Guys! Look! Plots!

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Guys! Look! Plots!


Meticulous Laughter
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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If you've rp'ed with me before, you'd know that I almost never have any ideas for plots. Ever. But when I do, they turn out to be flipping great, and it makes me want to do all of them at once (which yes, I know can be hectic). I like having several different stories going on so I can get different feels. Such as, if one story is really dark, it warms my little heart when I get to read or reply to one that makes me feel all fuzzy. :3 Well, I'm just rambling right now. Without further ado, here are some of my plots, some I tried to get started before but they poofed! D;

Reversing Polarity


Year 2998 is a strange year. Technology has advanced so quickly that the human race no longer have any idea what they're doing anymore. The only thing running through their brains is "Simplify. Simplify. Simplify." Do less and make everything else do much more. Pat always thought that was a horrible thing. Growing up in a home with a father who never left his virtual offices, Pat was forced to live the life of a 'Techy.' There was no such thing as school. Chips were installed in your head for knowledge at birth. However, Pat barely survived birth, so there was no way that she could have a chip installed in her state. Now she had to live life watching everyone work like mindless zombies, obeying and completing every task that the Knowledge N5 chips have given all of the Human race.

Just as Pat was beginning to adjust to Earth 2998, she witnessed a gang of humans killing other humans, gorging needles through their skulls and removing their knowledge chips. Essentially, the removal of the chip also removes the cerebral cortex in the brain, rendering the person brain dead. To decrease the body count, the Killing Humans have replaced the N5 chips with the chips of a Working Bot (robots that do tedious tasks). Pat decides to flee the city, but there is only one problem: she knows absolutely nothing about the Earth at all due to her lack of an N5 chip. With no other choice than to stay, Pat stays low, avoiding civilization if at all possible, hoping and wishing that someone with an N5 chip could stop for one second to notice that the world is falling.

Genre: Sci-Fi
Sub-genre: Suspense/Action/Gore/Romance
Other Notes: Oddly enough, I totally wanna play Pat. I'm actually looking for a male partner on this one: The person she finds that helps her learn about the Earth and try to find a way to save everyone from killing each other. I've also never done Sci-Fi before, but hey. Gotta start somewhere?

I Remember You


Yurai Konahei was killed, but that's not where his story started. Yurai was an everyday do gooder. He lived by his Mom's rules. He loved his little sister Annice like crazy. He went to school everyday and always gave time to his closest friends. He was never the guy for cigarettes and drinking and that thing. His grades weren't the best, but this was his second year. Oh, and he was a great guitar player. He was the perfect guy! Until he got shot.Then everything changed. Yurai Konahei died on April 5th at 5:22AM in Mikashi City Hospital. 17 minutes later, he woke up as a completely different person. Same appearance, same clothes. The odd thing is, however, the doctors could not see him. All they saw was a dead body lying on the bed next to a flat line screen. Yurai stood erect and said absolutely nothing.

Now, Mikashi City was grieving the lost of good ole' Yurai Konahei, while the blank, ghost-like version of himself still roamed. His mother or sister couldn't see him. No one could see him. But, oddly enough, a blind girl and a classmate of his could clearly hear him cursing away inside of a movie theater, whereas no one else could hear a thing he said. Now, Yurai is determined to find out why she, out of everyone on the planet, could notice him. And she is trying to figure out why she can see clearer when he is around.

Genre: Modern
Sub-genre: Supernatural/Romance
Other Notes: I can actually play either one on this one. I do understand that it's hard to rp as someone blind, but that'd be a heck of a challenge, wouldn't it? Plus, the girl would be able to see when Yurai is around! Cute! I guess you can call this a Slice of Life as well. Er, technically, seeing as though he's not really alive, per sa-- Ah, whatever you get it.

The Right to an Attorney


Flynn Erving has been charged for the rape and murder of 38 year old Ylonda Tent on March 6th, 2011. Several articles of evidence were found at the crime scene, the most important ones being: a stud from his belt, several follicles of his hair, and his shirt, coated with the blood of Miss Tent. The cop on duty found Erving at his home, sprawled out on the couch with half a bottle of Morgan in his hand before being whisked off to the homicide department.

Though he is 'innocent until proven guilty', the judge said that there ins enough evidence against Erving to put him away for a long time. However, Attorney Miles Parker stands up in Flynn Erving's defense, saying that there had been rumors spread that the reason Erving's things were found at the crime scene of Miss Tent's home was because they were once lovers. The judge, still weighing the choices in his head came up with a decision:

Until further notice, Flynn Erving will reside with Attorney Miles Parker on house arrest until the trials continue and until he is proven innocent. Though Erving would rather be thrown in jail than residing in the home of a 63 year old man, when Attorney Parker suddenly gets a stroke and is hospitalized, the irresponsibility falls on his second Attorney, a woman by the name of Jada Becken.

The bad thing? Jada Becken wants Flynn Erving behind bars as much as anyone else, for Ylonda Tent was her best friend.

Genre: Modern
Sub-genre: Murder/Suspense/Sexyfuntime
Other Notes: Basically, I play Jada! A woman forced to harbor a 'criminal' in her home until the trial ends. Hehehe...



Remember The Black Plague? Well, it's back, but it is not the way it was 100 of years ago. In 2021, reports of a genetics lab in the Northen state of Maine conducted in an experience which took a turn for the worst. At first, the casualty of scientist Dr. Orvin Pellard was thought to be a side effect of being so near the waste when the accident happened. Not even three days following his death did two more scientist fall of the same sickness, the same disease. It wasn't a pretty way to go, either. The odorless, sightless gas seeps right into the pores of anyone who was in a 20 foot radius of the infected. First, the skin underneath the epidermis sizzles to a dangerous, fever like heat, until eventually, the blood stream literally begins to boil and the body slowly cooks from the inside, leaving a vessel of a violet human on the outside and the ashes of organs and soot on the inside. The death is not quick, it is not silent, and as far as the world knows, it is not curable. The closer they were to the gas, the quicker the death. Some could have been infected but don't show signs of dying until weeks later. Any moment could be anyone's last.

During the mass quarentine of 77% of the North-Eastern slab of the continent, ther have been reports floating that a couple of the sicentist were exposed to another element in their confidental lab that has rendered them compltely okay against the effects of the gas. They call these scientist the Counteragenta, those who are the only hope of finding any sort of panacea to North America's problems. In order to extract exactly what bypasses the effects of the plague, the Counteragents need to be exsanguinated, meaning completely drained of blood. In simpler terms: killed for science. And even then, no one knows if the "blood theory" will help.

Of the Counteragents, only five have been known to still be alive and perusing the northern states as normal civilians, taking every precaution against a plague that doesn't effect. The only reason being is because a handful of Counteragents believe they can concot a cure without having to be killed. The government doesn't want to waste time with their theories, so now these Counteragents are in hiding, desperately trying to return to their equipment in the labs of Maine to help save the world without sacrificing their own lives.

Genre: Modern? Sci-Fi? I don't really know.
Sub-Genre: Gore/Suspense
Other Notes: This one can go one of two ways. Either two Counteragents who've worked together to try to find the cure themselves while also being hunted by the government, two Counteragents who haven't worked together but never liked one another are forced to find the cure while being hunted by the government, or a Counteragent teams up with a normal person who is trying to help the Counteragent find the cure as quickly as possible for they fear that they are next to be infected since they lived so close to the leak. Whatever. We can think about it as we go along!

Listen Up 101!


Miiko Mihashi is failing. Horribly. There is just so much going on with her father's illness getting worse, a lack of a mother since she passed at an early age, and her little brother Takeji is messing around with the wrong crowd. Not too mention her best friend Sada, who is way too popular for her own good, is bothering her about boyfriends, proms, and all kinds of stuff. To top it all off, Miiko just took a job at the local Sugar Shop! Now her grades are just now creeping up to her with graduation zipping right around the corner!

Her teacher pulled her out of class to tell her that if she didn't find a tutor and find one quick, they would be forced to send her to summer courses at a school which is way too far from home for her to take! Her dad is still ill and if she ever left Takeji unchecked...

Just when she thinks her life is going to implode on itsself, she (quite literally) stumbles into Sada's boyfriend, Konoye Yoshida, also one of the most popular boys in the class. The stumble leaves her phone cracked and her heart cracked even deeper since her life is nothing but a shattered mess anyway. Konoye decides to do Miiko a favor of paying for the screen recovery, but in the midst of grabbing her things, he catches the grades and laughs at her. Full on, full faced, laughed. It was then that Miiko hated him and then that she discovered, with the way he blatantly pointed out all of her mistakes, that Konoye Yoshida was a genius.

The next day, her teacher returns to her with news of who her new tutor is to be: Good ole' Konoye. The only bad thing is (apart from HATING HIM), Konoye wants no one to know of his intellect, so all of their lessons are going to be private and despised until Miiko's grades rise.

Genre: Slice-of-Life
Sub-Genres: Romance/School Life
Other Notes: I want this to be like a cheesy, manga/anime cutesy-bootsy sorta thing! x3 I can play either one of these people! Love triangles are fun!
Annnnnnnnnnd, there ya have it! If the rp get's taken, I will indicate it by editing this post and also PM'ing you if need be! Can't wait, guys! 8D
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Bumpy bump! ^.^ I'm still looking for partners!
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