Gynoid sisters Merit and Revere

Currently reading:
Gynoid sisters Merit and Revere


assblaster 5000
Local time
Today 9:37 AM
I really love sci-fi and I've made two new characters, they're androids (gynoids are just the term that means an android with a female appearance) they possess 100% functioning AI and work for a genius princess, also their creator, which I don't have any information for but she won't be in this, so it's cool lol.

Your character could be an explorer or a messenger, a thief, a mercenary. Merit is the first to greet you with enthusiasm and Revere would come in and say something about not bothering the foreigner. They'll tell you the princess is busy, but they are more than happy to assist you.

I just really would like to flesh out their personalities. I'm not really wanting to go anywhere, in particular, we can take it where it may go.

I like paragraph style roleplays, doesn't have to match my length but at least give me things to work with < 3

I have a drawing of Merit and Revere if you'd like to see.
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