MxM Hear me out

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MxM Hear me out

Ruby Waters

Local time
Today 9:12 PM
Okay so hear me out on this one, its kind of weird but because of that I thought it deserved its own thread.

Need to know
~So this idea came to me while I'm past my bed time. Yes I know that sounds silly, however I set a time to sleep for myself or else I'll stay up the whole day. Not the point.
~This idea needs work and collaboration, I don't want a partner who is going to let me run everything. Things regarding story plot should be 50/50%.
~I may become a little picky about who I chose because I really really want to do this idea.​

~ No one liners. Never ever! I like meaty paragraphs with lots of quality, but that said I understand certain scenes call for different lengths. So do what is appropriate for the current scene post. I also don't need a novel each and every time, so just give your best and I will always give mine.
~ CS are very important to me. They help me build good character dynamics, and they help prevent me from forgetting small facts XD
~OOC chat is important to me as well, we don't need to get personal but I do need communication on active times and on plot development and other such what-nots.
~ Smut. It is never going to be my main focus and I like a relationship built first. However with this plot I have in mind I feel like it could be a greater portion than I normally do. 'Round 'bouts 30%/70%- smut to plot.​

So I was very Inspired while I was relaxing myself listening to some of my favorite songs. So if you're not a music or a musical person I'd suggest you read no further, haha sorry.
SO there have been times when I listen to this song and hear some underlined tones, but when I was listening to this song the last time I could picture this whole story and now I want to try writing it out with someone.​


Character A is someone from a prestigious family, possibly a family very strict and religious one. He's in his early twenties, and has always hid who he is, but lies to himself to make himself feel happy.Ahides that he is gay. Then comes along character B, an older gentleman, who sees through Ain an instant and takes great interest in him. After some time getting to know one another a little Btries to convinceAto 'Come to the other side', lol , the other side being part of the crowd that is very open about their sexuality.

But that's only part of everything. Before I get into setting, I feel like so much can be added to the plot in all sorts of ways. The main thing being the tackling of society's judgements. But all sorts of drama could be splashed in as well, slice of life, tragic up-bringing. Literally anything.

I also imagine this story build could be placed anywhere.
~Maybe its a modern piece? Were they meet at a bar whereAis trying to explore his hidden self?
~Maybe its a historical piece? Set in the early 1900's or maybe even before that. It would be much less accepting of male on male relationships, having cause to add more drama to the plot.
~Maybe we throw them in a fantasy realm? Where it can not only be the other side of hetero relationships but maybe a completely different tone as well. {Something like humans and other races don't get along and are sperate, butB has a group of some of the unaccepted members of society and is trying to get Ato come along?+ the homo sides as well XD}

It could go in any direction, and I'd love to chat and build on this underlining idea.

Ideally I'd like to play A, andBhas to be older but doesn't have to be crazy old. But I am always willing to play which ever role granted that the story is good enough.

I know this idea is insane and needs a lot of work, but I think it could be something very fun.
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