language: Fluent English

  • Father: Count Erardo Lockburn, Royal Knight, 40
  • Mother: Countess Astrid Lockburn, Part of the social circle, 37
  • Friend: Prince Casimir 'Cas' Fen, Childhood friend, 18 - Character owned by notapotter

Physical Description

Height: 5'7
Weight: 127lbs
Hair: Hazelnut Brown
Eyes: Sky Blue
Physical Appearance:
Work Clothing:
Casual Clothing:


Personality/Attitude: Striking for the first blow, Talia will strive to become the best and prove that she will be the best. A storm awaiting at the battlefield, a fiery temper but a passionate drive to protect for her family and kingdom. Although she holds loyalty for her comrades, sometimes Talia cannot help but attack her problems head on alone. If you want to gain her friendship, you will have to test her blade first.
Skills/Talents: Swordsmanship, Strategy and debating
Favourites/Likes: Duelling with swords, fighting for causes, helping those in need, challenges and spicy food
Most Hated/Dislikes: Broken promises, being alone, boring situations, being told to act ladylike and tea
Goals/Ambitions: To become a true knight and take over the family name
Strengths: Sword fighting, independent, progressive and intelligent
Weaknesses: Temperamental, stubborn, runs from emotional expression and childish
Fears: Bugs, failing to become a knight, losing family and being helpless.
Hobbies/Interests: Collecting weapons, solving puzzles, spending time with friends and practicing duelling.
Regular Routine: Wake up at dawn, morning roll call, breakfast, training, guard post, lunch, duelling, strategy training, dinner, late night personal training and finally sleep.
Philosophy of Life:
"Loyalty to the country always. Loyalty to the government when it deserves it."– Mark Twain
Attitude Toward Death: Will die in honour
Religion/Beliefs: Christian
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: Confronting her parents about wanting to be a knight.
Sexual Preference: Straight
Education/Special Training: Training to become a lady (until she turned 10), knight training (since 10), nobility education
Place/Type of Residence: House of Lockburn
Occupation: Knight/Dame in training
Place of Work: Royal knights headquarters
Work-related Skills: Sword-fighting, strategy and loyal.
Past Occupations: None

~~Featured Roleplays~~

Knights and Castles - Guardian X notapotter
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~~Elvira Cassidy~~

Name (& pronunciation): Elvira Cassidy
Date of Birth (& age): November 23rd XXXX – Sagittarius [20 years old]
Place of Birth: Unknown
Gender: Female
Species/Racial Origin: Human
Social Class/Community Status: Mercenary - Cowgirl
Language: Fluent English

  • Father: Deceased
  • Mother: Deceased
  • Sister: Selina Cassidy, 25, high ranked Mercenary Cowgirl, Power - Moonlight hour
Physical Description

Height: 5'8
Weight: 134lbs
Hair: Strawberry Pink
Eyes: Electric blue
Physical Appearance:
Work Clothing:
Casual Clothing:

(Only type of outfit that she will wear)


Personality/Attitude: Often laid back and more interested in food. Elvira cares more about herself then other people's problems. If anyone wants to know her story, she will tell but ask why. Normally she will spend her days lounging about. However, when funds are low, she will look for a job to do. But don't expect her to let you tag along if you want a bullet to the head.
Skills/Talents: Hunters sight – See things at long distance, can see in the dark and aids in accuracy. Gunslinging, Quick at task-making and reading facial expressions
Favourites/Likes: Food, guns, money, freedom and being alone
Most Hated/Dislikes: Company, being told what to do, having things taken what is hers and dressing like a lady
Goals/Ambitions: Be out of the reach of the law to do whatever she wants
Strengths: Ambitious, Lucky, Moral, Optimistic and Open-Minded
Weaknesses: Gluttonous, Lazy, irresponsible, Blindly Optimistic and Tactless
Fears: Losing the freedom to make own choices, Low funds, and no food.
Hobbies/Interests: Food, money, guns, sleep, poetry and star-gazing
Regular Routine: Wake at noon, eats food, polish guns, visits the guild, eat more food, checks bounties, target practice, more food, take a nap, go home and go to bed.
Philosophy of Life:
'Whatever you want to do, do it now. There's only so many tomorrows." - Michael Landon
Attitude Toward Death: Fearless
Religion/Beliefs: Does money count as a religion?
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: Do you really want to know? It's not that important
Sexual Preference: Straight
Education/Special Training: Accuracy training, shooting gun.
Place/Type of Residence: Alone, at shack outside of town.
Occupation: Mercenary
Place of Work: Mercenary Guild
Work-related Skills: Efficient, determined, quick and hard-working
Past Occupations: Working at a saloon

~~Featured Roleplays~~
~~Felicity Monique~~

Name (& pronunciation): Felicity Monique
Date of Birth (& age): May 15th XXXX - Taurus [18 years old]
Place of Birth: The House of Monique
Gender: Female
Species/Racial Origin: Human
Social Class/Community Status: Marquess

Language: Fluent English

  • Father: Marquis Reinhold Monique
  • Mother: Marquess Celia Monique
  • Brother: Marquis Ivin Monique, Eldest, 24
  • Brother: Marquis Winton Monique, Second eldest, 21

Physical Description

Height: 5'6
Weight: 118 lbs
Hair: Hazelnut brown
Eyes: Dark blue
Physical Appearance:
Ball Clothing:
Casual Clothing:


Personality/Attitude: Always being seen wearing the latest style, Felicity refuses to leave her home without looking her best. Her outfit becoming her biggest weapon. Despite it all, she is usually calm and can be incredibly patient. Patient she maybe, it can aid her to her determination to complete a challenge that she set for herself.
Skills/Talents: Embroidery, dancing, fashion, and writing
Favourites/Likes: Money, clothing, the outside, social gatherings, and butterflies
Most Hated/Dislikes: Being sick, being stuck home, wearing boring clothing, irritating people and her protective family
Goals/Ambitions: Reach the top of the social circles
Strengths: Patient, lady-like, stylish, persuasive and level-minded
Weaknesses: Sickly body, greedy, unstylish clothing and stubborn
Fears: Becoming bedridden, having no money, rodents and storms.
Hobbies/Interests: Embroidery, creative writing, reading novels, shopping, and partying
Regular Routine: Wake up in the morning, served breakfast, take a bath, dress up, visit the city stores, go to a lunch party, return home, choose a hobby, dresses up, attends a party, goes home, takes a bath, then goes to bed
Philosophy of Life:
'Society exists only as a mental concept; in the real world there are only individuals' – Oscar Wilde
Attitude Toward Death: Paranoid and cautious
Religion/Beliefs: None
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: Getting into a serious accident
Sexual Preference: Straight
Education/Special Training: Nobility education for Ladies
Place/Type of Residence: The House of Monique
Occupation: None
Place of Work: N/A
Work-related Skills: N/A
Past Occupations: N/A
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